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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 45 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    I am refering to moral judgement of Putin's egregious and abhorent human characteristics. You went off tangent. Surely you can't support his atrocities that he discriminately and disproportionately bombed and shelled civilians and ignored the Geneva convention obligations to only focus on combatants. His involvement in widespread and systematic international crimes and accusations that he ordered the poisoning of Russian dissidents and now the mysterious death of Alex Navalny in his custody. What is your moral standing on this. 

    i don't follow western hypocritical propaganda like you do. 
    there is no evidence to prove what you claim, they are, as you say 'accusations'. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    Do you live vicariously through putin's targeted bombing of schools, hospitals and shelters? Blown up babies give you a woody?


    Says lots about your lack of morality.

    you've heard of manufactured consent right?

    you swallow up that propaganda...i expect you believed the babies in incubators and wmd's, how about thew 40 beheaded babies just the other month or so?

    he you ever stopped to consider why all these so called evil dictaors over the years always targeting schools, children & babies.... derp derp!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Your sense of moral judgement has vacated your better self because of blind loyalty to Trump who admire Putin. 

    I supported Putin long before Trump. i've been anti US bullying and wars for oil my adult life. I used to watch the bbc & some msm news channels until moving to Thailand and having access to  RT, Aljazera and various 'non western outlets', certainly showed things in an entirely different light. (imagine the outcry about 'press freedoms/journalism' had Putin banned bbc etc etc from the airwaves like US,UK, France did to RT)
    Also my moral judgement is perfectly fine, it's just not the same as yours. what people like you do is try to label everyone as  rightwing MAGA because their views are different, i like Trump for various reasons, A, the fact he beat that lying ol bag Clinton, even after she cheated Bernie out. B, how he gets under the skin of people like yourself who generally seem to froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name. 
    i know full well if it were Trumps political opponent getting attacked from every angle like he is you'd be in floods of liberal tears and i expect there would be riots in the streets by your BLM an Antifa cronies.... they probably would have ACTUALLY stormed the capital.


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  4. 12 hours ago, rabas said:


    Why isn't it?  Because Putin...


    Putin took a perfectly failed state, the USSR, and ruined it. They can't even win a war because of so much corruption. Putin's unstoppable missiles keep getting shot down, his impenetrable air defense systems keep getting penetrated. [watch Putin]. 


    As for your Ponsi scheme sound byte, the US far exceeds Russia in oil production, now 13M to 9.5M bbl/day. Natural gas by even more. I already mentioned the golden economic goose, R&D, where no.1 US far exceeds Russia by a whopping 20 times. Why? Putin. He locks up scientists because he doesn't trust them.


    Russia's hallowed space program? Far behind and falling. Why? You got it, Putin. Corruption. In 2023  Russia is now 5th worldwide in launched objects, 30 times behind the US. [ref] Your ponzi scheme US launched 81% of all the world's satellites. 


    I too would love to see a strong, free Russia. Best thing for the world. Would you join me in calling for a Putin free Russia so that it can happen?  


    you mean a Russia that is in the US pocket and a leader that jumps to their demands like all the rest. Thats what Putin is not allowing.. GO PUTIN!!

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  5. 13 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I am no fan of Putin, no one gets' to this level of play in Russian  politics , and stay there without carrying some sharp knives, 

    I don't doubt that someone killed Navalny but I don't think Putin was directly involved. 

    I say directly because He did put him there and as such , among other things put him in in an vulnerable


    The reason why I don't think Putin was directly involved is, why would he do this at this time? 

    Navalny was effectively naturalized,  and as far as know presented no significant danger to Putin. 

    On the other hand he must have known that the mysterious death of his political opponent while in jail  as a political prisoner would have negative consequences for him. 

    So why have him killed now? What would he have to gain? and what would he have to lose?  


    the same could be said about the skripal in the UK, 

    • Confused 1
  6. 14 hours ago, candide said:

    "Illegal sanctions"? What about the illegal war started by Putin?

    'military operations' on his border, brought on through nato expansion (that could have ended in April 22 if the UK didn't stop the peace agreement).....unlike natos illegal destruction of Libya, led by the US, oh and how about the illegal was in Iraq....quite hypocritical to say it about Putin when US has bombed so many countries illegally, but nothing is said

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  7. 20 hours ago, ozimoron said:


    Nope, he's a broken down wreck. The hatred is just as warranted as that for every other fascist tyrant in history. I'm still consumed with hatred over the stolen babies. They had the temerity to accuse dems of stealing babies. Yet another right wing lie.

    TDS in full effect....fascist tyrant.... you are one sad man, you could kind of understand if you were writing from a collage campus somewhere in California. 

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  8. 19 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    There's a fairly merciless dissection of the arguments Trump's lawyers will probably advance on appeal.

    Meidas Touch on YouTube, Michael Popok.

    Perhaps the most striking part of the opinion piece is the assertion Judge Engoron did everything possible in his verdict to negate any grounds for appeal.

    Another problem Trump has is sending in lawyers who have no experience with the NY legal system. It's like having a grade cricketer opening in a Test match, with Mitchell Johnson bowling.



    and i guess being a Lawyer in NY yourself and not an expat on a Thai forum, you know all about the inner workings!

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  9. 5 hours ago, candide said:

    That some people feel a duty to write a barrage of deflections, in order to indirectly support Putin, is quite interesting.....

    he says while simultaneously deflecting form who killed Epstein and covering for the elites....and for the record...nothing 'indirectly ' about it, i support Putin 100%, he is a far greater leader than any of the current western ones. 

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