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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. How many times have we all read on Thai Visa that the way he bought a home in Thailand is considered a good idea? I've known many men who have gone down the same road or the leasing property and buying a house idea. Buy a condo? What on earth for? If you rent you can leave. Old guys are going to be dead soon so who cares if the place appreciates?

    Old guy rents home and wife and lives happily ever after after (not too long but happy). You want love/friendship get a dog and rent everything else.

  2. I don't think Blackberry supports USB 3.0 so you are operating at a speed about 1/10th of a Galaxy S-5. Don't feel bad some people still ride horses to work too.

    It looks like the speed of Lollipop is close to Kitkat so I don't see much difference there. I would like the white background but not at the expense of a mute button. Nor do I like the notifications on my lock screen.

    go into settings and disable notifications from showing when the phone is locked -simple

    Do you have lollipop running on a Galaxy S5?

  3. Quote : "They should use the power according to the intentions of people who voted for them. The people trust them to run the country and bring an improved standard of living to the people".

    He is right, it's called democracy. The problem is, it exists only on paper.

    That's why i find it exasperating to read again and again the same pointless phrase, as recently happened with the diplomat who infuriated the General, and justly so, because a diplomat is not a journalist and if a diplomat doesn't understand that, then he should not do that job.

    The chant goes : "he/they should restore democracy in this country", but to restore something implies that it was there before.

    What was here, however, had so very little to do with democracy. The people had a right to vote, yes, but for whom ? for a self appointed 'elite' (strictly meaning rich guys, education, manners and ethics being totally optional), cynical big shots (on either side) whose agenda had nothing to do with the people's or the country's needs, and didn't care a bit. Votes were for sale, directly or indirectly (via the village heads) and corruption at all levels turned the whole system into a pathetic farce.

    Restoring the right to vote in such a system would solve absolutely nothing. This Forum is full of people who are happy to lash out at the General, or at Thaksin and consorts for that matter, but no one has the faintest idea how to start mending a system that was so utterly damaged, and in such a context the expression 'restore democracy' sounds like Marie-Antoinette (allegedly) saying "the people don't have bread ? well, then they should eat croissants'.

    Where have you been? Read the newspapers. Listen to the knowledgeable Thais in the universities. Start elections. The Thai people have tried and tried and tried but the majority keeps getting overruled by non elected special interests. You represent a non elected special interest. What, do you think no one knows?

    Votes were for sale but the side who had the least amount of money won. Didn't you think that was a bit odd? Do you realize you are fooling no one?

  4. As soon as all of you at the UN fully understnad thhat Thailand is ALWAYS right and never will accept any assiistance, advice, input, suggestions, or itereference this will all go alote easier.

    moreover if you will always believe our words and promices to fix what is only percieved as being broken by the outside work we will all get along famouosly. Full stop!!

    A couple of million GI's were stationed in Thailand between 1965 and 1975 and built airports, deep water ports and roads along with other infrastructure projects that allowed Thailand to become the tiger of Asia.

    Thailand has accepted massive amounts of aid and help over the years.

  5. General elections were held in Thailand on 6 February 2005. With a turnout of 60.7 percent, the Thai Rak Thai Party (Thais Love Thais Party) of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra won a landslide victory. Out of 500 seats in the House of Representatives, Thaksin's party won 375 seats.

    2006 his party was outlawed and he was barred from political activity.

    Do you remember why a party with such a big win had to call elections for 14 months later? Do you remember the blatant abuses of office, including the B9 billion loan from KTB, and the illegal attempts to force a result from the 2006 election which saw the party banned?

    Banned by the minority opposition. Ya I remember that. I thoroughly understand. If you can't win at the polls what's a fellow to do? Do you remember the last time that Thaksin family lost an election? It's slipped my mind.

    Well to be fair, more than 50% of the Thais think corruption is ok if it benefited them...so you can't really apply western standards and democracy to this country yet until that type of thinking changes and laws can be enforced.

    Winning polls yet not enforcing the laws is no better too, in the end the root cause are always the lack of enforcement that causes the society to move backwards. TRT/PTP has been in office for the better part of the decade, what has improved? Big shiny buildings, infrastructure, but the society and people has been sliding backwards. Winning elections no longer means anything, history has proven itself parties continue to be corrupt and have no shame about it.

    Rice deal under TRT was condemn by all organizations and was proven to be a failure, yet PTP repeated the same program saying they would be transparent - no figures for 2 years Yingluck was in office. The list goes on, enough is enough.

    Who says enough is enough? An unelected minority? TV shills? Ya right.

  6. This is silly. I think you're probably being deliberately obtuse on this if you cannot see that the requirements set by the government, as I've said BEFORE (and you trollishly pretend to ignore), are there to ensure the foreigner wanting to enter the country will not become a burden on the economy and economic (and other, for that matter) resources - such as, say, law enforcement services... - intended to benefit the native Thai population, as is the B20K - loosely enforced - requirement for even a visa exempt entry stamp. Precisely the same purpose as that for which similar requirements, and related ones such as sponsor financial responsibility affidavits, exist in the U.S. and other countries. It's not some magical predictor of what they will spend, only evidence that they can indeed support themselves for the applicable periods of stay. Obviously, some people can subsist on less than these required amounts, and some will spend more. Some guy entering on a visa exempt stamp who stays only a couple of days and/or is a backpacker may very well spend much less than the B20K he's required to have, so the B20K is no predictor. The same is true of visa- and visa extension holders. Some guy who has his B800K in the bank may even just leave it there and never spend a single satang of it so as never to have to concern himself with it or the "aging requirements" (which are something less than an incentive to be actively spending from that account, BTW) when renewing his visa or extension.

    You're the first to mention the 20k and backpacker element and now you're being completely silly and grasping at straws! Backpackers are tourists who visit Thailand but do not stay the same way that long term visa holders do, those who are required to deposit 800K.

    The minimum requirement of 800K baht is a bar that is set far higher than one that merely ensures foriegners don't become a burden, it's set at that level to bring revenue into the country, not solely as an insurance against becoming a burden.

    And exactly how a retiree keeps 800K baht in his/her bank all year without spending a single satang on any form of living expenses escapes me! Of course people (like me) lodge 800k baht into a long term fixed deposit and forget about until visa extension time, living expenses, the far greater sum, come from a separate account.

    "The minimum requirement of 800K baht is a bar that is set far higher than one that merely ensures foriegners don't become a burden, it's set at that level to bring revenue into the country, not solely as an insurance against becoming a burden."

    Nope. Mere conjecture, and unsupported conjecture at that. Talk about grasping at straws. The amount is higher because the period of stay being authorized will obviously be longer.

    "And exactly how a retiree keeps 800K baht in his/her bank all year without spending a single satang on any form of living expenses escapes me! Of course people (like me) lodge 800k baht into a long term fixed deposit and forget about until visa extension time."

    Good job! You answered your own question! clap2.gif

    "living expenses, the far greater sum, come from a separate account"

    How nice for you. They would no doubt be for me as well. And for many I expect. Not necessarily true for everyone though that actual living expenses are the far greater sum. Furthermore, if an individual uses the income method rather than the fixed B800K deposit method, there's absolutely no way of even guessing how much money is actually being brought into the country to spend! A visa authorizes extended stays in the country, it doesn't require them. You have no way of correlating visa status even with total time spent in-country, much less how much money is actually spent there. The most you can do is assert that a visa holder probably spends more time and money in-country than a non-visa holder, and even that's a generalization. The financial requirements of the Immigration Dept merely satisfy the risk posed by the non self-sufficient, the freeloaders, and someone who might for example fall victim to an expensive mishap or claim, and are neither here nor there.

    I've read members claiming that the amounts required are actually unrealistically low compared to some other countries. So let me ask you. If Thailand were to raise the minimum amount from B800K to, say, B2M, do you think that would serve as an "attraction" to more retirees (not that there aren't other visa categories which we'd have to address as well...)? Do higher minimum amounts "attract" more retirees (and others) and more money to Thailand, or do just the opposite and disincentivize them? You claim these requirements "attract" money to Thailand, so higher minimums must be even more "attractive", no? So, gee, why stop at B2M. Why not B10M? B50M?? B1B??? The more the amount required, the more money "attracted" to Thailand, right?

    They have the elite visa don't they?

  7. General elections were held in Thailand on 6 February 2005. With a turnout of 60.7 percent, the Thai Rak Thai Party (Thais Love Thais Party) of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra won a landslide victory. Out of 500 seats in the House of Representatives, Thaksin's party won 375 seats.

    2006 his party was outlawed and he was barred from political activity.

    Do you remember why a party with such a big win had to call elections for 14 months later? Do you remember the blatant abuses of office, including the B9 billion loan from KTB, and the illegal attempts to force a result from the 2006 election which saw the party banned?

    Banned by the minority opposition. Ya I remember that. I thoroughly understand. If you can't win at the polls what's a fellow to do? Do you remember the last time that Thaksin family lost an election? It's slipped my mind.

  8. Is there an academic review and or practical applied principles of sufficiency economy anywhere? For example as it applies to the real estate industry or other ventures. I realize it works on experimental farms but they a very small part of the Thai agricultural industry.

    If the PM is going to sell this idea to other countries might they not ask for examples of how it works on a large scale in Thailand?

    For example he could present how he has switched the majority of rice farmers from one crop farming. They have been switched (like they did in Europe in the 1400's) haven't they?

  9. I honestly don't believe that she personally took anything out of the system other than the trips abroad and the jollies that she had.

    She always stuck me as a follower rather than a leader and I also believe that she had no idea of what was really going on simply because nobody told her.

    She was always a de jure PM whilst Thaksin was the de facto PM

    Wikipedia says https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=de+jure+de+facto&oq=de+jure+definition&gs_l=serp.1.0.0i71l8.

    De jure (/dɨ ˈdʒʊəriː/, /deɪ-/; Classical Latin: de iúre [dɛ ˈjuːrɛ]) is an expression that means "of right, by right, according to law" (literally "from law"), as contrasted with de facto, which means "in fact, in reality" (literally "from fact").

    You are like a flea at the bottom of Mount Everest (Yingluck). How or why do you think your opinion holds any merit? That Thailand allows you and I to breath the same air as her is still kind of a mystery to me. No disrespect but gosh it is like saying you know what the virgin Mary was thinking when she found out she was pregnant.

    Do YOU think that your opinion holds any more merit than mine?

    As for disrespect that is exactly what your post is.

    Do you really believe that Yingluck with NO political experience at all could start in the top position (PM) and run the country from day 1?

    Even her brother Thaksin called her his clone.

    Yingluck and I share the same air as we are both inThailand and both legally too.

    If you honestly and truly believe that Yingluck was the de facto pm you have my pity FWIW as you don't seem to have had a clue what happened while she was in charge of the country.

    Yes I do. I know the family. But my point was no mere mortal (including myself) is in a position to know what is really going on with her and the family. They breath different air was a metaphor.

  10. @ lostoday. Any reason why you keep posting information that the OP had already read prior to writing his post and has nothing to do with his enquiry?

    All he asked for was the link to the online submission form which I have given him.

    Sorry I didn't know the OP was already registered as a business. He said above that he made a mistake saying he was a business and he had posted that - but he didn't - the post discussing that is no longer there. There must be a thread running in an alternative universe that I'm not seeing. So again, I'm sorry I didn't know he was already registered as a business.

  11. The internet link is only in Thai. It's for commercial hotels/guest houses/condos etc who need to be registered on the system.

    The best option for you would be to send the form by registered post.

    Here is the link


    But unless you are a registered business I don't think you can apply for this service.

    The link is only on the Thai menu of the immigration website and is between the One Stop Service and the 90 day Notification links.

    Yes. But the link is of no use to the OP

    Even if the OP reads and understands Thai the site cannot be accessed until an interest has been registered with immigration and approval given.

    @ OP "Can anyone give me any idea that where can I find the link???"

    1. Business licence or signed copy of business registration confirmation
    2. Letter of authorisation to conduct the registration via internet
    3. Copy of ID card of person giving authorisation and authorised person
    4. Fill in the form provided by the officer (download)
    5. 1 empty compact disk (CD)
    • If documents are incomplete, the business owner is notified.
    • If documents are complete, the officer in charge accepts the registration. The registration code is sent to the business by mail or e-mail as indicated by the business owner, together with record forms.

    The link is on the CD returned to person who submits it. I hope this answers your question.

  12. She will probably just up and flee like her brother....All the money she took while in power will all be safely offshore by now anyways!!!

    I honestly don't believe that she personally took anything out of the system other than the trips abroad and the jollies that she had.

    She always stuck me as a follower rather than a leader and I also believe that she had no idea of what was really going on simply because nobody told her.

    She was always a de jure PM whilst Thaksin was the de facto PM

    Wikipedia says https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=de+jure+de+facto&oq=de+jure+definition&gs_l=serp.1.0.0i71l8.

    De jure (/dɨ ˈdʒʊəriː/, /deɪ-/; Classical Latin: de iúre [dɛ ˈjuːrɛ]) is an expression that means "of right, by right, according to law" (literally "from law"), as contrasted with de facto, which means "in fact, in reality" (literally "from fact").

    You are like a flea at the bottom of Mount Everest (Yingluck). How or why do you think your opinion holds any merit? That Thailand allows you and I to breath the same air as her is still kind of a mystery to me. No disrespect but gosh it is like saying you know what the virgin Mary was thinking when she found out she was pregnant.

  13. I see this is much to placate the anti Thaksin group. Really the demand from the Ministry of Finance has no legal binding, even if Prayuth agree. Yingluck can just ignore and there is really nothing much the MOF can do. This just political posturing on the junta's part but really has no bite.

    Well I sort of agree with you up to the point where you say there is nothing much they can do.

    She would not be the first PM in the world to be put in jail and neither would she be the last.

    Part of Yinglucks problem is her Thai upbringing where as the younger sister she would have been expected to do as her elder brother wished.

    I suspect that he told her that there would be no problems and that he would look after her. Sadly she believed him but Thaksin has a habit of protecting himself before and at the expense of anybody else, albeit family, cronies or friends. If push comes to shove he will quite happily push them under a bus to protect himself.

    I honestly believe that Yingluck is a very nice person herself but unfortunately where Thaksin is concerned she is just another fish in a tank full of sharks and killer whales and is replaceable. Ask his brother in law, Somchai. After all he still has a son and 2 daughter yet to be "blooded".

    Your stereotype stops at the edge of the rice paddy.wai2.gif

  14. Good job done by PM Prayuth Chan o cha wai2.gif We salute you & the people of Thailand salute you .........

    Someone needed to take control and try to get back the billions missing and wasted payed by taxpayers.

    do NOT insult the people of Thailand

    YOU can grovel as much as you like BUT the people of Thailand DO NOT salute him unless he has a gun (yes we know he has) and all the Thais I know do not support him your post is a presumptuous disgrace

    Well unless you have done a proper survey of say 10% or even 0.01% of all the Thai people (not just the ones you know) all of what you have said is merely your opinion.

    I know quite a few Thais as well from where I live but the split would be closer to 50/50, Again that is only my personal opinion.

    By the way who or what gives YOU they right to speak on behalf of ALL the Thai people?

    Are you actually a Thai citizen with the right to speak and vote in Thailand?

    I am not and never can be but I don't presume that I have the right to speak for the Thai nation as you seem to.

    General elections were held in Thailand on 6 February 2005. With a turnout of 60.7 percent, the Thai Rak Thai Party (Thais Love Thais Party) of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra won a landslide victory. Out of 500 seats in the House of Representatives, Thaksin's party won 375 seats.

    2006 his party was outlawed and he was barred from political activity.

  15. Americans, in general, tend to be extremely introspective and parochial, and don't have much knowledge of the outside world, despite modern-day communications like television and the internet. There is no reason to suppose Mr Kent is any different.

    Obviously, you don't know very many Americans, do you?

    Or British Ambassadors who speak fluent Thai. Allanos wrote, "Mark Kent is a career diplomat, there is actually every chance that he doesn't understand very much about Thailand - if anything at all."

  16. I used to take the 81 aspent here till my pharmacy ran out one time. I bought the big ones and cut them with my knife (I have a sharp knife) . I don't remember exactly but they worked out lo like one week for a nickle (5 cents). Then I stopped taking them in my search for solid stools and I watch my blood pressure daily. I'm also on a couple of other high blood pressure meds.

  17. Americans, in general, tend to be extremely introspective and parochial, and don't have much knowledge of the outside world, despite modern-day communications like television and the internet. There is no reason to suppose Mr Kent is any different.

    You know as much about Americans as you do about Mr Kent which is nothing. Do you want me to guess what little country you come from that educates its few citizens in such a shoddy manner as you?

  18. Unless H.E. Mark Kent is a career diplomat, there is actually every chance that he doesn't understand very much about Thailand - if anything at all.

    Ambassadorships are very often political appointments, and, in this respect, America is no different to the majority of countries around the world.

    An ambassadorship can be, and most likely is, a reward by a serving head of state (Obama?) to someone who has helped such head, politically.

    These ambassadors are not obliged to know very much about the countries they are appointed to.

    Mark Kent graduated in Law from the University of Oxford. He gained a Master’s degree in European Law and Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, and has a postgraduate qualification in Business Administration from the Open University. He has studied Thai at Chiang Mai University, Khon Kaen University and Chulalongkorn University.

    Now Miss or Mr allanos you may say how foolish you feel. wai2.gif

  19. Good job done by PM Prayuth Chan o cha wai2.gif We salute you & the people of Thailand salute you .........

    Someone needed to take control and try to get back the billions missing and wasted payed by taxpayers.

    do NOT insult the people of Thailand

    YOU can grovel as much as you like BUT the people of Thailand DO NOT salute him unless he has a gun (yes we know he has) and all the Thais I know do not support him your post is a presumptuous disgrace

    You insult the intelligence of the people of Thailand if you think they like to pay inflated taxes so the Shinawatras live total luxurious with private airplanes.....

    Well said, right on, 3 times...

    Airplanes. Oh why did you have to pick airplanes? Too funny. Why not submarines?

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