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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I see these big red double decker buses in every City around the world and now Pattaya has started one. They are usually aimed at the tourist market though ,I think it's a all day pass Anyone tried it ? Cost ? Route ? Will it last ? I mean who started this bus ,do they think it was a good business idea? Maybe they are funded by the tourist dept??
  2. Is there anyone that lives on a boat here in Pattaya? Is there places to park your boat and live on it ?
  3. Who else lived in Thailand and went back ? Obviously a lot during Covid and never came back .
  4. It seems to be a case by case basis and which assessor you get stuck with. I will post some appeal cases here soon,just reading about a former Canberra public servant being denied in the appeals court after living in Philippines 3 years and coming back at 67 so it seems there is no clear case In the meantime anyone wanting to read appeal cases go to the Australian Admin appeals website
  5. There is no way you have to be "working for 35 years" ,that means half of Australia resident especially in areas such as 99 % Mount Druitt wouldn't qualify for the aged pension when they get to 67 Let's face it some have never had a job ,I had a brother on Unemployment benefits for 18 years , now he is on the aged pension There are plenty of expats who come back to Australia to serve the 2 year period who certainly didn't clock up 35 years working life in Australia
  6. If you go to Canterbury tales bookshop you will see many farangs who were ex tradesmen , I'm sure a bit of cash talks
  7. You go to bed same time every night ,wake up same time?
  8. I guess then some would say your life could be boring as there is no plan routine.
  9. You could even hire a farang to do it on the side I'm sure there's a few expats who are great at that Just obviously don't tell anyone
  10. Apparently they still do shock treatment in Australia ,I thought this had he banned in Australia but talking to a guy in the gym today he said his father had received shock treatment as a last resort in a private psych hospital He also suffered very severe depression and had no idea why
  11. Apparently they still do shock treatment in Australia,I thought this had he banned but talking to a guy in the gym today he said his father was received shock treatment as a last resort in a private psych hospital
  12. I have a brother who religiously has red wine every Friday & Saturday night with his meal ,part of his routine ,don't know why
  13. One thing that can lead to a downfall in expats living in Thailand particularly Pattaya is not following a routine . Sleep all day ,drink all night ,no structure ,no routine. I just read a Prison boss saying his prison is successful because prisoners follow a routine When we went to school we had a routine,a job a routine ,up at 7am ready for work ,travel , work till 4pm ,go to gym ,etc Is a routine for you ,how important is it in life ,is it necessary for success in ife ,to get through life ? What happens if you don't have a routine ,many of you retired may not.
  14. There also seems to be a misconception promoted by testereone companies that depression is caused by low testosterone in middle age or older men , I find that BS I'm on TRT and probably I feel worse.( I was going to say "worser" but I always remember my old school teacher saying there's no such word????)
  15. Yes it seems around this area , and there was a big sports field and park area with lake
  16. Last month a friend in Pattaya drive me over to the dark side I think they call it but more further away . There was a Australian bar restaurant in this area . It seems very quiet area so no idea how they go business but what was this area around 90 minutes I guess away I remember driving past the Pattaya railway station I recall passing Siam country club/,? There was also a big park with soccer field
  17. I wanted to put this in this forum rather than the health forum as I'm not looking for a cure just opinions . Lately I have felt depressed, about....nothing ! My energy has gone down and sleeping a lot I have really stopped being concerned about my work /job ,not that I cared anyway but just having more sick days lately , couldn't be bothered going I said recently to my brother I felt depressed but nothing about. He said FFS , snap out of it ! How can you be depressed over nothing ? "Depression is not real mate !!! Get off the couch and go to work you lazy C ! Depressed over nothing , a load of BS ! But it's just not easy I don't feel like going out and just prefer to spend my weekend at home watching movies . I then seen a Abc Four corners documentary on the dangers of people that took Prozac and how initial this drug made them so happy but years later they were worse , some scholars said depression is not real ,it's promoted by medical pharmacy companies. Now I'm not talking about depression with a reason that is your partner died or whatever,I'm talking about depression for no reason . You just feel depressed Even insurance companies don't have a illness called depression if you look close ,it has to have a meaning In the last few days I have felt better why I don't know,but it got me thinking ," is depression actually real if you have nothing to be depressed about? Is it a load of bunkum ? How many of you have been affected by the "black dog" as they call it ,how many of you have really the terrible depression that you had to have medication,did it cure it I remember a few years ago at my workplace a few guys making fun of another guy who claimed he had depression and took sick leave . " What a weak B they said in the meal room , the lazy SOB ,they said , it's all BS ! The point is , is it BS, is it real ?
  18. I noticed a young guy on here who had over 800 posts in his 3 months on here Now surely the mods should step in for something like that and offer support ,that's a addiction and something going on in that person's life eg depression or Lonilessness to post 800 posts in 3 months There should be a support service
  19. You can read all the appeals online . Most didn't establish ties to Australia Eg taxation, house ownership ,work , etc You can go to the admin appeals website and read similar cases
  20. That's the question,if say someone does return at 67 after being away for sometime do they automatically get the aged pension but no overseas portability ? ( for 2 years anyway) So yes if you returned at 65 you would have to get the dole , who is going to employ a 65yo ?
  21. Wow ! Love that kind of walking stick !
  22. So what are you saying ?? Your saying I don't need to be living in Australia to be successful at it ?
  23. You have to remember most taxi driver jobs are done by people who can't find another job and some even resent doing it but have no alternative eg disability. I guess you also begin to hate the public after awhile picking up all sorts of drunks ,weirdos etc
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