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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I don't think in some States in America they have to secure it at home , I think they can wear it on their hip even in the home So I have seen YouTube videos of people knocking on doors in the middle of the night and the home owner has a gun in his hip
  2. Yes as a City Slicker I have never been to the Outback of Australia And with their high crime never will ( Alice Springs) But may I ask , if you nowadays as a experienced bushman carry a gun for safety in those areas ? Alice Springs, etc Would you consider it ?
  3. Unfortunately I know in Australia some elderly are carrying knives especially in the country towns so it's SUBSTITUTED for carrying something else for which they are not trained for
  4. Your probably right ,it's probably much worse in Australia with our lax leftist laws I would prefer to walk in the Country towns of Texas at night than in the Country towns of Australia
  5. You were in the outback of Australia? Too many kangaroo 🦘
  6. You Sir should buy a lottery ticket !,😅
  7. Love it ! You will get posters on here who like to dish it out but if you dish it back they are offended ! " Moderator ! Moderator! they shout, , "George spat in my lunch box !
  8. Absolutely ain't that the truth . But ...I guess all.of us can't live in wealthy areas as us Academics We unfortunately have the peasants and lower class uneducated among us !
  9. I guess there has to be some culling of animals though Kangaroos are overpopulated are they not I was a little bit sad though of the recent killing by snipers in helicopter shooting the Brumbies in the national park I think 2000 wild horses to be culled The man from snowy River Brumbies 😭
  10. But the crazy thing is this Generation even in their jobs as nurses , even police have absolutely no fear of taking Tik Tok videos /pics for Facebook etc in full uniform dancing and being silly miming songs Can you imagine police or nurses doing that 30 years ago !
  11. You get tired of them photos of their dinner or lunch meals ? A lot of my Asian friends do that ,post pics of their restaurant meals .
  12. Unfortunately there are now some parts of Australia particularly regional areas where you should be allowed to carry a gun ! I read of some parts ,Alice Springs, Townsville, Moree etc where the crime is rampant
  13. You'd have to get the biggest bully on this forum ,pot calling the kettle black or whatever the saying is !
  14. Some would consider you "racist" which you are not ! But they say immigration to western countries they don't need to know english But ...if you go to Thailand you should learn Thai 😳
  15. I find the best "social" type gyms if you want to make friends are the boxing or martial arts gyms In normal gyms people have their headphones on
  16. I guess of you live in the USA and you travel at night maybe a good idea to carry one . Those areas such as Texas etc by yourself filling up gas/fuel by yourself or a truck driver
  17. Would they all be Trump supporters? Look it ain't easy ..under Albanese!
  18. Absolutely But then again they breed like rabbits, I guess too many
  19. Intelligent post Vinnie I think Vinnie, you son have been smoking too much the wacky tobacky darl.😳 I have sent you a link to the book "psychometrics of the impact of brain cells when weed smoking " by Ronald Dossat
  20. I wonder why on all your posts you laugh at your own jokes that are not even funny ? 🙄🙄 Anyone else had those type of annoying people in person who make some sort of smart Alec joke and only they laugh ! ANd just to be nice you have to pretend to laugh with them 😅 🙄
  21. Last time I was in the Philippines last year I went to browse in a gun shop. Being from Australia only the criminals have guns here including the police criminals. There is some places in Australia where it is not safe at night but we can't carry weapons The gun shop owner in the Philippines advised me I could get a gun licence etc etc after doing his gun training and to cut a very long story so long I could write a book or make a YouTube channel but I was fascinated I was thinking if I was a American I would carry a gun and move to places that allowed a gun. This is more for our American members but did you believe in carrying a gun and did you ? Thailand seems to have strict gun laws for foreigners Philippines it's possible Vietnam I think the same Cambodia allowed for foreigners I will need to retire when I can carry
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