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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 6 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    This may not apply to LOS but it is a famous and old saying from Dante: "There is a special place reserved in hell for those who remain neutral during a moral crisis".  Of course there is no hell in buddhism but most of us getting the meaning.  Ironically China seems to think the same about Ukraine.  What if the country was not Ukraine but Taiwan? Then it would be crystal clear.

    it would depend if it were backed by the US & UK, if it was then you know something is fishy..its all about oil, minerals, or recourses, but certainly not freedom and democracy for the people

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  2. 13 hours ago, placeholder said:

    You mean when the Ukrainians were begging for weaponry to defend themselves from the Russians and their allies? The weaponry that Trump withheld despite there being a law in effect that required him to send the materiel? And that only after a threat of a lawsuit from Congress did he move to send Ukraine the weaponry? And also only after requesting that Zelensky announce that he would pursue an investigation of former V.P. Joseph Biden. Not even that Ukraine would actually investigate but only announce that it was going to.

    which proved to be false, remember Adam schiffs fictional dramatisation of the phone call the didn't happen, how did the impeachment go btw? 

    i remember the video of Biden bragging that he got the prosecutor fire after threatening to with hoid aid..no charges..humm 

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  3. 12 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Some here seemingly would have everyone ignore facts and reality like the following:


    "The latest MoPH report on new weekly COVID hospitalizations shows them continuing a long upward climb since mid-March. The weekly tallies during that recent period have been:


    March 16 -- 501

    March 23 -- 630

    March 30 -- 728

    April 6 -- 774

    April 13 -- 849

    April 20 -- 1,004

    April 27 -- 1,672

    May 4 -- 1,792

    May 11 -- 1,880

    May 18 - 1,882

    May 25 -- 1,801

    June 1 -- 1,863

    June 8 -- 2,762

    June 15 -- 2,881"









    and after 14 days how many recovered and left hospital perfectly fine?

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  4. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    And that studies repeatedly have shown than being up-to-date on COVID XBB variant vaccinations reduces people's risk of serious COVID illness vs. those who haven't received the latest vaccine.


    Latest COVID-19 vaccines reduce hospitalization risk by around half

    "The latest COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk for hospitalization or visits to an ED or urgent care by around 50%, according to interim data published in MMWR.


    Overall, VE against COVID-19-associated ME or hospitalization was 51% (95% CI = 47%-54%) in the first 7 to 59 days after receiving an updated vaccine dose and 39% (95% CI = 33%-45%) in the 60 to 119 days after an updated vaccine dose.






    or the following from the U.S. CDC:


    "Protective tools, like vaccines and treatments, that decrease risk of COVID-19 disease (particularly severe disease) are now widely available. COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of symptomatic disease and hospitalization by about 50% compared to people not up to date on vaccination. Over 95% of adults hospitalized in 2023-2024 due to COVID-19 had no record of receiving the latest vaccine."


    https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/background/index.html#:~:text=Over 95% of adults hospitalized,of receiving the latest vaccine



    and natural immunity is how effective in comparison?

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  5. 14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Except for....

    Comorbidities, multimorbidity and COVID-19

    "Modeling studies have estimated that 1.7 billion people globally (22% of the population) have at least one comorbidity that is associated with an increased risk of developing severe COVID-19."







    "A study carried out on 5700 COVID-19 patients from 12 hospitals in the USA found diabetes to be the third most common comorbidity (~34% of patients), compared to hypertension (56%) and obesity (42%)."





    The above citations indicate pretty substantial shares of the population at large having some level of COVID comorbidity risk.




    what about studies in Thailand rather than US, we are here after all!

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