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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.

    So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

    So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

  2. It's embarassing being an American and having to hear the ignorant opinions of people like Trump and Carson, and indeed most of the TV posters in this thread.

    It embarrasses me that you are unable to articulate a position and can only flame the posters who have taken the time like myself to watch the debates and research the issues and can talk intelligently without resorting to personal attacks. (You are stupid - no you are more stupid than me - no you are stupider than me - TV debate example)

    I think Trump is doing a good job and Hillary is hiding in the corner afraid to debate.

  3. He had everything he needed including food, medicinal herbs, timber and

    firewood for his own family and neighbours. I grow everything I want to eat and use in this forest.

    Sufficiency Economy in Action

    “We should grow what we can eat and use for our own consumption first. Then we may sell the surplus.

    I don’t need chemical fertilizer. In the natural forest there are no chemicals but the trees still grow very well. Trees with deeper roots get their food from deeper down. As they grow, their leaves fall, rot, and become nutrients for smaller trees and plants with shallower roots.” When he needs extra money such as fees for his children’s higher education, he sells his cows.

    My life today is much better. My own garden gives me safe food and medicinal plants which keep me healthy and free of sickness. I believe that prevention is the best solution to health care.

    As they say, you are what you eat.

    So in closing let me remind everyone.

    He had everything he needed including food, medicinal herbs, timber and firewood for his own family and neighbors. I grow everything I want to eat and use in this forest.

    No problem.

  4. He's been in charge 18 months. It's time to own your own problems.

    Stop looking back, start looking forwards.

    And stop whining all the time like a spoiled kid.

    the problem is that the peole he is referring to are still very much players and lets face it - they shouldn't be

    very easy to point the finger at the PM and say he is not running a democracy (true) but the reality is it is the only way effective changes will ever be accomplished, past democratic elected governments have shown how ineffective they are over decades of theiving - power abuse - and corruption and have failed to do anything about it - why should they, they are all enriching themselves, although the current solution is not ideal I honestly don't see any alternative, politicians in this country cannot be trusted (fact) so the only way to ensure they do what they were elected to do is to introduce stiff boundaries, rules, agencies, and laws that hold people in office to account and for the time being restrict them until such times they can be trusted


    Thank you.

    If you can't win the election why have one. I think everyone knows that.thumbsup.gif

  5. The General is not an expert on the sufficiency economy. He has advisers who support the concept and it makes a lot of sense. If people can grow their own food and depend less on other people for their survival, it creates a winning solution for Thailand. The country needs to import less and can export the overage. Electricity, water and other resources are not wasted and individuals are more in control of their lives. Of course people in the West will point out all the reasons it will not work. They are part of the materialist capitalism supporters who want to keep poorer people dependent on them.

    What is disturbing is that so many people just dismiss the concept out of hand because the Thai Prime Minister has come on board and wishes to present this concept. I keep saying give him a chance to attempt to right some of the wrongs people on this board point out on a continuous basis. Prior governments did nothing to stop the corruption. Why not give him a chance? If he fails, there will be plenty of time to criticize him then.

    Is sufficiency economy growing your own food? Ya right. Perhaps you need to do a little homework before posting.wai2.gif If the general and all his supporters in Bangkok are going to start growing food let me know. Or if you have any examples of what sufficiency economy is and how it is being successfully practiced by any large numbers of Thai people please let us in on the secret.

    What you are talking about is sustainable agriculture that was introduced in Europe in the 1600's.

  6. The right-wing are fond of saying that Muslims who don't speak out about Islamic extremism are supporting it by staying silent.

    This means, unless they apply a double standard, that in their view Trump supports this redneck and his provocative lie and attitude.

    Trump speaks for the Americans who don't like some religious leader shouting death to Americans while the current administration is giving them succor.

    According to the OP, he supports (by not speaking) that what is wrong with America is Muslims, that there are camps of Muslims plotting to kill Americans, and that Obama is a Muslim.

    I don't recall any mention of Iran. I doubt that the redneck who made the statements even knows where Iran is.

    Trump speaks for Americans who are tired of giving succor to Muslims at home and abroad when so many of that religion have an avowed goal to kill Americans, Western people and are trying to start another holy war. Trump is against the treaty with Iran as are most Americans who vote. I don't approve of Obama the same as 47% of Americans. 43% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim/CNN poll. I don't know how many voting Americans think Obama is a Muslim but I suspect it is the majority.

    I think what Trump is doing makes sense to get him elected. Right or wrong makes little difference. He can do what he wants after the election. Presidents have a long history of changing after elections. Look at LBJ and the great society. He would never got elected if the country knew about that ahead of time.smile.png

  7. The right-wing are fond of saying that Muslims who don't speak out about Islamic extremism are supporting it by staying silent.

    This means, unless they apply a double standard, that in their view Trump supports this redneck and his provocative lie and attitude.

    Trump speaks for the Americans who don't like some religious leader shouting death to Americans while the current administration is giving them succor.

  8. The precursor explanation sounds correct. There is another reason, though. The west, headed by the UK NIH, has been trying to get aspirin banned for about 15 years for infants and teens.

    The attempts to ban aspirin for those 19 years of age and younger, stems from its strong association with Reye's syndrome, an acquired encephalopathy. I suspect that heart patients (me included) will still be able to get a script for a month's worth of 81 mg aspirin, though you'll probably have to take a solemn pledge not to give any to the kiddies...unless they've got rheumatic fever, in which case a doc will script 100 mg. Somehow the powers that be have to write those items into the regulations.

    At an American FDA conference several years ago, and FDA administrator told me that if aspirin was submitted for approval today FDA would most likely refuse it's approval as a drug.

    I haven't taken an aspirin in 40 years. No need if you know which medicinal herbs to use.

    You might want to tell the medical establishment because they are still prescribing aspirin. Not that doctors know anything as opposed to internet posters with no medical credentials.

  9. You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.

    Before launching into a sanctimonious lecture on a subject you seem ignorant about, it would be as well to understand the background and issues involved.

    I am not quite sure why in your fatuous comments you feel an army general is qualified to be taken seriously on the subject.I doubt if he has the slightest idea of the practical detail involved.But let us hope he manages to interest world leaders but the sad truth is most of them will want nothing to do with him.Rightly or wrongly his international reputation is not good.The perception is he has damaged Thailand badly.I understand however Burkino Faso has just had a coup led by another wannabe dictator.Perhaps they can get together in a UN cupboard to discuss co-operation on the matter.

    Joking apart it would be a great pity if the subject of The Sufficiency Economy was tarnished by fools seeking to exploit it for political advantage

    The subject is dealt with comprehensively in the UNDP's 2007 Report "Sufficiency Economy and Human Development".

    A summary of the context is provided in the article by Dr Chris Baker in The Nation.


    The article highlights a common mistake of some who "confuse sufficiency with self sufficiency, turning inward, rejecting globalisation or retreating towards the mirage of a simpler world."

    It is also reviewed by Kevin Hewison

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    I have a feeling that sustainable agriculture may be a better phrase to understand what is meant by sufficiency economy.

  10. Mrs Yingluck was and will go down in history as one of the worst Prime Minster's Thailand has ever had. Her manipulation of the rice market which undoubtedly was the work of her brother but carried out by her plunged Thailand's rice market into a free fall which saw Thailand move from the Number 1 exporter of rice down the ladder. No one in their right mind would pay farmers a higher price than what the World price is and then let the rice sit in silos rotting away. She was never qualified to be the leader of Thailand and her actions proved it. Whether she was democratically elected is in dispute. The Shin clan for years and years subverted the Democratic process and that is why the General stepped forward. There is also another reason which we cannot discuss on the board and also why I cannot explain his belief in the sufficiency economy.. Normally, I would oppose a coup but in this case it was the only answer to a situation in which Thailand was being torn apart and its cultural identity threatened. The General is not a smooth talker like a politician but he believes he can lead Thailand back to a healthy political climate.

    I really cannot understand why people will not give him a chance. and then judge him on the results. You might want to Google Thailand and the Sufficiency Economy- the explanation will be there and why the General will present it to the UN.

    I took your advice and googled it and found the below.

    On initial inspection there does seem to be an inverse relationship between adherence to the principles of sufficiency economy and a positive performance on UNDP’s Human Achievement Index.

    UN Development Programs (need to) do some serious institutional soul-searching to understand why it has been used in this way or has been complicit in promoting military-backed government.

    The truth that emerges from these contradictions seems to be that Sufficiency Ecomomy is so broadly defined that it really is whatever one wants it to be. The wealthy can enjoy their wealth so long as they do so within their means. For the poor, the advice is to do better with what they have; make do. In class terms, SE becomes an ideology to justify the very inequality the UNDP report claims is of concern.

    Kevin Hewison

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  11. You are all showing your ignorance- the sufficiency economy has been espoused for years by the Thai Royal Family but has been ignored by a succession of governments which were more interested in how much they could make as opposed to how they could help Thailand's poor. The current Prime Minister has been an advocate of this concept for years and wants to present it to the United Nations. Why don't you people stop criticizing this man who is a Thai patriot and give him a chance to do his job. If you think there is someone better state who it is or keep quiet.

    Read the section, "Self-sufficiency as a political agenda in Thailand"


  12. I was just told that Boots don't stock it. Plenty of other pharmacies do; no prescription required.

    My doctor tole me to take a low dose aspirin for my high blood pressure 20 years ago.

    I've been all over Bangkok and all I get is "no have".?!

    Something is definately going on.

    Every pharmacy at Tesco Lotus carries it. Have you tried there?

  13. In 1956 as part of the American soil bank program farmers were paid to create fish ponds to conserve water.

    Viscount Townshend of Raynham in 1687. He was an able politician, reaching the position of Secretary of State in the reign of George I. He retired from politics in 1730 and turned his attention to his estate in Norfolk. Townshend introduced a new type of crop rotation which was already practised in Holland. It rotated crops on a four year basis and used turnips and clover as two of the crops in the rotation.

    The gradual enclosure of land, together with the four year rotation system, had two major effects on agriculture. The first was that the harvest increased in yield. In 1705, England exported 11,5 million quarters of wheat. By 1765, wheat export had risen to 95 million quarters. The second effect was that livestock, which no longer needed to be slaughtered before the winter months, increased in both quantity and quality.

    It would be interesting to see a blueprint of sufficiency economy how and when and where it was working in Thailand.

    It is working as planned. Average citizens are doing without whilst the elites spend conspicuously.

    According to the opinion expressed in a leaked top secret cable from the US ambassador in Thailand to the US Secretary of State, the tenets of sufficiency economy are "vague and malleable"

    After a meeting with Ministry of Finance officials where the need for more sufficiency was explained, Standard & Poor's director of sovereign ratings noted, "No one knows what [sufficiency economy] really means

    1. The philosophy is not consistent with the realities of Thailand's economic development
    2. Nobody understands what "sufficiency economy" really means and there are several vague interpretations


  14. Old white people do not vote 100%, don't know where you got that lie. I probably would be considered "old" now and I have never nor never will vote for a Republican, neither will many others I know. So even "old people" do not all vote for the worst of the 2 evils. Minorities, the poor, college students vote, although their vote has been greatly suppressed by gerrymandering and voter suppression by the Republicans because they tend to vote for Democrats. Republicans have admited that. There is no voter fraud, no illegals voting, none, nada, zero, zip, never has been, just another right wing lie. Publicas thanks for that polling info, very suspect that one poll that the Donald is using. The entire clown bus contains some of the most dangerous people in the US today, hope the Donald runs it and the entire wacko traitorous teabaggin party of the cliff, a very high cliff.

    I didn't say old people vote Republican. I said all old people vote. biggrin.png I'd call you some names too but I'm not a democrat and don't resort to that kindergarten stuff.

  15. There are a lot of us in very successful relationships with age differences of 20 years or more. My wife was 23 and I was 43 when we met and now at 41 and 61 we are as happy as we have ever been. It is all about the people involved, not the résumé or some checklist.

    Even though the age haters try and convince I really don't think there are different legal statues for stealing money from men older than the woman.

  16. I would really, really like to see a poll/polls, who/what was responsible for them and how they were worded that says Trump has 25% of African Americans and 31% of the Hispanic voters too. Have a link or a names? I envision 0% of Americans with more than one working brain cell would vote for the leader of the clown bus.

    It says black voters. What percent of blacks and or Mexicans vote? Old white people 100% vote. Trump is throwing away the minority and illegal and Muslim vote in favor of cloudy day (not rainbow) Americans. My wife just asked me who was going to win and do Americans really not mind Iranians shouting death to Americans. Trump by a small margin because Americans really don't like Iranians shouting death to America and the flood of illegal immigrants across the border. This may be the last election that is controlled by people actually born in America.

  17. I think aspirin is aspirin. Cut the big tablets up into quarters.

    yes it is....just dose is different

    That's why I said cut it up. 5 baht for the 81 and .0001 baht for the cut up pill.

    Except if you cut the pill it's no longer fully enteric coated and creates problems for people with gastric complaints.!

    Ya I guess it would but I don't know if mine are enteric coated as the bottle does not say.

  18. You can go to any outside local pharmacy and you will get a coated aspirin it may not be the Bayer brand but the same, can buy it at any local pharmacy here. 100mg.

    I think the most widely sold local brand is Aspent 81 mg. It is ENTERIC COATED which is very important to those of use who take it DAILY.

    Isn't it available both enteric coated and not? I looked at my bottle and I can't find the word enteric on the bottle. But there is Thai writing on the side that is small and I can't read.

  19. I think almost all the reports are about LOW DOSE aspirin which is used daily for heart disease / stroke prevention therapy.

    I think aspirin is aspirin. Cut the big tablets up into quarters.

    yes it is....just dose is different

    That's why I said cut it up. 5 baht for the 81 and .0001 baht for the cut up pill.

  20. In addition, Thailand has more foreigners than it can really accommodate.

    Have you ever visited London?

    As one Thai lady visitor to London said, "Where are all the white people?"

    especially when there are so many condemning Ian and making fun of his appearance.

    Not making fun of his appearance, more like wondering how he thought a 20 year old slim Thai woman could love him for real.

    It just isn't believable!

    She had to see him as a cash cow from day one.

    If you are not making fun of his appearance you could have fooled me. BTW what difference does it make? Should we cut her some slack and not send her to jail because of the age difference?

  21. I have written many scribts for aspirin.In the U.S. Just because you can buy it otc does not mean in wont be presribed. Also paid for on insurance and hmo plans.

    You've written a scribt or a script, a script is short for prescription, what's a scribt short for?

    He was probably trying to catch the pedantic grammar police on another crusade. biggrin.png I do it all the dime.

  22. In 1956 as part of the American soil bank program farmers were paid to create fish ponds to conserve water.

    Viscount Townshend of Raynham in 1687. He was an able politician, reaching the position of Secretary of State in the reign of George I. He retired from politics in 1730 and turned his attention to his estate in Norfolk. Townshend introduced a new type of crop rotation which was already practised in Holland. It rotated crops on a four year basis and used turnips and clover as two of the crops in the rotation.

    The gradual enclosure of land, together with the four year rotation system, had two major effects on agriculture. The first was that the harvest increased in yield. In 1705, England exported 11,5 million quarters of wheat. By 1765, wheat export had risen to 95 million quarters. The second effect was that livestock, which no longer needed to be slaughtered before the winter months, increased in both quantity and quality.

    It would be interesting to see a blueprint of sufficiency economy how and when and where it was working in Thailand.

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