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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Ahhh your all up the Shxt creek without a paddle 😂
  2. Exactly said the fat man with the Zimmer frame, each to their own proton,each to their own.
  3. But your the focus of his laughter ....for sitting there replying to him 6 times 😂😂 , he loved the attention 😄
  4. This is very important what you wrote because you are taking about a job ..back then ...that gave you work life balance enough for you to train in triathlon ,...so the question is was it Monday to Friday work training times were ? and the most important question....did you WIN the triathlons? Fast forward 20 years and .....your life your fitness is not the same?
  5. Some people would put it back on you and say your tantamount to verbal BS 😳
  6. Try it yourself, doubt you will be missed
  7. Talking about that , I notice a lot of young people now on tiktok etc using the word "bro" ...other words such as "mate" etc are fading out How are you mate is now How are you bro😳
  8. Give him a go ,he is 86 ,don't be heartless
  9. Yes stretching is a big one at older age 😉 I find though sometimes I just have to have a dats test from gym /boxing and go nothing ,mind you it could be just laziness
  10. 80? 80 is like the new 60 nowadays I remember my grandmother died at 75 and everyone at the funeral was congratulating him on getting to 75
  11. Are you fit though Can you walk upstairs without puffing Strength?
  12. Was going to make it Australian WHERE the Bloody Hell WAS YA ????
  13. ..and 20 years later your a ..Professor of ...some would say "fallacy"..😊😂
  14. And what has changed? Wife obviously, still rural? And village orphan?
  15. You were a Professor of philosophy in Taiwan
  16. 200,000 baht ! That's a lot of money to sell ones virginity Are they only interested in ladies?
  17. I noticed when we get old our bodies don't recover fast and for some reason my mind tells me not to bother walking to the gym BUT...when I get therein feel much better AFTER, even if I just walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes no weights I still feel better Sometimes I have to FORCE myself to go exercise, I'm doing boxing which is very hard , cardio wise that I had to stop going to the gym as much to lift weights,it's either one or the other ! Even with testereone ( which I had to cut down because of high blood pressure) my recovery is still not great. I noticed with all guys my age despite training that BELLY is still there !
  18. So basically nothing changed in 20 years ! 😳
  19. In some ways I agree But I believe Slow down don't STOP,just slow it down Recently in was going to gym everyday AND started boxing training 3 times a week The boxing training was harder than the gym , I thought I have to cut down on one so only done weights twice a week Well last week my body was so tired I stopped everything for 3 days , BUT ....my body was tired ....but I knew if I gave up my body would be much worse ..so I reluctantly went to the gym and just done light treadmill walking Don't GIVE UP completely!!!! I'm going to boxing training more ....I can't do both weights in gym AND boxing training, my body won't let me it's too old . I will only be able to do weights once or twice a week now and try to do more cardio No alcohol or smoking and more sleep , don't throw on the towel just try to RECOVER more
  20. Bumped into a old work colleague yesterday that I hadn't seen since April 2004 And we still continued our conversation like it was yesterday,in fact there was no greeting just a conversation about work like we hadn't been gone for 20 years! Time has passed very quick . I was shocked when he said....its been 20 years !! Where was you in 2004? What country? What was you doing ? How has your life changed since 2004? Who were the famous deaths in 2004? The year 2004
  21. Seems cheap ??? 400 pound is like $800 Australia! So they want from me in Australia nearly $2800 ,! Might have to visit the dentist in the UK !
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