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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. I don't understand these guys with cash marrying uneducated girls from he sticks.

    The sex is really good!

    That is what it is all about. Did you see the rich Russian guys new sailboat and his wife. It's women and toys, guys. When I was 20 years old I wanted a Mercedes and a dynamite looking Thai chic. I waited patiently till I was 60 and came back to Thailand and bought a 1970 Mercedes and a go go dancer from Pattaya. What's not to like?biggrin.png

  2. Where do we get all of the puzzies who can't see the danger of Muslims encroaching into a country? Are we just going to roll over for the atrocities they commit against their women, and their desire to force everyone into their religion or kill them?

    Are there no real men left anywhere, any more? Are so many so brainwashed by the apologists? Is no one concerned about the terrorists who are surely slipping into our countries as we speak? Does no one care about sovereign borders and cultures that have been died for by ancestors?

    Are we just going to let them walk in and take over? Can no one see what is happening in Europe today?

    The hopeless, helpless European citizens are being overwhelmed and no one cares?? Would no one stand up?


    Since the GOP has no issues or ideas. They want to change things, yes. Take away women's rights. Take away social security and health insurance. Start wars with the other countries, military action is always good. Eliminate the EPA and the Department of Education and all regulatory bodies. Eject all foreigners and erect walls around the country And most importantly, give the rich every tax break it can and screw the poor every way it can.

    They way they want to govern is unpopular with the electorate. With these kinds of unpopular policies, there must be a hook for voting for the Republican candidate:

    Vote for me because if you don't you're going to die.

    All the Republicans have in this election is fear. Fear of murderous Mexicans and Muslims who are coming to your house to kill you. First they're going to rape everyone and they're going to dismember you. Unless you vote for me, you're going to die a horrible death. Fear. It's the party of fear.

    The Republicans don't have a prayer. With these pathetic candidates, you're going to be hearing FEAR 24/7. No ideas, no problems addressed, just new ones created. They want more wars and an opportunity to run the economy into the ground...again.coffee1.gif

    The Republicans have a secret weapon. People like you.thumbsup.gif

    PS Let me know if you need me to explain. I think it's obvious but one never knows.coffee1.gif

  3. I fear the Christian/right wing loonies far more than Muslims. They're dangerous, they're bizarrely fanatical, they have guns, they're everywhere and they want to take over the country.


    That's pretty funny.

    ISIS are beheading people, raping women and children, destroying historical monuments.

    But you fear Christians more?

    Have ISIS got a candidate in the presidential race?

    Which side is Obama; ISIS or Assad?

  4. There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

    This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

    This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.


    No, Trump can never be elected POTUS. He may very well be nominated to represent the GOP. But the GOP is not the USA. It's the minority and getting smaller all the time. Most Americans are really not impacted by illegal immigration. Nor are they concerned about most of the issues that the Republicans are obsessed with at the moment. You were wrong in 2012 and you'll be wrong again.

    Lets parse that. 1. No he could be elected. 2. Of course he will be nominated no one else is capable. 3. The GOP is the majority, "With 247 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, this Congress began with the largest Republican majority since the 71st Congress of 1929–1931." 4. Economy and Immigration are the top two issues in America today. http://www.gallup.com/poll/174809/government-economy-immigration-top-problems.aspx

    5. Neversure being wrong in 2012 has no bearing on the coming election.

    Berkshire looking at the facts I'd say you are completely wrong. wai2.gif

  5. Oh how awful...what a bigot...doesn't Dr. Carson know that Iran and Saudi Arabia have elected Christians to run their Muslim countries?

    sorry.gif I could not resist!

    Hassan Rouhani and King of Saudi Arabia are Christian? Who would have thought it?

    I can find no evidence to support your claim on Hassan Rouhani...however...I did find this video which was quite revealing...as a Muslim terrorist...


    And no evidence to support your claim about the King of Saudi Arabia...

    Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia

    Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

    So you my friend...are full of water and other unmentionable things...

    Have you lost it? You wrote, " Doesn't Dr. Carson know that Iran and Saudi Arabia have elected Christians to run their Muslim countries?" And that's a lie. I made no claims you said that Saudi and Iran were run by Christians. That is your claim not mine.

  6. Racism hides in plain sight.

    In the 1500's colonialism of the United States started.

    In the 1600 and 1700's Irish women (who were not thought to be white) were bred with slaves (blacks) like cattle to produce mutt slaves since it was cheaper to breed than to import from slavers bringing slaves on boats from Africa.

    In the 1860's a war was fought over slavery after the President issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

    In the 1940's when Japanese could not be trusted after Pearl Harbor, they were shipped off into camps. Italians too had their things confiscated since they were not considered true Americans.

    In the 1950's and 60's riots took place over whether black students could attend a white school or ride in the front of the bus. The Ku Klux Klan lynched and killed 3 whites to make a point that they didn't want anyone helping blacks. The battle flag was raised to show resistance to change.

    In the 1960's Star Trek's first kiss with Captain Kirk and Uhura under a spell had to be edited out because it was too controversial in the Deep South.

    In the 1990's.. the world watched as Rodney King's attackers were acquitted of assault and excessive force despite the video tape.

    In the 2000's.. 30 states amended their constitution to deny equal rights to gay people.

    All of these have been overcome but it's a constant struggle as bigots will always find a new way to show their superiority and xenophobia of others.

    We've come a lot further than the editorial's write thinks but we at least have the power to overcome wrongs.

    And regarding this Muslim thing.. Trump wants to be the next POTUS. The people will decide themselves if they're scared of Muslims or bigots. I think it will be the latter.

    1. I've never heard that about Irish women in America in the 1600 and I think it's a lie so link please.

    2. The Emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the South and was issued 2 years after the start of the Civil war so that's a lie too.

    3. Americans of Italian ancestry had no problems during WWII so that's a lie too.

    Where do you get this stuff?

    Can't you use google? Irish were slaves in the New World before the Africans.

    Nonsense. They would have killed off all the Africans.

  7. 43% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim/CNN poll. I don't know how many voting Americans think Obama is a Muslim but I suspect it is the majority.

    Nope. The CNN poll claimed 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim.

    You are correct but I really don't like you editing my posts because you are a sneaky fella. So In the future please quote my whole post because quoting small parts might change my meaning (especially to me)

    So, it's not 43 it is 29. According to a CNN/ORC poll released Sunday, 29% of Americans polled think Obama is a Muslim, and 13% think he was born outside the United States.

    Forty-three percent of the people polled who identify as Republicans said Obama is a Muslim, while only 15% of those who identify as Democrats agreed he is Muslim.

    Of those who identify as Republicans, 20% of them said Obama was born outside the United States, while only 10% of those who identify as Democrats said he was born outside the United States.

  8. Racism hides in plain sight.

    In the 1500's colonialism of the United States started.

    In the 1600 and 1700's Irish women (who were not thought to be white) were bred with slaves (blacks) like cattle to produce mutt slaves since it was cheaper to breed than to import from slavers bringing slaves on boats from Africa.

    In the 1860's a war was fought over slavery after the President issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

    In the 1940's when Japanese could not be trusted after Pearl Harbor, they were shipped off into camps. Italians too had their things confiscated since they were not considered true Americans.

    In the 1950's and 60's riots took place over whether black students could attend a white school or ride in the front of the bus. The Ku Klux Klan lynched and killed 3 whites to make a point that they didn't want anyone helping blacks. The battle flag was raised to show resistance to change.

    In the 1960's Star Trek's first kiss with Captain Kirk and Uhura under a spell had to be edited out because it was too controversial in the Deep South.

    In the 1990's.. the world watched as Rodney King's attackers were acquitted of assault and excessive force despite the video tape.

    In the 2000's.. 30 states amended their constitution to deny equal rights to gay people.

    All of these have been overcome but it's a constant struggle as bigots will always find a new way to show their superiority and xenophobia of others.

    We've come a lot further than the editorial's write thinks but we at least have the power to overcome wrongs.

    And regarding this Muslim thing.. Trump wants to be the next POTUS. The people will decide themselves if they're scared of Muslims or bigots. I think it will be the latter.

    1. I've never heard that about Irish women in America in the 1600 and I think it's a lie so link please.

    2. The Emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the South and was issued 2 years after the start of the Civil war so that's a lie too.

    3. Americans of Italian ancestry had no problems during WWII so that's a lie too.

    Where do you get this stuff?

  9. Odd that so many people here, presumably Americans, get so exercised at the mere suggestion of a Muslim candidate for president, a possibility that is less likely than the election of an Emperor penguin for the job. In the meantime, all of the 17 would-be Republican candidates vigorously: deny the science of global warming, support reducing taxes further on the rich increasing inequality, favor military attacks over diplomacy, and are ready to shut down the US government in order to defund Planned Parenthood's budget of $500 million dollars, which is a tiny fraction of the $3.5 trillion dollar budget. Most or all of them now are on record as ready to undertake the largest forced out-migration in history, that of the 12 million undocumented Hispanics in the country.

    I find every one of them a lot scarier than some imaginary Muslim candidate especially since they have a much bigger chance of getting elected than the penguins.

    Where did the 12 million Hispanics come from? Was it an illegal in - migration? Easy come easy go.

  10. So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

    So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

    I will be the first to tell you that you are wrong.

    Religion is something that you can change. You can convert. Obama isn't a Muslim. He drinks and attends Church services. In the Muslim world he could be sentenced to death or these things if he was or had been a Muslim.

    Looking at the backlash on the question can a Muslim be President it is obvious why an expedient politician would change from a Muslim to another religion for the purposes of getting elected.

    I think in my heart I'll always be a Mexican Catholic and Barrack Hussein Obama will always be a Muslim. I don't mind you telling me I'm wrong. Did he have a Muslim family? Did he live as a Muslim in Muslim countries? OK now he's a Christian. I get it.

    Obama's mother and her family were/are Christian and he's spent most of his life in America. But you think he's a Muslim and "will always be a Muslim"???

    Based on speeches he has made about his Muslim heritage and living in Muslim countries and the number of times he has quoted the Koran in speeches and his speeches to the Iranian people, the Nowruz message and his speech in Cairo.

    I can see why many people think he is a Muslim and would not want another Muslim elected President.

    The odds of another President having a name like John or Donald or Harry are about what you would expect but tell me what you think the odds are of another American President having the name Hussein or Barrack or Mohamed are?

    I think it is part of this topic to discuss current and future Presidents being Muslim. But I can see how given a narrow interpretation that only the religion of future Presidents might be appropriate to discuss and not why a Muslim might not make a good President.

    I think the crux of the issue is why Dr. Carson thinks a Muslim would not make a good President but I can also understand why no one should ask him about that. Oh my that would not be PC would it?

    So what we have is a great debate question that no one can debate. At least not both sides of the debate and Carson is on the wrong side so the moderators of the next debate would have to turn off his mike when they asked him, (moderator says) "Why do you not think a Muslim should be elected President." Carson replies....................x.x..x....x.x.....x..x.x...........x.x..x. Then Trump says.........x.xx.x..x.x.x.......... Then that lady who almost destroyed HP says "I don't see why we can't have a Muslim as President."

  11. Why would a retired guy want to buy a home? Wouldn't it be better to rent and put cash in a mutual fund for your kids and/or family?

    Wouldn't it be better to spend all the money on yourself.

    And let you kids work for their own money.

    Instead of becoming spoiled brats ....................

    Depends on the child. One may do good with the money and save the world another may do harm and hurt humanity. I know a Thai lady who has helped thousands of indigent women become self sufficient and productive members of society and others who have hurt people.

    Mechai Viravaidya is a man with Scottish and Thai parents who has done a tremendous amount of good. Depends on the kids.

  12. I am a 34 year old guy and have yet to find anywhere in the world with a better cost of living/quality of life ratio than Thailand and I've been to over 50 countries.

    How long have you spent in these countries? Don't see how you can judge without spending at least 6 months there so the I've been to 50 countries is meaningless. Plus as others have said things change when you have children. Education value for money here is appalling.

    Actually I have no idea at all what you are considering good value for money here and good quality of life. It would also vary considerably based on where in the country you live, just as it would depending on what city/town/village you lived in the 50 countries you have been to.

    Many things in Thailand are cheap compared to first world cities but Thailand is a middle income country so that is to be expected. Compare prices here to countries with similar incomes and things are not so cheap.

    Hmmm. I've lived in 7 countries for over a year and visited 6 more, but Thailand would be the cheapest that you can enjoy yourself in.

    Definitely a good value, it you are retired and your children are grown/self supporting.

    Only three serious problems that I have here in thailand are:

    1. you are forbidden to own land,

    2. absence of legal protection.

    3. no immigration card for foreigners

    So I just rent and do the annual extensions. The above three would be critical necessities for those would would like to buy a home. Without them...well, ask the OP.

    This is not to say that thailand has alot of other things to offer. Renting gives peace of mind..and is an alternative. We do hope that things improve..for those who want to own. I am happy with most other things and enjoy thailand.

    Why would a retired guy want to buy a home? Wouldn't it be better to rent and put cash in a mutual fund for your kids and/or family?

  13. Who ever thought there will be a Black president in the White House ? Who ever thought woman can be a Presidnt candidate and who knows she might even become the first female President of USA, and then who knows maybe soon some day thee will be a Muslim president in USA, anything is possible, literally.

    Not likely.


    America is going backwards, if one of the bigoted right wing candidates gets elected more chance America will reintroduce slavery.

    It wasn't slaves that killed 3,106 killed in 75 terror attacks on American soil' now was it?


  14. Obama is obviously not a practicing Muslim. Did he have deep personal experiences with Islamic culture. Yes of course. He did not hide that. He also enjoyed curry of dog as a boy. True story. No he is not a Muslim president.

    So who are you? The grand poo bah of Muslims being Presidents of America? I'm not a Catholic but my family was Catholic. Many would make the point that I'm Catholic. What is the difference between a Catholic and a practicing Catholic in the mind of the average American voter? I'm a Mexican but since I came to America I identify with the non Mexican Americans. Do most people still think I'm a Mexican?

    So I can see and it makes sense to me if a person's family was Muslim that they are Muslim. Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

    I will be the first to tell you that you are wrong.

    Religion is something that you can change. You can convert. Obama isn't a Muslim. He drinks and attends Church services. In the Muslim world he could be sentenced to death or these things if he was or had been a Muslim.

    Looking at the backlash on the question can a Muslim be President it is obvious why an expedient politician would change from a Muslim to another religion for the purposes of getting elected.

    I think in my heart I'll always be a Mexican Catholic and Barrack Hussein Obama will always be a Muslim. I don't mind you telling me I'm wrong. Did he have a Muslim family? Did he live as a Muslim in Muslim countries? OK now he's a Christian. I get it.

  15. The precursor explanation sounds correct. There is another reason, though. The west, headed by the UK NIH, has been trying to get aspirin banned for about 15 years for infants and teens.

    The attempts to ban aspirin for those 19 years of age and younger, stems from its strong association with Reye's syndrome, an acquired encephalopathy. I suspect that heart patients (me included) will still be able to get a script for a month's worth of 81 mg aspirin, though you'll probably have to take a solemn pledge not to give any to the kiddies...unless they've got rheumatic fever, in which case a doc will script 100 mg. Somehow the powers that be have to write those items into the regulations.

    At an American FDA conference several years ago, and FDA administrator told me that if aspirin was submitted for approval today FDA would most likely refuse it's approval as a drug.

    I haven't taken an aspirin in 40 years. No need if you know which medicinal herbs to use.

    You might want to tell the medical establishment because they are still prescribing aspirin. Not that doctors know anything as opposed to internet posters with no medical credentials.

    Tell them what?? I never said it shouldn't be prescribed. I simply wrote about an FDA official's opinion.

    BTW, my "credentials" on medicinal herbs ... and drugs derived from them ... are well know and respected in USA and Europe. It's been my career and life's work for forty years, I founded and own on of the biggest and most well-respected medicinal herbs companies in USA, and I recently received an honorary PhD for science from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, a 60 year old accredited medical institute.

    You wrote, "At an American FDA conference several years ago, and FDA administrator told me that if aspirin was submitted for approval today FDA would most likely refuse it's approval as a drug.

    I haven't taken an aspirin in 40 years. No need if you know which medicinal herbs to use."

    If that is not implying aspirin should not be prescribed I don't know what is. wai2.gif

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