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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 33 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Got it, if it doesn't sit right with your narrative question the report, even with the fact that Russia has already had to recruit from Syria and other countries

    no, just believe everything you read with out hesitation.! why would you not seek to double check the information you are given?
    how many times have the western media been proved wrong or to be lying during this war?

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  2. 41 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    The phrase "Bloodbath" was carefully selected by those who wrote his speech ,They are not as stupid as trump's followers. And neither are we, 

    It is a dog whistle phrase  , a thinly veiled propaganda device threat, designed for plausible deniability.

    trump does it all the time. 


    you've seen the dictionary definitions for bloodbath right posted here already right? yet you still refusing to accept it

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Those are carefully chosen violent words to change the way that his supporters see violence, making it into something necessary and morally righteous. He had been using vile languages in speeches after speeches echoing authoritarian leaders. Speeches full of dehumanizing rhetoric, threats, name calling, retribution, revenge, lies and incendiary incitements. It is a pattern that we all can clearly see that he meant every word he said and bloodbath if he lose the election is exactly what he meant as he brainwash his followers to shift his violent words into something positive. He has psychopathic traits and will care less about his followers getting hurt if violence erupt. 

    hahaha, still holding on the the 'bloodbath' thing, despite being offered dictionary references, every other media channel showing the context. half the pages here proving otherwise.... and you have the gaul to say "as he brainwash his followers"

    you need to see a counsellor ! hahahah

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  4. Just now, LosLobo said:

    The idiom 'to shoot oneself in the foot' comes to mind....

    This screen shot is from a video that appeared on opening your link.

    The message on the banner directed at Fox News from reliable source Jefferson is quite explicit, accordingly I never proceeded to play the video.




    well, there is your problem to start with, refusing to watch, read or listen to something.

    personally i don't watch fox for my news, but i did see this, and it highlights what the left media says and explains why you guys get hysterical over Trump, 

    read what i wrote, check it from  the 5-9 minute mark, i don't care about the rest, although there is an interested clip of Pelosi near the beginning basically admitting how the Dems smear campaigns work!

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  5. 21 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    I agree. I can't see why anyone would get 'frothy at the mouth.' I mean it's only in regard to things he actually says and does. How terribly unreasonable.   


    I'll give the same question to you as did to ol' G_Money. What do you think Trump meant when he said 'undocumented migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease.” or when he said '“We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country' 


    Do you agree with these statements? Do you think they are being misinterpreted? 

    poisoning the blood of our country...not sure,  i haven't sat down and watched the full thing yet..(have you) but at a guerss the criminal element that is entering and then mixing with the population.

    people coming in with disease..well, think back to covid, remember that bothered you so much, blamed Trump for all those deaths and his 'slack' response.... although not plastered over the news now, covid is still out there, have those entering been vacced? so who's to say another more deadly variant of covid couldn't be brought in someone entering illegally? you'd be quick to blame if it were Trumpo in charge..and did
    '“We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country... thats self explanatory surely. route out those breaking the law, rioting, like those BLM, antifia, etc,


    what is your interpretation? from your posts i am going to assume something similar to whats said in the section of video i highlighted above.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gandtee said:

    Perhaps all visitors to Thailand should be warned that pointing the foot at someone in Thailand is strictly no no. To kick someone is the ultimate. But then the Thais do it all the time. Kick someone I mean, but not point with the foot. And if the visitor sees shoes outside a premises, take their shoes off before entering and make sure you choose a good pair on leaving.😄 

    back in the day we used to read the lonely planet, it told you the 'do's & don't's when in Thailand, and some cultural things, shame the FB generation don't read these things


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  7. 2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Thanks entirely to Trump who decided against ALL military advice to pull out to benefit the Christian nationalist fundamentalist brother of Trumps education secretary. Trump literally handed Biden a poisoned chalice by ordering the withdrawal. Gen Milley said he was "shocked". Had he not done so the US would have bases right on Iran's doorstep right now. The far right just can't face facts.


    Trumps order for withdrawal at all was an unmitigated disaster and dishonored the deaths of thousands of troops who died in vain just to boost Trumps cronies and major donors.


    so the whole 20yr wasn't a disaster in the first place, just the trumps order, that Biden could have cancelled if he so wished.

    hang on, do i bring up something from WW11 now?

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  8. 31 minutes ago, illisdean said:

    Here's Biden threatening "bloodshed"....Biden is not only mentally unfit, he seems focused on bloodshed in the primaries back in 2020.


    Biden warns of primary bloodshed


    Biden warns Bernie

     'Sanders sharpening his attacks'  if i used TDS logic i would spin that in to Sanders was planning to stab his opponents...it says it clearly!!😎

    the ol' liberal left don't seem to take things literally and scream hysterically as they do  when the orange man says something!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Anybody with an intent to speak concidesy (Yes, I know) would have said a "bloodbath for the industry" and not a "bloodbath for the country". Forgive us for taking him at his word. Why hasn't Trump bothered to clarify his comments? I think we know the answer to that question. It's now left to the apologists to clean up aisle 3.

    why should he clarify it? it might be different had the entire MSM media misunderstood, but the fact 99% didn't it would suggest the 1% want it to mean something else.

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  10. 27 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    My original post CLEARLY stated that I understood he was talking about the automotive industry but my point is using the word 'bloodbath' is just stupid, clumsy and unneccessarily incendiary. If you are going to say 'Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it.", then people are going to immediately think he is talking about bloodbath in the context of - Bloodbath : (NOUN) indiscriminate slaughter; a massacre. Yes there is an alternative meaning for it, sometimes used when refering to financial disasters and the likes but if that's what he really meant then why not just say 'It's going to be a bloodbath for the car industry', why even bring 'country' into it?


    The mental gynastics you guys are trying to use to (yet again) excuse what Trump says happens all the time. You did it when in the run-up to January 6th he said 'Be there, will be wild!” and '“WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!” and on the actual day itself ''If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'  and that's not even getting to the times before and when he was POTUS.   


    Words matter and if you are trying to be the next POTUS you should be choosing them far more carefully than this.  

    the mental gymnastics us guys are doing..are you for real.??... you are literally trying to change the meaning of something that has been said even though it is blatantly obvious to 99% of people, you are of the 1% that is trying to spin it when the facts prove you wrong.

    do you disagree with all the MSM that have put it in the correct context?

    • Thanks 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Hardly suprising for an elderly man to miss a step and stumbled. I am sure you had that experience. Trump had a number of missteps too. Let's called this even and not to raise this up again. 

    ahh, so give him a pass because he's elderly.. his white house spokeswoman claimes he is fit as a fifddle,no signs of aging..or words to that effect, you can't have i both ways.....  Trump hasn't fallen up and steps or off the stage, side by side trumps has all his faculties,  lets compare gaffs by the pair of them..... i will wager Biden has more, or lets put them on the debate stage, with a non bias moderator.... but yes, off topic so can leave it. 

    P.S Biden has over 30yrs on me, only stumbling i do is Chang related!

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