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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 6 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    You couldn't pay me enough to visit that hole.


    I value my life too much!



    good, nobody invited you.


    , you're probably too old to come anyway, there isn't much in the way of hookers either, so nobody for you to mix with



  2. 58 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    yesterday I went for a walk in a major tourist hotspot.

    All I could see around me were empty bars, restaurants, pubs etc..


    Not to mention all the boarded up buildings, for sale signs, call to rent signs etc.

    Establishments seem to be closing just as fast as they open!

    This place is famous worldwide and it is on it's knees.


    The Thai economy must be in dire straits at the moment.

    I was on the blower to a pal of mine who lives really close to another famous tourist hotspot and he said it's the same there too.


    I have also noticed a steep increase in the prices at certain establishments.

    170 baht for a large local beer!

    the retail price is between 55-60 baht..

    what is going on??


    The touts also seem extra pushy at the minute.

    one tuk-tuk driver tried to physically usher me into his car for a ride.

    you can see the worry and angst in their eyes.

    maybe some days they don't make anything..


    It almost makes me feel sorry for them, but then I remember how they treat foreigners when the going is good so it's no wonder they aren't coming back!

    about the only place in Thailand that seems to be doing well is Phuket.

    but for the life of me I can't figure out why!



    what tourist spot were you n your mate in?


    Koh Tao is busy, was rammed all throughout mid Dec until May, it quietened slightly but certainly not deserted like what youre seeing.

  3. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Can you post any media which states "so many" nations want to join BRICS.

    I suspect this is another product of your fervid imagination.

    you claim to have better intel than Putin himself, so i'm sure you will have better info than any link i can give you.


    i guess Walker88 isnt the only spook o. this site. its amazing how many ex SAS snipers, navy seals, cia  special forces have joined this page

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  4. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Whether or not the gas pipelines were blown up, they already were non-functional. Nord Stream 2 never entered into service. Gazrpom shut down Nordstream 1 for repairs "indefinitelu".

    Putin thought he could make the Europeans knuckle under by cutting off the gas supply. His gambit failed and Russia became its victim instead.

    Nord Stream 1: Russia switches off gas pipeline citing maintenance


    2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Whether or not the gas pipelines were blown up, they already were non-functional. Nord Stream 2 never entered into service. Gazrpom shut down Nordstream 1 for repairs "indefinitelu".

    Putin thought he could make the Europeans knuckle under by cutting off the gas supply. His gambit failed and Russia became its victim instead.

    Nord Stream 1: Russia switches off gas pipeline citing maintenance



    they just exploded by themselves i guess. nothing done about an act of international terrorism done by the USA. imagine if that had been done by and 'enemy' country!!

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  5. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    BTW, Russia has oil and natural gas and loads of natural resources, so it will survive.

    they used to Supply gas Eu, but the yanks blew up the NORD pipelines so they could muscle in with their LNG, and is the reason the EU energy costs have risen.


    news coverage of that act of international terrorism by the USA fell off the radar pretty quickly too!

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  6. 55 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I suspect it would be preferable to being a Russian of conscriptable age,


    Trump can only end the Ukraine war by giving Putin everything he wants. You'd have to be as thick as two planks not to understand that.


    Giving Putin everything he wants includes winking at the genocide of Ukrainians. Which doesn't sound like a good thing to most people.

    you understand the word 'negotiation ' right?

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:



    IIRC you were saying eastern Ukraine is radioactive and bullet-riddled.


    In terms of  arable land, it's the jewel in the crown. It has fed Russia and the world for centuries.


    Putin is concentrated in those areas because the Russian war machine has to. The combination of military corruption, terrible logistics and lousy morale of undertrained and underequipped troops has seen to that. There is a serious disconnect between what is actually happening at the front, and the information Putin receives. All autocrats only get told what they want to hear.

    but you're got your ear to the ground and are getting better info reading online articles than Putin himself.... ok then!



    is Putin quoted directly saying he want's to restore the Soviet Union?

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  8. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Even if Biden won, the west is running out of money to spend on bullets for Ukraine when their own economies are devastated, and the citizens get restless. Starmer has made expensive promises,

    the french might take to the streets but the British wont, they will just moan about it but do nothing..unfortunately

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  9. 6 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    People revolution in 2014 and kicked out traitor President Yanulovych who choose closer ties with Russia and reneged political association and trade agreements with EU. The people kicked out the corrupted government and abuse of power. 


    Zalensky was an elected President and the elections were recognized as free and fair by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Ukrainian law does not allow presidential elections to be held during martial law which was enacted due to Russia invasion. 


    The majority Americans and Congress support sending weapons and military aid to Ukraine. 

    *CIA backed coup, ousted a democratically elected government.... just was pro Russia, not Pro USA... 

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  10. 7 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    You think Putin is going to give up Eastern Ukraine in any peace deal?


    What are you smoking, I want some.

    how will you know if you don't got to the negotiating table? i'm guessing you're happy to send yourself, your kids and other family members to fight  for Ukraine if needed..you know, seeing as you feel so strongly...

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