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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 5 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    Like when you see a live video of a crowd that trump says is ten thousand people and anyone with an iq in double digits can see it is less that 1/3 of that?  or when trump tells a whopper ...for example every day..that can be proven BS with a two minute google search?  Some things you question and verify...trumpers buy his BS hook line and sinker and all the proof they need is to scream MAGA and worship a man who says it is good to be uneductated...he loves the uneducated...much easier to fleece the


    no matter how many people were or weren't there, it's was still 1000x those of a biden live video

    • Haha 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    Again. Follow credible media outlets and read the Mueller report. You could also do a simple Google search.


    Not sure you can do this as you've really drank the propaganda kool-aid pushed by the far right.

    i seem to remember all those like yourself eagerly awaiting the Mueller report as it was the nail in Trumps coffin......oh wait, it was a nothing burger!!!

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    The USA is only strong and powerful militarily. Politically, it's polarized to hell and back.

    50% of Americans still believe in angels. Every conservative in America goes into apoplexy when the word socialism is mentioned, not realizing the US harbors possibly the most socialist body on the planet. The American military.

    There are quite a few non-Americans who have plenty of evidence America has a lot of low IQ people.

    IMO when one combines a low IQ with a poor education, it's the classic Trump supporter.



    that doesn't explain how Putin was able to influence the election, how exactly did he manage to sway the result of such a strong country, with such sophisticated tech& intel.... with some FB add, some memes, a tik tok video....

     The USA is only strong and powerful militarily that just lost a 20 year illegal war to dude in caves!!

    • Confused 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

    True, it wasn't a great move, I doubt it was half the country.

    She lost to a combination of factors, including Russian interference. She won the popular vote.

    You didn't see her starting the Big Lie, or trying to overturn the election with fake electors and insurrection.

    sounds very much like election denial!!

     Russian interference...jesus,   so, the strongest most powerful country in the world had their election result swayed by Mr P...... and you say trumps supporters are low IQ, 

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