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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 2 hours ago, transam said:

    Blimey, yours didn't work........😪

    he he is, the poster with


    2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    It is what he is doing to the USA and its people, not to mention its standing in the eyes of the world, with a compulsive liar and convicted felon as potential president.......


    "You have somebody who probably shouldn't be President, and somebody who can't be President."


    "What you saw was a candidate who is deeply vulnerable and a president who cannot take advantage of that.


    CNN chief national correspondent John King said there was a contrast between the two candidates - and Biden wasn't impressive.

    On the other hand, King said: "Donald Trump broke the fact machine more times than I could count tonight."


    Over 90 minutes, a raspy-voiced Biden struggled to deliver his lines and counter a sharp though deeply dishonest former President Donald Trump

    Trump, 78, appeared to coast through the debate with little trouble, even as he rattled off one falsehood after another without being effectively challenged. 


    PS. For the record I believe Biden needs to be replaced, albeit a bit late in the piece, if the Democrats are to have a chance later this year. Not sure that Harris will be that popular.

    yeah, of cousre Trump was lying nonstop, will Biden be fact checked at all for his 'fine people' comment, thats been a proven edited story by cnn etc, Biden used it repeatedly amongst others

  2. 35 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Sure, he could.


    I just read a couple of news articles and it seem Biden is the only person who can personally decide that he will step away from his candidacy.

    It seems there is no way that the party could decide that he has to be replaced and that will happen then.

    Looking at Bidens performance today, he is too far gone that he doesn't even realize anymore how far he is gone.

    So possibly, many people say likely, he won't step back. Because he still thinks he can do it.

    That is why I hope for a heart attack - it doesn't have to kill him. But that should be reason enough for him to quit.

    pretty sure Biden will do as he is told

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    I agree with you there.  Imho geriatrics like Biden and Trump (and myself for that matter) should not be running for the Presidency of the United States.  We seriously need younger blood in that office.  A Gen-X or a Millennial. I am personally tired of Boomers with dementia running our country - that goes for Congress as well.  I wish the American electorate would wake up. 

    i do agree with the geriatrics in government, however too young is also not good as they don't have any grasp on how things work.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    I thought it was going to be worse. I thought the msm was going to stay behind Biden. But they aren’t. Yet the crew here still supports him lol

    yep, they're so far gone now trying to cover for Biden obvious decline that they csannot give up, even when democrats all over the TV  are facing reality!

    the msm cannot keep denying what everyone can see and hear. unlike the few member here

  5. 7 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    Hmm Biden's nickname isn't Von<deleted>tenzepants       Nor is it diaper donnie        Maybe you should fit some of you post with facts.    Sad that people need to make things up and try to ridicule a person but that aligns  with your worship of the orange one.  Ageism/Misogyny /Bigotry   aren't attributes   they are serious flaws in a person's character once again goes along with a candidate that made fun of a disabled person ,wanted the Central Park 5 executed ,grabs women by the pu##y and brags about it  and wanted the most qualified person to ever run for the Presidency "locked up"   What is with insecure men?

    so you've never made jokes about any of the above in your entire life?

  6. On 6/26/2024 at 9:35 AM, Lacessit said:

    Ta ta, going for a swim. I'll check out how many nothing posts you make later, responding to other posters who think you're an idiot.

    'going for a swim'..... so, at a guess that puts you in the 760's age bracket.....p.s going for a swim inn not a gotcha.....

  7. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Does not exist.

    yes it does, and you are one 100%.

    as an example, if i were biden under 31 charges for hush money, tried by a republican judge that campaigned on taking biden down, in a replician state would you accept it, or would you be screaming you little liberal head off?...i think we know the answer...<removed> . com

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