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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I don't like pools I saw the pool at the Nirun apartment ,I wonder if it's cleaned properly?
  2. I guess though if your say 67 and on a aged pension from your country and you had around 300,000 baht spare then buying in the Nirun would be ok. As long as I have a balcony ,air conditioning,and a good TV I would be happy . I guess you would get used to seeing the old drunk farangs around as you walk to the supermarket etc . The only thing I wouldn't like is if the neighbours are coughing everynight from smoking or music karaoke playing in the hallways outside your door or drunk farangs shouting etc. Whatever the case it probably would be far far better to live in the Nirun than say the government housing of Birmingham or Sydney's Mount Druitt
  3. Well it's obvious..and ...I must say interesting that there are no Nirun members on here !!! I wonder why ? They aren't readers of Thai forums?
  4. Your probably right ,they are too drunk or not technically advanced to post here. Well at least we know that the residents of Nirun are not readers here .
  5. I bet that BMW is still parked there in the carpark with dirt n dust all over it !!! Surely there must be residents of Nirun on here ???
  6. Yes 10 in the morning drunk farangs , I think rents are lower than 6k a month I heard 4k
  7. Now that made me laugh out loud ????????????
  8. Your lucky ,what about the poor guys living in the Nirun ???
  9. No your right , I find the young Thai female doesn't smile back as much now ,I guess it's a different generation so they may think we are old pervs
  10. If you moved to the Nirun you would meet interesting people every day and hear their tragic life stories .....after you bought them a bottle ! A lot of disability pensioner I say
  11. He could go to the Nirun to find out who owns that BMW ?
  12. Has anyone saw the BMW yet abandoned with dust all over it? If you drive past the swimming pool it's up on the ramp , is something going to be done about that ? The place needs cleaning up and if I was going to buy in the Nirun I will be on the building committee
  13. Absolutely! Much better to be here in Pattaya than the West. It's just unfortunately the ones with mental illness that they can't control are coming and turning to alcohol, I'm very sad for them
  14. What's it like around there in the early hours of weekend mornings What's wrong with these poor farangs who are drinking and sitting in the street at 10am with phlegm around their chin coughing up
  15. No it's a BMW parked at the end of the road under the Nirun Is anyone going to go out to see why it's there please? It's just past the swimming pool up on the ramp. Alcohol, gambling etc has got these guys drinking in the street ,I really feel sorry for these guys living there Can someone do something about the car please ! People were not friendly in these places asking me to buy them alcohol
  16. Then walk up to the end of nirun you will see a very dusty abandoned BMW it's in the car park entrance. You live in the slum,get the lift down to where the pool is ,you will see it if you look left. You worked hard all your life and you wasted it all ! You wasted your life working for nothing. Must be on your <deleted> to live there , why didn't you save up instead of living there?
  17. Your post is spot on. I will go to Philippines next year can't see any point coming back to Thailand again nowadays year after year . It's getting too expensive
  18. Went up to the Nirun condos recently,I'm Australian but it reminded me of that UK show Coronation street. Farangs shirtless , sitting outside mom & pop type shops with bottles of beer at 10am. As I walked past one shop ,all the Thai women shopkeepers I presume stare at you like what's a stranger in this area ? Secondly as I'm walking slowly a drunken old farang approaches me wearing a Chang singlet he points to it , hey buddy hey ol friend you can buy me a Chang ? I keep walking to the end of the road to see another farang sitting with beer bottle slumped against the wall with phlegm on his mouth I walked towards the end past their swimming pool to the car park ramp to see a very dusty abandoned BMW sitting there A American accent farang approaches me " what are you looking at ? I said " I said the building here ,do they have lifts here? He said " I wouldn't have a clue. I said well " Why did you approach me ? He then walked off I keep walking to see people staring at me like I'm a stranger in town Terrible place and I won't buy there Flybird might be better though I haven't looked
  19. I couldn't get a seat in a few last night in Soi Bukhao/ LK , some were packed with people Kilkenny had to share a table which I don't like had no choice and that was in the afternoon not night !!! Had to sit with 2 swearing drunk morons Standing room only outside What's this bar like at night must be packed in like sardines? Hungry hippo no seats that was 6pm Some of them are very busy
  20. What is the needle size I need to inject 250 test, I have been paying a clinic to do it but wish to do myself Someone ( another farang) told me before size 16 but I can't find that size ,seems to be all 20's sizes at fascino
  21. After today I have stopped helping anyone that needs help. I was in a Pattaya restaurant this morning having breakfast when a old english fool started choking in the next table . I was shocked into action without thinking as his Thai girlfriend started screaming. I immediately went to the old fool and slappef his back when he coughed up the food and then started abusing me . Calling me the most abuse vile names , all whilst sitting their panting. I stood there shocked looking at him. The staff came over ,he said I was talking to that farang pointing at me . So I was going to abuse him back but just went back to my table and left ,if I didn't leave I could or would of abused him. Please don't ask for my help in future,if I see anyone in distress I will mind my own business
  22. Interesting statistics, is the 399,000 just this year only?
  23. Just wondering where or anyone know about how many deaths per year in Pattaya relating to motorcycle accidents . I'm particularly after the foreigner deaths
  24. Unfortunately Aussies are yes" men" nowadays and won't fight back ! You would never see Aussies fight like the French or Irish. We are "yes sir ! How high you want me to jump sir ? This Gen is weak !!!
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