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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 36 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Perhaps?  Is your grasp of history so weak that you don't know?


    Stalin allied himself with Hitler because it furthered both men's goals of imperial expansion.


    Ukraine accepted Azov fighters because their country was invaded, for the purpose of imperial expansion, and it needed whatever men it could find who would fight the Russians.


    Most people understand that.  Most people understand that it does not justify Russians war to expand its empire.

    my response was due to lack of interest 

    • Haha 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    No I haven't, your Nazi cr@p is to protect your leader, the killer of his neighbours people, Hitler MKII, he is the nearest you're going to get to the word, Nazi...

    Whacky baccy, what on earth are you talking about now....🤔


    Ooooh, you are sitting there puffing on dope, I might have guessed.............😂

    you were given quotes and links...even MSM used to call Azov that, until 2020.., feel free to go and check for yourself.

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  3. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    Near every country has a far-right group, even my own, never heard one calling themselves Nazi, but getting back on topic, Putin's "Nazi" clear out is just a smoke screen for land grab and YOU are making excuses for it, but I guess you are a Putin fanboy.......:ermm: 


    1 minute ago, transam said:

    Near every country has a far-right group, even my own, never heard one calling themselves Nazi, but getting back on topic, Putin's "Nazi" clear out is just a smoke screen for land grab and YOU are making excuses for it, but I guess you are a Putin fanboy.......:ermm: 

    you have been given links and quotes and proved wrong...oh, so lets get back on topic now eh!!
    . anyone that calls cannabis 'whacky baccy' in this day and age has no credibility.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, transam said:

    You can't answer me then. I am not surprised, you have nowhere to go on the subject....:clap2:

    do you need to hear a specific individual saying 'yes i am a nazi' ?

    they are a far right 'neo nazi' group, pretty self explanatory really, sporting nazi insignia... no, i guess they are just a group of substitute school teachers!


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  5. 4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The only world leader wanted for kidnapping 1000's of children you mean

    oh, thats a new one to add to evil Putins list... haha, 


    26 minutes ago, transam said:

    That is no answer, do the folk in Ukraine you call neo Nazi refer to themselves as Nazi....


    Yes or No will do..........🥴

    nah, they just use nazi symbols for the craic!!!


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  6. 50 minutes ago, transam said:

    Nothing to do with Nazi's, that is just a name of a German Party. Putin just wants to clear the way for his continuous reign, with land grab intensions, using his communist thoughts, that he cannot shake off.


    Did you miss the mysterious deaths of a zillion wealth Russians, and of course the death of the favourite future Russian leader.....🤔



    so,  the neo nazis in Ukraine are ok, they're just using the name? 

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  7. 49 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    Just because we don't like Trump doesn't mean we like Biden. Both have flaws. But Trump supporters are unable to be critical of their cult leader.

    i can, like what he does IN the US, close the border, trying to bring back manufacturing, and how he calls out the fake news, corrupt Dems, Killery clinton, and best of all, winds all you guys up.
    I don't like his stance on Israel, Iran, Russian gas to EU, and muricas foreign policies in general..

    • Thanks 2
  8. 52 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Or this:


    Global COVID vaccination saved 2.4 million lives in first 8 months, study estimates

    November 1, 2023


    The COVID-19 vaccination campaign in 141 countries averted 2.4 million excess deaths by August 2021 and would have saved another 670,000 more lives had vaccines been distributed equitably, estimates a working paper from University of Southern California (USC) and Brown University researchers.


    "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that estimates the effect of COVID-19 vaccines on the global all-cause mortality using observational data. Second, unlike existing studies, this study considers the waning effect of vaccines instead of assuming a constant effectiveness of vaccines over time."


    The averted deaths were economically valued at $6.5 trillion, roughly equivalent to 9% of the combined gross domestic product (GDP) of the 141 countries.








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