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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. I agree with you and think the legal age should be raised to 39 but that's the topic is it? How do you determine porn girls are over 18? That's the topic. How do you do it?

    Wow , into 4 pages of post that are completely off topic . New management of TV ?

    What has this bickering about underaged girls bars to do with intensifying laws on CP ?

    Absolutely nothing except it's provocative and lends itself to flame wars.

  2. The problem with the Thai education is not enough resources are available, you cannot expect teachers with degrees in literature coming to Thai for 900USD a month when they can get 12 grand in Japan , H.K or at home, in Thai everyone is underpaid and under rated , until a mind set of better education is available the education system will remain stagnant , one direction that could be adopted is to cut back on military spending and divert the money to Education.coffee1.gif

    Nonsense. There are native English teachers available from India and the Philippines at Thai wages - no problem. Thailand spends a huge amount on education. "For all Thailand’s education problems the one thing that has not been missing is funding. Thailand spends a huge amount on education, equal to 20 per cent of the national budget." http://asiancorrespondent.com/132313/will-thai-juntas-education-ministry-purge-help-raise-teaching-standards/

    Best to know what you are talking about before you post.

    And the standards of those "native" speaking teachers from India and Philippines, where English is not the native nor first language is part of the problem.

    Indian accents vary massively dependent on which state they're from. India has many many native languages but English isn't one of them. Filipinos speak with a strong accent, use very Americanized English and are not native English speakers either.

    You should practice what you preach to others - preferably before you post.

    The official languages of the Union Government of the Republic of India are Hindi in the Devanagari script and English.


    The present constitution, ratified in 1987, designates Filipino and English as joint official languages.


    What was it you said? "You should practice what you preach to others - preferably before you post."

    ​Both India and the Philippines host thousands of offices that answer questions in English for Western companies. Thailand has none.

    Both India and the Philippines have many degreed teachers available in English at Thai prices.

    American English is the preferred English for international business ask any Thai which is easier to learn or understand.

  3. I find it interesting ot find so many people here talking about how sick this is when so many of the people on this forum browse the "Goods" in Pattaya or Soi Cowboy every night, and I'm not talking about DVD's.

    Many of those girls are underage too, even if they don't tell you.

    Pattaya is a big city and Soi Cowboy has many bars. Have you visited them all to be able to speak with such authority on the presence of children working there?

    I've never seen a child working in either of those places but if I did I would inform the authorities. Why didn't you?

    I pretty much have visited them all, yes. Well maybe not Pattaya as that would be a monumental undertaking, but let's say I visited a very good sample.

    And I meet plenty underage girls there, typically 16-17. I'm not making a claim if those are children or not (or teenagers, whatever), but there can be no doubt that they're underage. Hint: they're not always the smallest, youngest looking either.

    And I don't inform authorities (of 16-17 year olds) as it's in nobody's interest except corrupt cops, if you'll excuse the tautology.

    (Indeed I don't run into prepubescent children being exploited in bars, and that would indeed get into territory where reporting to the law will potentially do more good than harm.)

    In addition to the law, everyone also has their your own individual set of morals. "Why not report to the police" is easy to say, until you realize that all prostitution is illegal in Thailand: is anyone reporting that to the police every day? If not, why not: it's because many people's own morals say that consensual sex between adults is okay, never mind what the law says.

    And, (as people will inevitably ask/challenge): I don't think 16-17 year olds should work in bars and if I'm honest then 18 and 19 not either. Providing alternatives, education and so on would help with some of them, though others are just hell-bent on the relatively larger sums of money to be had, as well as the lifestyle. Personally I wouldn't knowingly get intimate with someone that young and also believe that they're better off with boyfriends their own age, and then only if it doesn't interfere with finishing an education.

    I agree with you and think the legal age should be raised to 39 but that's not the topic is it? How do you determine porn girls are over 18? That's the topic. How do you do it?

  4. I know nothing about Thailand because I don't stay at questionable hotels that card the girls that come in? This is a joke, right? What if I'm taking care of my sisters niece or a friends child while they're in the hospital? I am not permitted to have an underage guest? If they're carding you when it's not related to check-in, the place is shady, end of story. I've traveled to about two dozen Thai towns/cities, staying in hotels this year alone as well as Malaysia, Hong Kong (twice), Tokyo, Vientaine, Savannakhet, Ho Chi minh, Yangon, KL & Siem Reap, none of them had to card my wife when her name wasn't registered as a guest and she wasn't present during check in. What a joke.

    You seem to know Thailand, or at least one "part" of Thailand, the dregs. At least I know where to find you, in the hotels where most of the working girls end up and the bars where you find them.

    But none of this shows anything except proof that these "hotels" you go to have to ID because there is an underage problem. If there was no underage problem they wouldn't be IDing the working girls. (I'm taking your word that they're IDing every girl that comes through the doors though I find that hilarious).

    Oh my, flaming me? You wrote, "You seem to know Thailand, or at least one "part" of Thailand, the dregs. At least I know where to find you, in the hotels where most of the working girls end up and the bars where you find them."

    I take it you have never been to Thailand. The Nana and Lek are both good reasonably priced hotels.

    Perhaps you should have some local knowledge before posting about Thailand and the rules of Thai Visa before flaming posters.

    7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

    Hotels have a responsibility to insure the safety of guests and keep the ID cards of unregistered guests who stay in the room until they leave.

    But back to the topic. How do you confirm the girls are of age in the porn you watch? Child porn is the topic of this thread you know?

  5. The article does not give any details, but one possible scenario (I am not saying this is the case) would be; you go into this fancy seafood restaurant on your last day in Phuket to have a nice time before going bck home....Having seen the menu you decide for a couple of lobsters, a grilled fish, some nice wine etc....

    Then the bill arrives at 20,000 Baht and you say F#$%K you and walk away......

    The Blue Marine Resort and Spa quoted in the OP is a big hotel I think isn't it? Not to get in the way of a good Thai bash of course......

  6. Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

    Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

    Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

    You are so wrong. This is Thailand where money buys these kind of things. Seriously, how about the guy who got blacklisted when he went toe to toe with a student who stole his writings and was blacklisted. The "student" had legal charges against himself and still managed to pay off an immigration official to blacklist the professor.

    No way in hell does a person rack up a 15000 baht restaurant bill in Thailand unless hes at the top of the Conrad Hilton in BKK, it just isnt possible. And to blacklist a person for an "ALLEGED" crime, not substantiated is typical of the crazy tactics used in the country. Great example of the madness is the KT trial going on right now where the police are using DNA that does not match to try and convict innocent people.

    You need to think about the whole picture before you spout off with your comments. They are incorrect.

    I think this is the place. Google images.


  7. BS as the ID's are checked by security at the hotels.

    What!? Are you kidding me? I just went on a trip to Kuala Lumpur with my wife and her cousin. Considering she's a general manager of a five star hotel in Pattaya we spent a good amount of time on this topic. They do NOT check the iD's of girls that come in with men if their name isn't on the room. You can't ask for hte ID of every girl that walks into your hotel. That's like checking ID at a bar. It's illegal here in Thailand.

    Are you completely ignorant of local law or just choose ignorance?

    I could see them doing this at the shadier, short stay hotels but the better question is, if there's no problem with underage girls selling themselves why are they bothering to check ID's? Your argument shoots yourself in the foot regarding the "There aren't any underage working girls" statement.

    Nonsense. Nana hotel and Lek hotel two of the largest punter hotels in Thailand ask any woman not registered for ID when joining a male in a room. You are completely ignorant of local law.

    To answer your question they not only check the ID they keep it until the girl leaves your room not only to check her age but to insure the guests safety.

    Your wife is the manager of a 5 star hotel in Pattaya? There are no female managers of 5 star hotels in Pattaya. And why would Kuala Lumpur have anything to do with Thailand hotel rules?

    Not my wife, her cousin whom I just spent a significant amount of time with. KL has nothing to do with Thailand, the three of us were visiting together.

    Onto the topic, you just stated that these are punter hotels, or rather, places people bring prostitutes. As such I can imagine that since they often allow illegal activity they cover themselves as much as possible with ID checks. They're already committing illegal acts and this is Thailand, the police will probably look the other way for prostitution as it is.

    Again, if there is no underage prostitution issue, why are they checking ID? What a complete and utter farce.

    Nonsense again you don't know anything about Thailand. Nothing illegal about the Nana or Lek Hotels. They are big reputable hotels that cater to single men although families also stay there. Hotels in Thailand all have policies concerning joining parties. Some charge for a guest joining you in your room and some don't. Nothing illegal about that just a hotel policy.

    The hotel has an obligation to insure the safety of a guest hence they keep ID cards of anyone staying in the room who is not registered.

    But back to the topic how do you check the girls age on the porn you watch in Thailand and do you keep in on your computer?

  8. The problem with the Thai education is not enough resources are available, you cannot expect teachers with degrees in literature coming to Thai for 900USD a month when they can get 12 grand in Japan , H.K or at home, in Thai everyone is underpaid and under rated , until a mind set of better education is available the education system will remain stagnant , one direction that could be adopted is to cut back on military spending and divert the money to Education.coffee1.gif

    The money is there. MOE has plenty. Thailand has one of the highest per student spending ratios in the world. The problem is that almost all of that money gets siphoned off by corrupt MOE officials and school administrators, so that nothing is left for teacher pay, student resources, and facilities improvement.

    Ya, stupid stuff like buying the brother of the Principal's text books and nazi uniforms for sport days and Thai dancing courses.

  9. A lot of the teenage girl's have been at it in the village on a regular basis so they are well run in when the get to the tourist areas.

    With fake ID they can fool a lot of guys into thinking their as old as their fake ID says!

    BS as the ID's are checked by security at the hotels.

    What!? Are you kidding me? I just went on a trip to Kuala Lumpur with my wife and her cousin. Considering she's a general manager of a five star hotel in Pattaya we spent a good amount of time on this topic. They do NOT check the iD's of girls that come in with men if their name isn't on the room. You can't ask for hte ID of every girl that walks into your hotel. That's like checking ID at a bar. It's illegal here in Thailand.

    Are you completely ignorant of local law or just choose ignorance?

    I could see them doing this at the shadier, short stay hotels but the better question is, if there's no problem with underage girls selling themselves why are they bothering to check ID's? Your argument shoots yourself in the foot regarding the "There aren't any underage working girls" statement.

    Nonsense. Nana hotel and Lek hotel two of the largest punter hotels in Thailand ask any woman not registered for ID when joining a male in a room. You are completely ignorant of local law.

    To answer your question they not only check the ID they keep it until the girl leaves your room not only to check her age but to insure the guests safety.

    Your wife is the manager of a 5 star hotel in Pattaya? There are no female managers of 5 star hotels in Pattaya. And why would Kuala Lumpur have anything to do with Thailand hotel rules?

  10. The problem with the Thai education is not enough resources are available, you cannot expect teachers with degrees in literature coming to Thai for 900USD a month when they can get 12 grand in Japan , H.K or at home, in Thai everyone is underpaid and under rated , until a mind set of better education is available the education system will remain stagnant , one direction that could be adopted is to cut back on military spending and divert the money to Education.coffee1.gif

    Nonsense. There are native English teachers available from India and the Philippines at Thai wages - no problem. Thailand spends a huge amount on education. "For all Thailand’s education problems the one thing that has not been missing is funding. Thailand spends a huge amount on education, equal to 20 per cent of the national budget." http://asiancorrespondent.com/132313/will-thai-juntas-education-ministry-purge-help-raise-teaching-standards/

    Best to know what you are talking about before you post.

  11. my investments are in the European & USA market.

    little bit of commodities too like gold, silver...

    all my business is managed by a bank. I could do it by myself but too risky. too many of my friends lost all thinking they could make big money and have been hit by the crisis. They have lost most of their money.

    when market is based on a fraction of a second, better give this to professionals and have a good night sleep.

    I will not invest more(in stocks and bonds ) . better be safe than sorry. this is why I am asking you if there is a better and a safer way to invest.

    You have an account large enough for the bank to give you a personal manager? Why on earth are you asking the hacks at TV?

    "Personal managers" are not always exclusive. Fidelity will assign you one if you have your retirement money with them but that personal manager will handle numerous customers in addition to you.

    Not at banks. Private banks have personal bank managers. I know I have one.

  12. I find it interesting ot find so many people here talking about how sick this is when so many of the people on this forum browse the "Goods" in Pattaya or Soi Cowboy every night, and I'm not talking about DVD's.

    Many of those girls are underage too, even if they don't tell you.

    Pattaya is a big city and Soi Cowboy has many bars. Have you visited them all to be able to speak with such authority on the presence of children working there?

    I've never seen a child working in either of those places but if I did I would inform the authorities. Why didn't you?

    You have never seen because you don't want to look at .

    Soi Cowboy in Bangkok and Pattaya for farang are a drop of water in the sea if you compare to all the country ...

    If you can enter a karaoke in the deep Issan or deep south , or deep north , even deep Bangkok where you will never go , you will see a lot of underage girls who are coming from Cambodia , Lao , sometimes Vietnam and also Thailand .

    Open your eyes !!

    Visit the dark side of Thailand ;

    it's not beautiful 1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

    I'm not Thai or Asian. I don't go to Karaoke bars because I find them boring and they won't let me in the Japanese ones anyway. I am a Farang and I go to Farang go go's. But you are right they are but a drop in the sea of Asian porn. So why talk to me. The underage stuff must go on at the Asian bars that you know about not the Farang ones I know about no matter how much I open my eyes I don't see the same things you see.

    Perhaps you might want to report the dark side of Thailand. If I saw it I would. So give yourself a red card for allowing that stuff to happen when you saw it.bah.gif

  13. Don't let them troll you. First they will change the topic from porn to working in a bar/anyplace and then to you being with any woman younger than yourself. They want to raise the age of consent to apply to all women younger than the male so a 60 year old male would be legally bound to be with a woman 60 years of age or over.

    Ha ha. Nice try. Personally speaking, I could care less what anyone does at these places. Young girls are not my thing, but if a guy wants to shag a girl that's a couple years under the legal limit, then no big deal, provided there is zero coercion. I wanted to sleep with older women when I was 14, so whatever. The part that concerns me is when johns get more (or is it less?) than they bargained for and commit sex crimes without knowing it.

    Since the topic is child porn and you said you like movies how do you check the age of girls in the porn you watch?

  14. Never heard an issue with fake IDs here. But I'd never trust hotel staff anywhere that welcomed these girls would be on top of it or even care what goes on in the rooms.

    After you have spent some time in Thailand you'll realize that hotel security at most hotels do a decent job of collecting and verifying ID cards of the local women. Older sisters ID's can be a problem as can NGO workers who think they can tell a humans age from analysis of teeth.

    Are you joking? Have you ever been in a short-time hotel? I've never known one to check IDs. I wouldn't put my trust in em, that's for sure. I also wouldn't trust that anyone connected to the sex industry here doesn't take money to look the other way. Often times- if not all the time- underage women are connected to very powerful people, so most people keep their mouth shut when they see em.

    BS. I live in Thailand. The two biggest girl friendly hotels in Thailand are the Nana and Lek and they both do a good job of checking ID's. Thai women are Thai women of any age and not connected to anyone. You spend too much time at the movies.

    The topic is porn. How do you check the age on an actor before you buy the video or watch it on the INTERNET?

  15. my investments are in the European & USA market.

    little bit of commodities too like gold, silver...

    all my business is managed by a bank. I could do it by myself but too risky. too many of my friends lost all thinking they could make big money and have been hit by the crisis. They have lost most of their money.

    when market is based on a fraction of a second, better give this to professionals and have a good night sleep.

    I will not invest more(in stocks and bonds ) . better be safe than sorry. this is why I am asking you if there is a better and a safer way to invest.

    You have an account large enough for the bank to give you a personal manager? Why on earth are you asking the hacks at TV?

  16. A lot of the teenage girl's have been at it in the village on a regular basis so they are well run in when the get to the tourist areas.

    With fake ID they can fool a lot of guys into thinking their as old as their fake ID says!

    BS as the ID's are checked by security at the hotels.

    Never heard an issue with fake IDs here. But I'd never trust hotel staff anywhere that welcomed these girls would be on top of it or even care what goes on in the rooms.

    After you have spent some time in Thailand you'll realize that hotel security at most hotels do a decent job of collecting and verifying ID cards of the local women. Older sisters ID's can be a problem as can NGO workers who think they can tell a humans age from analysis of teeth.

  17. There needs to be a totalitarian dictatorship in one area of Thailand. Education. Hire one from Singapore not Cambridge. One does not need to be a brain trust. Rote learning over and over again learn 100 English words and when that is done learn another 100. Over and over again speak English. Forget the grammar lessons. Speak and understand. Speak with the mouth and understand with computer games in English. Forbid anyone who can't speak and understand at least 200 words in English from teaching.

    It is basic. Teach with rote learning until the basics are taught. India and the Philippines get all the outsourced English help lines both countries could supply English speaking teachers for Thai prices.

    This is Asia not America. Cheap English teachers are available from native English speakers in Asia.

  18. That there are many underage girls working at the bars in TH. I thought we were on the same thread.

    LOL, ok, here you go: no, there are not many, I think there are maybe 1 in 100 (as far as the tourist areas are concerned) and I don't consider that to be "many".

    Don't let them troll you. First they will change the topic from porn to working in a bar/anyplace and then to you being with any woman younger than yourself. They want to raise the age of consent to apply to all women younger than the male so a 60 year old male would be legally bound to be with a woman 60 years of age or over.

  19. Are you asking whether you have been watching child porn? I know I haven't but it certainly sounds like you have!

    The video was linked on Thai Visa and it is college age students not children. YOU are the sick one.

    You are telling me that there is a video of a mathayom aged boy jerking off in the face of a girl linked by Thaivisa and I am sick for questioning that? ALL mathayom aged boys are UNDER AGE!

    NO they are not UNDERAGE unless you consider 18 underage. Perhaps you should check your knowledge of Thailand school ages, things Thai and things linked on Thai Visa before commenting.

  20. "This year, the UN General Assembly will be held under the theme of "The United Nations at 70: the road ahead for peace, security and human rights."

    I guess he will be in total oblivion on that one - I hope someone will ask him how the cases about B2, fish slavery, Thai aviation ban are going and see him blush up to his ears, talk about loosing face in UN gigglem.gif

    What do you think he is there to face a tribunal of some kind?blink.png

  21. I find it interesting ot find so many people here talking about how sick this is when so many of the people on this forum browse the "Goods" in Pattaya or Soi Cowboy every night, and I'm not talking about DVD's.

    Many of those girls are underage too, even if they don't tell you.

    this is simply not true.

    What makes you say that? There are stories in the news all the time about police finding underage girls in Bangkok working in the sex industry, it is very common.

    Have you officially now changed the topic from child porn to underage sex workers?

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