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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. who is panicking? or perhaps it's in your head, just like your 'i know how the Islands work' post
  2. pretty sure half the old staff were leftwing activists, hence either being sacked or quitting
  3. there was a big influx of police since 2014, they do what they can. unless signs of foul play is obvious what are they supposed to do, they send the bodies for an autopsy and wait for the results, they don't have to make information public on every single incident that happens, although a couple of people seem to think they should, those people then try to sensationalise things, claiming the police are covering things up, which unfortunately due to social media and connections and they have been able to do many times in the past, and people are gullible enough to believe it!
  4. yes i heard 1 got into difficulty and the other drowned trying to save them, which way round i don't know. not sure about the hotel being closed, but were many covid restrictions then and very few tourists so possibly running on skeleton staff etc. i saw photos from the Rescue team, the was a huge machine pool side, heart monitor, assisted breathing apparatus, who knows, but it wasn't from the rescue team. one of them had serious health issues.
  5. but the leftwing extremists that used to be on the site were ok.... ok then!
  6. you have got a few things mixed up in that post, so apart from the Samui reference the only deaths that were not normal were Hannah & David. scuba accident and a drowning while snorkeling are hardly proof of a dodgy Island, the others in your post are not worth commenting on, they have been argued to death on here, no pun intended! The 2 rich Indians, well, the were traveling with some serious medical equipment, so one of them (he) i believe had health issues. there are i personally knew Buro, Tony and Neil, nothing suspicious about their death what so ever..... if you are her and know the facts, not 5000 miles away making up stories to slander the island due to a personal grudge.. i'm pretty sure you could make a list from any holiday destination in thailand and have a much longer list. PS, i asked for personal experience not a copy n paste list.
  7. yes, nice one......you literally have nothing to say with regards to this guys death, or anything to do with the islands in any personal capacity do you.
  8. the deaths are not suspicious if you live in reality world. and yes, 1000's of people drink nightly, to excess, unfortunately 1 or 2 will have a accident or worse
  9. who's trolling, just calling for some facts, personal experiences....you know back up what you say.
  10. i live on Tao, have been here nearly 20yrs, i think i have a lot better knowledge of the island than you, but please elaborate on how the 'islands hierarchy' works and how it's relevant to this thread, from your 'personal experience' of course!!
  11. yeah, i've already commented further up about it. it's not 'sleepy' in the literal sense, it's sleepy Genocide Joes whole demeanor.
  12. i think you might misunderstand the meaning of TDS. It's not about not liking what you say...it's the way some get so irate, frothy mouthed and red faced at the mention of the leader, El Orangino
  13. he's not called sleepy joe for his whole demeanor, not just falling asleep, which he's in double figures for
  14. well, i scanned the comments, it was the usual crowd commenting the usual nonsense, you think a bit of banter is attacking someone one, do you need a safe space? pretty sure if we go through your comment history we will find a few names calling posts!
  15. there you go, see, proved my point!!! i think you are AN TSD leader
  16. trump falling asleep in court is not of much interest to me
  17. yep, but there weren't an issue until Trump came along, not heard a peep since Genocide Joe took over. remember the TIME cover with Trump towering over the little girl... another photoshop hack job for the libs to scream about!
  18. it's not about the OP, i was referring to the usual suspects commenting
  19. it's an Island, everything is more expensive, not sure about full of scammers..can you give a personal example?, but yeah, many people so 'out of it', they can end up falling in storm drains, drown, crash bikes. Unfortunate, but they are a minority
  20. So, the Snopes 'fact check' is that it's the entrance gate and not to an empty lot?? regardless of gate or lot, she is still dolled up, clinging to the fence with crocodile tears for the 'photo shoot'.... just capturing her at the right moment.... oh and not a Child in sight!
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