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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Your English is difficult for me to understand. It reads like you are using an on line translator from another language. Knowing what is a pronoun, verb, nouns, simple sentences may be admirable skills but if you can't communicate a thought, hardly valuable.

    Take #7 for example. "7. To do something in the immediate future, need to have a very good system of videos and interaction internet system that takes care of the needs of the students in a meaningful way. Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup."

    I have no idea what you are trying to communicate. Have someone who speaks English translate it for you.


    I don't know. Maybe the poster was trying to communicate something about teaching from the bottom up but I could not understand his use of the English language.

    For example, "Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup."

    What does the above mean?

    Maybe it's code for "Did I ask you? Sit down raise your hand and wait till you are called on."

    Maybe under the facade he's just a jerk with a courtesy deficit. Oh, sorry, it wasn't him who said that.

    So you don't know what he mean either. I figured as much.

  2. I've been living and working in Thailand for over 20 years now and I've got to know a lot of teachers here in that time and 99.5 are absolute nut cases I mean I wouldn't let them near my kids let alone teach them !!!! The other .5 are solid people can see in their eyes and hear in their voice plus the way they conduct them selves they know how to teach and love doing so.

    Just my opinion I've been known to be wrong sometimes just ask my wife.

    I've been living in Thailand for 20 years and 99.5% of the expats I've known here dropped out of high school.

    Your should associate with a better class of expats then rolleyes.gif

    You know them rig pigs ain't the brightest group on the planet.smile.png

  3. I've been living and working in Thailand for over 20 years now and I've got to know a lot of teachers here in that time and 99.5 are absolute nut cases I mean I wouldn't let them near my kids let alone teach them !!!! The other .5 are solid people can see in their eyes and hear in their voice plus the way they conduct them selves they know how to teach and love doing so.

    Just my opinion I've been known to be wrong sometimes just ask my wife.

    I've been living in Thailand for 20 years and 99.5% of the expats I've known here dropped out of high school.

  4. see it this way:

    children everywhere in the world, learn to speak from their environment, many years before they learn to write the language ...

    so, even the teachers failed the governement test, it is important to interact with the children and learn them to SPEAK, writing is another thing

    if they want thais to interact face to face with tourists, will they do this in writing or in understandable face-to-face time in the resorts, restaurants, massage parlors ???

    Thai children start in school at 3 years of age. Can't be too difficult to give them an English experience daily given anyone in the school system spoke English.

  5. What is your point?

    His point is to start measuring.

    Did I ask you? Sit down raise your hand and wait till you are called on.

    Ah. Another graduate of the Thai education system. It always shows. Presumably you would quite like to do some measuring as well?

    You answer a question that I did not ask you with an answer that makes no sense and now a comment about my education which makes no sense and another statement about measuring that makes no sense. Make a statement or answer a question sensibly and I'll be more than happy to comment.

  6. 1. Teachers are lectures not teachers. See problems in grade three in rural areas with teachers expecting students to learn by themselves. 4 students in the class..

    2. No continuity between classes. All the teachers do their own thing. Grade four does not build on knowledge gained in grade three.

    3. Teachers are not empowered to work with the students they have. Guidelines are passed down from someone who doesn't understand the rural kids have had less exposure to than in Bangkok.

    4. Thailand doesn't seem to have any desire, or lack of funds in the public school system to stream the students. Twenty - thirty percent of the students are way more capable of learning English.

    The bottom 70% of the students severely hold back the advanced students.

    5. Class size is often too big. When it comes to English. 30% of the students should receive advanced English, and 70% less intense and street English rather than teacher English.

    6. Teachers are not empowered or accountable. Needs to be a national test to access the level of education across Thailand, with consideration or a different test for Bangkok and major centers, than

    the smaller rural areas. I find that teachers and students in rural areas don't care. The kids are smart enough, just don't have the delivery system. If you haven't been empowered, then it is a major

    move to become empowered.

    7. To do something in the immediate future, need to have a very good system of videos and interaction internet system that takes care of the needs of the students in a meaningful way. Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup.

    Your English is difficult for me to understand. It reads like you are using an on line translator from another language. Knowing what is a pronoun, verb, nouns, simple sentences may be admirable skills but if you can't communicate a thought, hardly valuable.

    Take #7 for example. "7. To do something in the immediate future, need to have a very good system of videos and interaction internet system that takes care of the needs of the students in a meaningful way. Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup."

    I have no idea what you are trying to communicate. Have someone who speaks English translate it for you.


    I don't know. Maybe the poster was trying to communicate something about teaching from the bottom up but I could not understand his use of the English language.

    For example, "Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup."

    What does the above mean?

  7. 1. Teachers are lectures not teachers. See problems in grade three in rural areas with teachers expecting students to learn by themselves. 4 students in the class..

    2. No continuity between classes. All the teachers do their own thing. Grade four does not build on knowledge gained in grade three.

    3. Teachers are not empowered to work with the students they have. Guidelines are passed down from someone who doesn't understand the rural kids have had less exposure to than in Bangkok.

    4. Thailand doesn't seem to have any desire, or lack of funds in the public school system to stream the students. Twenty - thirty percent of the students are way more capable of learning English.

    The bottom 70% of the students severely hold back the advanced students.

    5. Class size is often too big. When it comes to English. 30% of the students should receive advanced English, and 70% less intense and street English rather than teacher English.

    6. Teachers are not empowered or accountable. Needs to be a national test to access the level of education across Thailand, with consideration or a different test for Bangkok and major centers, than

    the smaller rural areas. I find that teachers and students in rural areas don't care. The kids are smart enough, just don't have the delivery system. If you haven't been empowered, then it is a major

    move to become empowered.

    7. To do something in the immediate future, need to have a very good system of videos and interaction internet system that takes care of the needs of the students in a meaningful way. Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup.

    Your English is difficult for me to understand. It reads like you are using an on line translator from another language. Knowing what is a pronoun, verb, nouns, simple sentences may be admirable skills but if you can't communicate a thought, hardly valuable.

    Take #7 for example. "7. To do something in the immediate future, need to have a very good system of videos and interaction internet system that takes care of the needs of the students in a meaningful way. Not videos on learning

    English, but on interactive classes on using pronouns, verbs, nouns simple sentences, etc., with adequate followup."

    I have no idea what you are trying to communicate. Have someone who speaks English and has some actual teaching experience translate it for you.

  8. Just as a point of interest lostoday.

    Are you a qualified teacher with a licence to teach here in Thailand and or also a U.K, Q.T..S. and or its equivalent from other countries in the world.

    I hold such qualifications as do a good many others here do..

    English is not the only subject taught here using the English language as the medium of instruction you know.

    What is your point?

    His point is to start measuring.

    Did I ask you? Sit down raise your hand and wait till you are called on.

  9. Despite the reforms Thai education is still too much learning by rote .Even most of the Universities are poor.They are still the worst at English in ASEAN where English is the only common language!

    There are some fairly good private schools but they are expensive.

    I don't think anyone is talking about education at a university level. Rote learning is essential for learning the basics unless you have another way to teach, "30 days hath September."

    Thinking back on my college career I believe it was after my 6th year that a professor finally asked my opinion about something and I think that was on a date with my philosophy instructor. She asked if I wanted cream in my coffee.

    Mostly my instructors were more concerned that I supported my conclusions with authorities more knowledgeable than myself.

    sophomoric or sophomorical
    [sof-uh-mawr-ik, -mor-]
    Spell Syllables
    of or relating to a sophomore or sophomores.
    suggestive of or resembling the traditional sophomore; intellectually pretentious, overconfident, conceited, etc., but immature:
  10. Just as a point of interest lostoday.

    Are you a qualified teacher with a licence to teach here in Thailand and or also a U.K, Q.T..S. and or its equivalent from other countries in the world.

    I hold such qualifications as do a good many others here do..

    English is not the only subject taught here using the English language as the medium of instruction you know.

    What is your point?

  11. I went for an interview at a 'prestigious' university not so long ago. The lady said she was very impressed with my CV and I was just what she was looking for. When I told her my expected salary (which really wasn't high) she balked and said "We can find someone for less than that, you know?"

    And that's the moral of the story. Schools would love to employ the right candidates but are simply not willing to pay the extra. They'd rather pay a few thousand less a month and continue with crappy teachers and high turn around.

    The parents really need to start complaining about the money they pay and the very little they get in return. Parents should be enraged to see directors driving Mercs to school and not f****** wying them .

    you pay peanuts, you get monkeys - that and the fact that too many people, not just politicians but teachers, parents and employers are looking for a quick, one-dimensional fix. There is no doubt that many teachers are poorly qualified to teach English. This is the first thing that needs to be addressed. Remedial English and then remedial teaching skills. That takes time and money. Then look at the materials that are being used to teach English, the amount of time devoted to the teaching of English and then add into the mix the use of online materials and opportunities for students to practice. This issue needs a coordinated, integrated and well-funded strategy. Hardly likely to get that here I'm afraid.

    Why, many teachers with adequate English are available from Africa, Philippines and India for what we in the West would call peanuts?

    Hire them give them a list of 100 words and tell them, "go get em and start with the Thai English teachers."

  12. But there in is one of the problems " educated native speakers"

    1 most "teachers" are not properly educated

    2. They are not real teachers

    3. The only reason they are teaching is they want to stay in Thailand can't get a job and use "teaching" to support their holiday life style

    Rather than employing some backpacker who can't tie his shoe laces without asking mummy to "teach" they would be better getting some real teachers in Thailand who can mentor and develop the current Thai English teachers

    Do you realize how little a degree in education gives one? When I was in school the department of Education toned down all the subjects so teachers could pass. Like, biology for elementary education majors as opposed to biology for everyone else.

    It does not take a brain trust to teach Thai children 100 words of English and that would be a 100% improvement over what they learn now. Thai English teachers can't say 100 words in English let alone their students!

  13. There needs to be a totalitarian dictatorship in one area of Thailand. Education. Hire one from Singapore not Cambridge. One does not need to be a brain trust. Rote learning over and over again learn 100 English words and when that is done learn another 100. Over and over again speak English. Forget the grammar lessons. Speak and understand. Speak with the mouth and understand with computer games in English. Forbid anyone who can't speak and understand at least 200 words in English from teaching.

    It is basic. Teach with rote learning until the basics are taught. India and the Philippines get all the outsourced English help lines both countries could supply English speaking teachers for Thai prices.

    This is Asia not America. Cheap English teachers are available from native English speakers in Asia.

    Given your 'command' of the language, let's hope you are nowhere near a classroom.

    Given your flagrant disregard of Thai Visa posting rules let's hope you are nowhere near a Thai Visa post. wai2.gif

    The topic is about how to improve the standard of English Teaching in Thai schools, and the current failings in that task. And here you are pontificating about how Asian English speakers can do the job of teaching English to Thai students as well as, or even better than an educated native speaker can. Unfortunately you don't seem to realize that your own post is littered with basic errors, and is barely comprehensible. Can you not see the sad irony in that?

    What's sad is you don't know the difference between speaking and writing. What, drop out of school? English grammar can be completely dropped in the Thai education system and concentrate on speaking English for an improvement.

    Communication is important. It is obvious you are not a teacher or you would realize this. Did you understand what I said? Of course you did. You are simply a grammar nazi of which the world and Thai Visa has too many of hence the prohibition against correcting grammar and spelling on Thai Visa.

  14. There needs to be a totalitarian dictatorship in one area of Thailand. Education. Hire one from Singapore not Cambridge. One does not need to be a brain trust. Rote learning over and over again learn 100 English words and when that is done learn another 100. Over and over again speak English. Forget the grammar lessons. Speak and understand. Speak with the mouth and understand with computer games in English. Forbid anyone who can't speak and understand at least 200 words in English from teaching.

    It is basic. Teach with rote learning until the basics are taught. India and the Philippines get all the outsourced English help lines both countries could supply English speaking teachers for Thai prices.

    This is Asia not America. Cheap English teachers are available from native English speakers in Asia.

    Indians and Philipinos, working under a totalitarian dictatorship? I can't see it.

    Rote learning? The brain of a child works at a different frequency than that of an adult. Their like sponges, soaking up everything they can find. At this stage of life you need lots of language input, and the development and use of the imagination. You need other things, too. Rote learning creates lifeless drones and gives control to those in power.

    Indians and Philippines supply the majority of workers to Saudi Arabia don't they? Rote learning is how 99% of the basics of education is taught. How did you learn addition, subtraction, times tables, the months, chemical elements? I've noticed that people who know little about rote learning rarely have a degree. You would not think that would you? 30 days hath September.

  15. under the age of 18?

    I would make:

    17-18: half punishment

    15-17: full punishment

    13-15: double punishment

    11-13: tripple

    9-11: 5x

    7-9: 10x

    0-7: life in prison, taking all your money

    If it is with violence double everything.

    If there was full agreement of the victim half everything from 13-18 age range

    Depends of the partner ...if the boy is 16 and the lass is 15...though be it

    If the guy is adult- cut off his ...

    For watching porn? Seems a bit severe. I realize you are part of the hang em high brigade but still......

  16. Ahh, a new twist...

    Our scams are now retroactive, with police support of course.

    One more nail in the tourist coffin, Thailand. At least you've found some degree of consistency.

    and you write this without even knowing if they are guilty or innocent of leaving without paying their bill?

    Considering the history and the quarry, it looks like another squeeze play.

    Food for thought; the way people are scrutinized when they leave Makro, Big C and other stores, with a 15k bill, do you really think the restaurant didn't have an eye on the table?

    Since it is a resort don't you imagine they were staying there?

  17. Never heard an issue with fake IDs here. But I'd never trust hotel staff anywhere that welcomed these girls would be on top of it or even care what goes on in the rooms.

    After you have spent some time in Thailand you'll realize that hotel security at most hotels do a decent job of collecting and verifying ID cards of the local women. Older sisters ID's can be a problem as can NGO workers who think they can tell a humans age from analysis of teeth.

    World Vision once said there are over a million child prostitutes in Thailand. Turns out they were counting any prostitute 23 years old or younger in that group. They mainly did it to get more donations. WV workers live very luxurious lives here in BKK.

    They catch the poor women with no ID from Burma and take a look at their teeth and say they are underage. Good idea except you can't tell age accurately by looking at teeth. If one could we could check out the smiles on the porn actresses to find out if the porn was legal or not.biggrin.png You can tell by my smile on the left there, that I'm old enough to be talking about this stuff.

  18. The problem with the Thai education is not enough resources are available, you cannot expect teachers with degrees in literature coming to Thai for 900USD a month when they can get 12 grand in Japan , H.K or at home, in Thai everyone is underpaid and under rated , until a mind set of better education is available the education system will remain stagnant , one direction that could be adopted is to cut back on military spending and divert the money to Education.coffee1.gif

    Nonsense. There are native English teachers available from India and the Philippines at Thai wages - no problem. Thailand spends a huge amount on education. "For all Thailand’s education problems the one thing that has not been missing is funding. Thailand spends a huge amount on education, equal to 20 per cent of the national budget." http://asiancorrespondent.com/132313/will-thai-juntas-education-ministry-purge-help-raise-teaching-standards/

    Best to know what you are talking about before you post.

    If they spend 20% GDP on education what is it going on? Most Thai's have very little or no English. Those that do are far from fluent.

    English is only one subject and not very important in the Thai nature of things. They all can dance very well and bend their fingers backwards though.biggrin.png English opens up the INTERNET and the INTERNET opens up the world. Thais are still stuck into thinking that crop rotation on a small family farm is the way to save the economy. That was a hot topic in 1500 I think.

  19. Some dogs prefer it if the water is slightly warm

    Everywhere in Thailand water is warm.

    Not true. Try showering at 6 am in Korat in the cool season!

    You wash the dog at 6 AM? You are much more of a clean freak than I am. wai2.gif I wait till it's hot so the animal does not get cold when drying off.

  20. Ha ha. Nice try. Personally speaking, I could care less what anyone does at these places. Young girls are not my thing, but if a guy wants to shag a girl that's a couple years under the legal limit, then no big deal, provided there is zero coercion. I wanted to sleep with older women when I was 14, so whatever. The part that concerns me is when johns get more (or is it less?) than they bargained for and commit sex crimes without knowing it.

    Since the topic is child porn and you said you like movies how do you check the age of girls in the porn you watch?

    You don't. And I'm sure anyone who watches enough of it will end up jerking off while unknowingly watching a minor aged girl have sex. Fortunately, I like the <deleted> videos, so I can rest easy.

    http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000183/bio Remember Traci Lords?

  21. There needs to be a totalitarian dictatorship in one area of Thailand. Education. Hire one from Singapore not Cambridge. One does not need to be a brain trust. Rote learning over and over again learn 100 English words and when that is done learn another 100. Over and over again speak English. Forget the grammar lessons. Speak and understand. Speak with the mouth and understand with computer games in English. Forbid anyone who can't speak and understand at least 200 words in English from teaching.

    It is basic. Teach with rote learning until the basics are taught. India and the Philippines get all the outsourced English help lines both countries could supply English speaking teachers for Thai prices.

    This is Asia not America. Cheap English teachers are available from native English speakers in Asia.

    Given your 'command' of the language, let's hope you are nowhere near a classroom.

    Given your flagrant disregard of Thai Visa posting rules let's hope you are nowhere near a Thai Visa post. wai2.gif

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