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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. so, you mean Biden could not make his own decision, or perhaps it was his own decision that went so horribly wrong.
  2. well, if you hadn't cheated in the 2020 election, Trump would have been in charge so you could have blamed him...reap what you sow!!
  3. there isn't any logical argument, the title was incorrect by the OP, despite 'us trumpers' highlighting that point near the beginning it's continued to 18 pages, most of which is you guys refusing to accept this to be true,
  4. 'Sanders sharpening his attacks' if i used TDS logic i would spin that in to Sanders was planning to stab his opponents...it says it clearly!!😎 the ol' liberal left don't seem to take things literally and scream hysterically as they do when the orange man says something!
  5. oh wow, another Trumps bashing post.... some people really do have it bad...shame the Rep's are not as vicious as the dems when it comes to attacking their opponents
  6. why should he clarify it? it might be different had the entire MSM media misunderstood, but the fact 99% didn't it would suggest the 1% want it to mean something else.
  7. it's YOU that is misinterpreting what has been said, you are trying to make an issue out of something that the vast majority of people agree isnt. even the usual Trump bashing media have all referred it to the Auto ind. seems you just want it to means something else to fit your anti Trump stance.
  8. are you saying minorities are incapable of getting an ID? sounds pretty racist to me.
  9. the mental gymnastics us guys are doing..are you for real.??... you are literally trying to change the meaning of something that has been said even though it is blatantly obvious to 99% of people, you are of the 1% that is trying to spin it when the facts prove you wrong. do you disagree with all the MSM that have put it in the correct context?
  10. i cannot understand why, when an ID is needed to do most things in life, that it is not necessary to cast a vote in the US.
  11. ahh, so give him a pass because he's elderly.. his white house spokeswoman claimes he is fit as a fifddle,no signs of aging..or words to that effect, you can't have i both ways..... Trump hasn't fallen up and steps or off the stage, side by side trumps has all his faculties, lets compare gaffs by the pair of them..... i will wager Biden has more, or lets put them on the debate stage, with a non bias moderator.... but yes, off topic so can leave it. P.S Biden has over 30yrs on me, only stumbling i do is Chang related!
  12. no, he fell UP them, and stumbled on a second occasion. i didn't say Poland, so not sure why you quoted that 'fact check' he also fell off the stage.... https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-stumbles-plane-stairs-1871758
  13. i dont need to watch it.....but from your 47:26-49:0 he is clearly talking about the auto industry. Words like: cars, plants, united auto workers, 34% of the auto manufacturing are tell tail signs....you see something else, you have an issue i think.
  14. you're in an echo chamber of about 3 people. everyone else, even the anti trump MSM have taken what was said in the right context. not sure why you keep denying it, perhaps accepting that you were wrong is something you cannot do. google it and choose from one of the results, practically all of them say he was talking about the auto industry. at some point you will have to admit that you have TDS
  15. ask the french, Brits or muricans, they looted everything, all the gold and cash
  16. i dont believe you even watched it once. if you did you would realise how stupid your comments are. you are in a minute gruop that this means antything other than the US auto industry, Biden is 1, Pelosi is another, perhaps you have cognitive issues too!
  17. and when he said he'd tax the cars 100%, what he really meant was he'd kill all Mexicans! If you bothered to watch anything more than that line you should, if you have a rational thinking brain, be able to put it in to context, but somehow i don't think you will. 🤡
  18. as opposed to listening to what was said in full! did you even bother to watch your own link above?? at the 4 minute mark, even these hosts say it was very clear what he meant. you still refusing to accept what was said even though everyone apart from a couple of msm outlets and old hag pelosi, agree it was about the auto industry. you have major TDS man, and you have the nerve to call trump supporters idiots and low IQ!! you are certainly living up to your username!
  19. no, just won, fair & square...you have to accept the result right, i mean,,unless you want to sound like Trumpo!!
  20. so thats a YES then, you are denying the election result..... just like the orange man. perhaps you are more similar than you think!!
  21. ah, jim acosta,,,the bastian of truth!! when you guys say trumps uses 'dog whistles'..you don't think for a second that referring to trump as 'parroting language used by hitler' is in itself a dog whistle to the left ? you do realise everything you say Trump will do you are already doing!! this thread is prime example, 14 pages deep in arguing over something taken out of context, yet mnone of you have once backed down and admitted it was a misleading title..... and you say trump has a cult following...suckers!
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