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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Better to give than receive? I'm don't think so GG I have been listening to YouTube videos on *how to be more selfish " Im done with helping others sorry to say
  2. Certainly with your past life , no your right Lemsta all the best with that .
  3. Should we be indentifying any sex nowadays? I'm not trying to be invasive but times have changed and we no longer have identities , unfortunately you live in the past and that's not being rude to you ,far from it ,I'm trying to educate you that it's no longer PC to indentify
  4. Can I ask honestly .....did anyone sit here and read that whole post?
  5. You said it mate about yourself mate ,you said it....😂 How's those ankles 😂how about you start walking everyday instead of sitting in that 1 bedroom government housing flat of yours in Perth your ankles may improve !!!!
  6. And what would we do without him Bob? The alternative is the uneducated on here some who I must say have interesting stories,one poster spent 5 years in a Thai jail and came out as a Navy seal ! Beat that !
  7. I love Gammas posts , I class myself as a "amateur academic " and Gamma had been educating me for years with his posts I love him 💞
  8. Bob , may I ask if you, in your intellectual travels, have you perhaps met old bogans? Especially from Australia Those old guy with tatts swearing every second word and usually brought up in the peasant areas Most of these go to Bali fortunately but I did hear many now go to Phuket too
  9. I'm sorry I had to write this and my apologies to others who are forced to read this but this poster has to be the " Bogan poster of 2024 award winner " SHU, every post in your bogan education has to call people "losers, mutts ,Dxckheads ,nearly every post of yours is berating others with swear words Now imagine yourself in a bar or gymto hear a elderly tattooed man ( TheShu) near you calling people "mutts" , you would expect it from a teenager but a old man ? So we can imagine what his upbringing was like I was in the gym yesterday where im sure I bumped into you ,every second word from the tattooed bogan next to me was swearing and berating others , he would of been the same age as The SHUin his 60's tattooed Aussie, certainly not muscular but shouting to his friend about others in the gym , luckily I had my headphones on , " Ahhh Fxck it mate " he was shouting , look at the Cxnts in here ! my first thought was The SHU SHU, Your uneducated and obviously brought up with low class parents in a government housing area ...i would hate to be around you listening to nothing but swearing and berating others ,must be fun been around you
  10. A bit like your stories you went to jail in Thailand and you were a navy seal. I don't believe you and I'm sure others dont .
  11. I was thinking taurine too Does it do anything for you ? You can buy this stuff in the BCAA powder drinks
  12. I know your only a young guy ( so you say anyway) ,so I must ask you Alidiver , do you think it's ok for old guys to dye their pubic hair ?
  13. You look great at 81 , last time I saw you mate But with respect probably waste of money taking vitamins at that age All the best Regards George
  14. I was just listening to one of your songs "imagine " I love that song Imagine all the people....they say I'm a dreamer ..but I'm not the only one Thanks John always loved your music
  15. What about when on those talent shows they moan ..OMG .....and they say it slowly staring shocked at the singer (who was terrible) and they shout lowly ....O...M...G...! Does that annoy you
  16. I guess you being a 24yo boy I'm surprised you need to dye your hair , You know Son, us old guys even dye our pubic hair !
  17. Strangely you say that I'm find the word "OMG " used a lot nowadays especially from females and on those talent shows as they watch some boring soulless singer OMG they shout ,getting tedious that word
  18. Love your post mate and huge respect to you as a former Navy Seal I myself could not stand Malt ,had in Pattaya once only could drink half Can't wait to buy you a beer to thank for your service
  19. Welcome back Daddy I was just listening to that Welcome back Kotter theme ,who remembers that? Welcome back ....welcome back... welcome back !
  20. I care I often wonder myself how they do it
  21. he is not being ageist he merely mentioned age groups. ,but as you said in your other posts your 24yo so I'm not sure why a Boy at your age would be concerned about ageism 😳unless your into Daddies But I'm thinking you can be WHOEVER you want to be on here can't you ,in your case your a 24yo boy from London when in actual fact your probably a 75yo from Alabama
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