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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Joseph I absolutely agree I would like to see more posts on the many academic and intellectual topics such as the Psychometrics of air & combustion. Unfortunately and believe me I'm not being stereotyping but many on here are not the academic and well read like myself and yourself
  2. I love the Intellectual discussion we are having on here about the complex medical procedures that many of us need later in life . One thing I do routinely when I go Thailand is to be medically examined, my GP in Australia for example will only go ONE physical Prostate check per year ,"that's all you need " he said When I was in Pattaya late last year I went every week to see Dr Oliver for a prostate check . Sometimes I would be in the waiting room he would open his foir ,"George! And up I would get He would immediately say " Prostate check ??? Yes doctor I would say Fantastic doctor,I can't speak highly enough As we age ,we need to get those checks ,many have left it too late and are at a later stage as evidenced by the many posts on here . Just because you don't have symptoms it doesn't mean don't bother with checks such as colonoscopy or prostate
  3. I admit ever since that Pattaya YouTuber passed away from Oesophagus cancer I have been concerned I sometimes get this reflux and heartburn type pain in my high chest and sore throat Last year I went to a throat specialist who put a tube in my nose and looked in my throat said he found nothing , nothing wrong he said , I said there is something wrong Today I looked up the symptoms of osapheagus cancer I believe I have some of them and I'm going to the doctor to ask for a gastroscopy or endoscopy, I wish I was back in Pattaya where I could see that fantastic farang doctor I saw last year , Cost me a fortune seeing him everyday but he cured me of everything He sent me to a kidney specialist and wanted to send me to a psychologist to do a brain scan Some visits he didn't even charge me for !!! Can anyone tell me about your experience of gastroscopy or endoscopy I noticed the same doctor I went to last week for my colonoscopy does endoscopy too . I may have to get both done , gastroscopy and endoscopy
  4. Please have some respect for the OP
  5. You Mr Zioner at 72 have had a interesting life I was wondering recently why you didn't join the Israeli special forces after fighting in Egypt but they maybe personal reasons Some people like yourself should talk about the past and educate us that don't know about every subject you know about I have no interest much in overseas wars but having studied the Israeli combat of Krav Maga I met a few Jewish people and have interesting conversations about different matters , I have been reading the Psychometrics of Air particularly focused around the sub Titan which sank last year .
  6. You Saint Domingo should be thanked for your Navy Seal service Sir ,not pulled down . Love to know more about how you won the Purlple Heart , Thankyou for your service
  7. SK you always seem to post at night? Are you a night owl?
  8. Why should I ....I enjoy being crazy , I don't want to change , I want to be like this The good thing Fred is only you know I'm crazy no one else
  9. Obviously that company have never heard of fatigue management 😳
  10. I love your exciting life Bob I love all your posts too I look at you like my online psychologist to get me through those dark days Thankyou for your service Bob 🙏
  11. Absolutely I know a guy at my work 77yo this year ,fit skinny guy, works all the overtime ,his wife stays at home Filipino , is a millionaire with his own house I asked him why ? Why Arnold I said to him , why do this at your age ?
  12. If you can keep busy doing things you like . I don't want to be sitting in a province in the Philippines or Thailand like the guys on here sitting on ASEAN 24hours
  13. Very sad , you will end up old & broke if they ( and I use that word instead of "he" or "she" because we should not genderise) We should say partner And to you MOONY for using the word "expert" instead of "partner ", like a partner must be a expert in your life ! You should be ashamed of yourself!
  14. I don't want to be the pied piper ,but I would hazard a guess with all your spelling mistakes you grew up in a low class uneducated house , obviously the old folks werent lawyers or doctors .
  15. Strangely you say that I cast my mind back to 1998 when I worked as a Wardsman at one of Australia 's biggest hospital My direct supervisor was a raging gay guy who liked to walk with a limp wrist ,he was called a NUM which was the nursing unit manager,he was in his 50's then . Nasty man who used to love to cause problems and cause rumours I hope he is dead now
  16. 50's is too young to retire , you need to be doing something As for the World changing ,yes I believe Thailand will become another Singapore
  17. Ben Zioner you sound a very savvy guy , did you sell all your Pawnbroking business or still have them.? May I ask if you remember what the loan interest rates were back then? Mind you ,you need to be shrewd to run a pawnbrokers business, I used to love watching that family up in Detroit with their pawnbrokering ,what was the show called again ?
  18. You sound like your pulling ya own trumpet Pomchop , 🤣
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