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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I am happy with my life, and what I have.


    Trump may have properties, jets, and golf courses. With all that wealth, perhaps you can tell me why he either looks and sounds angry, or miserable.

    Most of his posts either lash out at people, or whine about how unfairly he is being treated. IME winners don't do that.


    His supporters are losers too. They buy into his message of grievance, bigotry, and hatred. It's preferable to admitting to themselves their situation results from their choices in life.


    I don't measure a person by their wealth. Those who do IMO are as shallow as a mud puddle.



    he is being unfairly treated and these are politically motivated, but because you don't like the dude you are fine with it. imagine he was Putins opponent, you'd all be frothing at the mouth about it.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Tug said:

    I don’t think he’s going to MBS he will get it through the Russian federation camouflaged in some way they need to protect their star asset 

    haha, i'd like to think the was tongue in cheek, but  judging by the levels of TDS shown on this thread i very much doubt it.

    but if you are a grown adult and actually think Trump was put their by Putin then 'gullible' is all i can say... (well, that doesn't break forum rules)

    • Confused 2
  3. 51 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I despise Trump because I am an honest person who has never cheated anyone in my whole life. His constant grifting, lying, and abusing people who do not worship him, offends me.

    Trump stinks, both metaphorically and literally. Check out what Adam Kinzinger says. Or Taylor Swift. His supporters are too dumb to realize they are the ones he is shafting most of all.

    It's unfolding already, don't you get that? I am not losing $83 million to a woman I raped and defamed. I am not losing $350 million for fraudulently inflating my assets. I am not facing jail for election interference, and exposing national secrets. I don't know whether the news about the plane seizure is valid, which is why I entered a caveat.

    I also despise people who  attack me when they can't even get their facts, spelling and punctuation right. I live in Chiang Rai, genius.



    so, just to clarify...you DONT have any properties in NYC, you DONT own a jet,...... but Trump is a loser...ok. 


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  4. 8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Someone may have issues. There's a video on YouTube saying an unidentified bank has had Trump's personal 757 jet seized, based on one of Trump's companies being unable to trade in NY anymore. One of the orders by Judge Engoron.


    As yet, there is no verification of the report by any other media.


    The price tag for a new Boeing 757 is $100 million. Used, $4-11 Million. One can only wonder what Trump's valuation is. He poured a lot of money into making it a luxury aircraft.


    If true, the house of cards may be starting to collapse.

    you have said or implied little else in this whole thread apart from 'thats the end of trump' we have heard it daily since 2016 and nothing happened yet,... would you put your money where your mouth is? i doubt it. 
    you have full on TDS, trump lives i your head for free, perhaps thats why you're so bitter about him..... lets waot and see how this unfolds shall we

     P.S.. you call trump a loser, but how much was your boeing 757 worth, and your tower block in NYC?
    who is the real loser here , Trump, a guy that became President of the US or you...a legend in his own flipflops living in a village in chaing mai,,,?

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  5. 2 hours ago, ozimoron said:


    The amount of conspiracy theories backed by George Soros must be at least nine times his total net worth. No mention of the Koch Brothers or other notable right wing billionaires who are actually contemporaneously accused of major corruption, bribery or massive political donations to dark money pools. Dare I mention the Federalist Society. Nah, crickets.

    but you still parrot the Russian collusion conspiracy

    • Confused 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    Silly statement, though not unexpected, Sparky.


    You must know some REALLY old Democrats, because slavery is long since dead, and it was Dem Kennedy who began to write the Civil Rights Amendment and LBJ who got it passed.


    Maybe you missed the tikitorch trumpers in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us", and whom trump called "some fine people".

    you should watch the entire speech, not just the edited cnn one put out.

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    I recently paid a visit to the US. One of the things I always do is go to a major gun show, where there are thousands of handguns, rifles, AR-15s and AK-47s, baskets of 30 rd mags for said rifles, pallets of ammo, fully automatic M-16s, Thompson .45s, M3 Greaseguns, Mac-10s (for those with the correct license) and even .50 cal sniper rifles by Barrett if anyone feels like forking out $12K for 'home defense'. The crowd is largely trumpers, with his mug displayed at many booths, and lots of t-shirts sporting anti-Biden "Eff Brandon" drivel or the old standby of of "Hillary for Prison 2016". I like to stroll through the crowd and count 300+ lb'ers, both male and female, usually stopping when I hit 100. Lots of "Prepper" stuff for sale, too.


    I can kind of stand out, because I'm in shape and often dress in black. I've been not-so-jokingly asked if I was antifa, but the reply that seems to calm the trumpers is, "Was Johnny Cash or Richard Petty antifa?" That gets me a fist pump. As an actual former spook, I do know how to blend in if I really want, and trumpers are much more easily fooled than al Qaeda.


    I also overhear talk of civil war at the show. I don't think the folks there could run up a single flight of stairs, so they had better hope no civil war starts, as they're all turkey shoot material.

    one of your mates just posted about stolen valour....you just did similar

    • Confused 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Prubangboy said:

    When I lived in Smokey and the Bandit-land, cammo-everything was huge: cammo jeep, cammo Bic lighter, even.


    Much, much fetishization -not just of their leader- but of an implied association to the military that was wholly fake. Stolen valor on steroids. I asked the fake cammo guy who was pressure washing my house if he was done and he said, "that's affirmative".


    I'd get hit up at the Walmart register to buy Pringles for the troops in Afghanistan, and then I'd toss them into a vast, empty bin where true patriots before me had opted instead for a SlimJim for themselves. 


    What's weird is the Trumpers here who's so much more educated and well-travelled than THAT wanting to be THAT -when THAT is already a weird and nutty cosplay lost world in itself. It's the same old Tea Party fantasies, but now more distilled into poison.


    Call it 10 years out at the latest, we're going to have to have some kind of widespread de-nazification program. You can't have a full third of the country this berserk. We're going to have heal their trauma.

    do you really view anyone that supports trump like that?

  9. 2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    If you are intending to conduct a discussion on Trumps financial travails, let alone how he intends to conduct affairs if he is re-elected, it is probably a good idea to read and listen to Maddow. Whilst you may choose to disagree with her conclusions, and yes you may not agree with her personal political views, she is by far the best researched and authoritative source on mainstream media. You certainly will need to be able to counter the ideas her written and broadcast work throws up.

    hahahahaahhaahhah, thats is hilarious.  

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