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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    The world is in awe of USA economic recovery and taming the inflation World is awe of the management of Covid and the vaccination success. In awe of the leadership of USA in leading the allies against the tyrannical Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and standing up against China. Yes Biden should carry on for another 4 years 

    yeah right,you live in dream land no body outside of the US is in 'awe' of the US, that is your whole problem,. you are the most propagandised country on the planet 5% of you have passports, your corrupted media tells you 1 one thing and you are in an echo bubble, when the truth is the rest of the world hates the US


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  2. 20 minutes ago, Woof999 said:


    If immigration is the #1 priority for GOP then why did they kill the new immigration bill (that they themselves championed) last month on the orders of Trump?


    Trump has admitted that he wants to see the US fall to it's knees before the next election and will do everything he can to make it happen. Is this the Patriot you champion?

    where is that quote? 

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Fact checking was not necessary decades ago. While it was common for politicians to exaggerate their position, not many resorted to outright lies.

    Trump's scrutiny is self-inflicted, no-one lies with the frequency and falsity he manages to achieve. When he gets caught out in a lie, he responds with an ad hominem attack.

    That may work well for him on the campaign trial. It doesn't seem to be getting much traction in the courts, and he knows it.

    What innocent person constantly seeks adjournments and delays?

    yeah right, that is an outrageous claim, so no politician or anyone in an influential position has lied before..... what planet are you on.

    shame those fact checkers weren't around during Iraq WMDS LIES, oh hang on, wasn't the fact checking guy found dead in the English country side!

  4. 11 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    So this is the type of "leader" that you would want to lead the USA in the future?? This dumbo has difficulty stringing meaningful sentences together, wanders off script at a tangent and cannot help himself when denigrating others (much the same as he did with Senator John McCain). Other leaders see him as an idiot, apart from the usual suspects, and this clip from the New Zealand Herald is on the button........ 


    "Former President Donald Trump, at a weekend event ostensibly meant to boost his preferred candidate in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary race, gave a freewheeling speech in which he used dehumanising language to describe immigrants, maintained a steady stream of insults and vulgarities and predicted that the United States would never have another election if he did not win in November".

    "While discussing the US economy and its auto industry, Trump promised to place tariffs on cars manufactured abroad if he won in November. He added: “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country”.

    The former president opened his speech by praising the people serving sentences in connection with the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol. Trump, who faces criminal charges tied to his efforts to overturn his election loss, called them “hostages” and “unbelievable patriots”, commended their spirit and vowed to help them if elected in November. He also repeated his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, which have been discredited by a mountain of evidence.

    Trump issued vulgar and derogatory remarks about a number of Democrats, including ones he often targets, like Biden and Fani Willis, the Atlanta prosecutor overseeing his criminal case in Georgia, as well as those widely viewed as prospective future presidential candidates, such as Governor Gavin Newsom of California and Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois.

    Trump called Biden a “stupid president” several times and at one point referred to him as a “dumb son of a — " before trailing off. He also compared Willis’ first name to a vulgarity, called Newsom “Gavin New-scum” and took jabs at Pritzker’s physical appearance.



     Definitely an educated and high-class leader, yeah right!!, or more like someone who is as dumb as a bag of rocks and favours the poorly educated as supporters. The man should be locked away, not just because he's an idiot, but because he is driving a wedge through America. AND he also repeated his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, which have been discredited by a mountain of evidence. Just how stupid can he get?

    for someone that has had enough and was leaving this site you seem to be posting quite often, in fact, more than prior to you announcement!

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    IIRC Trump averaged 21 lies a day during his presidency, according to analysts and fact checkers.

    He is also losing the plot more frequently in his campaign speeches.

    I can see my use of a Latin expression went straight through to the wicketkeeper.

    i wonder, were the same scrutiny and frenzied fact checks done for others ..... i don't think so. don't forget Biden had 47yrs political career, this can be 'fact checked' if necessary, same for Killton and the rest, it's all online somewhere.


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  6. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    Good morning Franky, No, you're wrong, I am nowhere near the age of Biden, and your assumption just shows you have nowhere else to go but imply daft innuendoes.


    Replying to you is just like thinking about mowing the lawn or not, I don't like mowing the lawn......:ermm:

    well, if you went to school in the 60's then you ain't far behind.... you posts would suggest cognitive decline!!😏


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  7. 2 hours ago, LosLobo said:


    It’s intriguing to note that despite frequent criticisms of CNN as a reliable source by Maga World, it is referenced when the narrative aligns with your views.

    This brings to mind cognitive dissonance, a phenomenon often triggered by new information that contradicts established beliefs.

    The selective interpretation of information is evident in the discussion of Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ statement. CNN clearly states, ‘Trump warns of a “bloodbath” for the auto industry and country if he loses the election.’ My initial post raised concerns about the potential consequences of such ambiguous political statements and their varied interpretations.

    I did not demean anyone in my original post. I highlighted that ambiguous statements might be challenging for those with literacy difficulties, while others might willfully overlook the obvious, hence the proverb, ‘there are none so blind as those who will not see,’ and its definition to underscore my point about intentional ignorance.

    If you choose to identify with the terms ‘stupid’ and ‘brainless,’ which were your words, not mine, that is your prerogative.

    However, the ad hominem attack suggesting I have ‘way more issues than any Trump supporter’ lacks substantive argumentation. As a Trump supporter could you elaborate on your ‘issues’?

    Furthermore, the tu quoque logical fallacy ‘pot calling the kettle black’ accusation serves as a diversion rather than addressing the core points of the debate.

    I advocate for transparent, straightforward discussions that promote understanding, respect for differing opinions, and intellectual enrichment.

    Trump warns of ‘bloodbath’ for auto industry and country if he loses the election | CNN Politics

    yeah, the link was highlighting that one the most bias of outlets, that edits and misreports Trump frequently even put this in the right context.

    i didn't for one second think he meant anything other than disaster for the Auto industry, and in the context of the speech i doubt many that watched it did either,
    it's you guys and the willful misreporting of what was said by the fake news outlets that are trying spin it into something it's not, in desperation to attack Trump by any means possible!!
    ‘stupid’ and ‘brainless,’...well give as good as you get!!, if you browse these Trump/Biden threads you will see what side starts the name calling first.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I wish you guys would make up your minds (sic), either Biden has lied or he has dementia, you can't have both.

    Trump killed a couple of hundred thousand Americans during COVID, by lying about it from the get go. Then holding rallies which helped spread it, without masks.


    You can't figure out how to turn off bold, or resize your font? Try looking at the field above the text panel. Highlight your text, then change on each symbol.

    you can have both, he lies quite often and had has been caught out, there is also the clear video footage of his gaffs. so yeah, a liar with dementia .

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  9. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    I'd like to understand what you are saying. I cannot. What has putting my life on the line got to do with anything on this thread?

    Is it sensible to disrespect the military who have protected you? Or your security detail?

    I'll wager some of the people sworn to  protect Trump would cheerfully shoot him, given any excuse to do so.

    I suppose you think Trump stiffing contractors for cents on the dollar is sensible too.

    IMO if Trump loses, there will be a bloodbath when the National Guard puts down any attempted sedition by Trump's more deranged supporters. They got off lightly last time.

    just listen to yourself...you live in fantasy land. Tumps security really want to kill him, NG will kill trump supporters.....i really think you need to see a Dr. 
    you said bone spurs, referring to Trump dodging nam..... so the rest is on point, good on him for not putting his life on the line for some politicians lies or ego!! F**K US and their warmongering, biggest cancer on the planet!!

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    2 hours ago, Tug said:

    If we are honest…….hummm……..sure let’s just take a look see we have trump insuniating there will be a blood bath if he’s not elected then we have the Biden administration.under this administration we have the strongest economy on the planet,have passed meaningful legislation that moves America forward to the future revitalized nato (obviously nessary)taking steps to protect the environment……I could easily go on and on but I have things to do…….yes Biden is an elderly man,perhaps his age and wisdom are just what’s needed he’s certainly making positive progress your comparison as to rather having 2 blood thirsty killers is straight up childish in my opinion.( polite language alert!)

    you guy are alway posting link to prove you case, but i dont see many being posted now.

    If we are honest…….hummm……..sure let’s just take a look see we have trump insuniating there will be a blood bath if he’s not elected


    do you know this was not said in the context you have just quoted it or are you suffering from a total TDS breakdown....? practically every MSM outlet has quoted it properly, yet you are still, 8 pages and numerous links later, misquoting it.

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  11. 5 hours ago, LosLobo said:

    Trump's statement that if he loses the election there will be a 'bloodbath' in the country, was quite literal and clear in its meaning.


    Although for Maga World ambiguity was the playbook to invoke 'plausible deniability' as done for 'Proud Boys, stand back and stand by', 'very fine people on both sides, and 'to only be a dictator on day one' etc.


    For the literacy challenged this is understandable but for the others...'there are none so blind as those who will not see', or the most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. 

    are you serious? so even cnn have quoted him as saying 'a bloodbath for the auto industry' yet you are still maintaining he meant violence in the country? and you have the audacity to berate trumpers and say they are stupid and brainless..... pot, kettle, black is the cap you should wear. you really have way more issues that any trump supporter

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    6 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Social media on speed, my feed is full of Trump propaganda, and no matter preferences and restrictions, there is no way to escape it! 


    So not so surprised many easy manipulated get affected. 


    If you vote Trump, it is either you are ignorant enough to believe his propaganda,  or ,,,,,, well nuff said

    ok, but can you not agree that many here are commenting on this thread, despite it not being factually accurate, they are still maintaining the same stance even when shown its been taken out of context?

     you say things like... 'If you vote Trump, it is either you are ignorant enough to believe his propaganda,  or ,,,,,, well nuff said' hypocrisy . com no? you are literally believing 'propaganda' ,because what was implied in the title of this thread is not what was said

    do you actually believe trump was calling for violence?

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  13. 6 hours ago, transam said:

    So what, The Queen of England was much older and still competent with her duties.


    There is 4 years difference in age between McTrump and Biden, yet you focus on Biden's age, because you got nothing else..................:cowboy:

    you muct be similar age to Biden, you certainly seem to have the same decline going on by your posts!

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  14. 7 hours ago, sirineou said:


    The thread is about what trump  said .  It is not about both of them. It could had said "there would be a bloodbath if trump loses in the general election"  and it would had made no difference to this thread.


    I grow tired of this dance . you can solo. The floor is all yours.

    actually it's not, because if you bother to watch a clip of what was said this thread you will see this thread is misleading. he might have said the word, but it was not in the context implied here.

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  15. 7 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    For once I actually agree with trump.


    1) He will lose to Biden


    2) Like in 2021, trump will call his goobers to DC for the certification, will try to get a permit to hold a rally (Likely Mayor Bowser will deny it), and will encourage his goobers to go attack police and the Capitol again.


    The difference this time is the National Guard will be called in to deal with the terrorists, and it's possible some Liberal Kyle Rittenhouse types will show up with their AR-15s to "help the police".


    Expect thousands of trumpian terrorists to be Babbittized.


    trump will then face whatever court dates he delayed, likely be convicted and sentenced to jail, where he will spend the rest of his miserable life.

    so dispite rittenhouse being cleared of wrong doing,do you think he was in the wrong? i have watched the video clips i full, so interested to hear your thoughts on the matter..

    i just re-read you post and saw 'babbitised'.... humm, i think that pretty much shows you for what you are... why not join blm or antifa, they are your type of crew.

    are you the one that claims to be some secret agent spook here ?


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  16. 7 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Trump said what he said, He is the master of the dog whistle. 

    Are you now telling me that he is too stupid to know how of the same people that stormed the capital would take it? Or are you tell me that he is not stupid but just irresponsible? 

    I am afraid these are the only three options . Dog whistle. to stupid to know, and irresponsible.

    Please make your choice I'll wait. 

    none of the above, you are so deluded by trump that you make up things that havent happened, , i watched what was said and at no point did i think it was a call for violence. you have TDS big time, and i think it's brought on by watching and reading msm too much, you have been brainwashed into think trump is hitler. 

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  17. 8 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    There's a quote from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series which applies to Trump's rhetoric.


    " Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".


    As a card-carrying coward ( bone spurs ) Trump would never use it himself, he'd be quite happy for ignorant people to carry his water for him.

    IMO if Trump was elected, the promised pardons for the January 6 rioters would only be given to those who could pay.

    bone spurs..yawn, so you'd put you life on the line for a politician because they lied about something? because thats how nam was and the wars that followed. i would not call it cowardly to not participate, i'd call it sensible!!

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