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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz,

    My friends all drive Porsches,

    I must make amends.

    I wait for delivery each day until ten.

    Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedeeeeees Benz.

    RIP - Janis Joplin

    Good idea, but your quote is a bit out, as you've seem to mix up the 1st & 2nd verse. But so v relevant.

    Oh Lord, won't you buy me a new Submarine ?

    My friends all drive Aklua's, I must make amends,

    Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,

    So oh Lord, won't you buy me a new submarine ?

  2. That is really bad. You make it look like

    • A house-master can be a foreigner if named in the house book of the property.
    • A foreigner can be an owner of a property.
    • A foreigner living in a private residence they can be considered the possessor.
    is part of some Thai law. It is not.

    Are you not aware that a foreigner can own a condo and rent it out to another foreigner, And can be the one asked to do the TM30. They could also own a house through a company and be the one to submit the TM30.

    Not sure where you get the idea that only a Thai can sign the TM30.

    If Thailand wanted to put the above three points in the law they would have put them in the law. They are only the opinion of a poster who has not been in Thailand long. If he had qualified his remarks as his opinion I would have no problem with them. It is making them look like they are part of Immigration law that I had a problem with.

    Has anyone called Jomtein and asked them if a TM30 is now required for all extensions as purported in this thread? One phone call from Thai Visa could answer the question eh?

  3. The new Navy chief must have been briefed by the special drinks quartermaster , what use is a submarine in the Gulf of Thailand or the Andaman sea , if you are protecting Thailand waters, you'll be detected from 500 klms away by an airborne AWACS and the missile possibly is launched from under the Arctic circle ,but if you are stationed in the strait between China and Taiwan and you may be asked one day, because of your sub size, but that is another matter, I can see your point commander , prestige, nothing to do with defence, like most of the Military establishment in Thailand, you live in yesteryear coffee1.gif

    I was watching a documentary about Soviet subs trying to operate in the Baltic during WWII. Maybe the Thai Navy should watch it too.

  4. I don't think Immigration will accept a google definition of "possessor" as opposed to the Thai law. My Thai attorney told me that the house master was the person who owned the building.

    Why would you post an Oxford dictionary definition when dealing with Thai Law? Do you think Thai judges use an Oxford dictionary when ruling on Thai law?

    You might want to get a new attorney!

    House-Master in Thai law is defined as

    • Immigration Act. Section 4:
      • "“ House Master ”means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act."

    The responsibility of submitting the TM30 falls to three possible entities:

    • "Immigration Act. Section 38: The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office"
      • A house-master can be a foreigner if named in the house book of the property.
      • A foreigner can be an owner of a property.
      • A foreigner living in a private residence they can be considered the possessor.

    Immigration don't seem to bothered who actually submits the TM30 just that someone does.

    Please provide a link for 1. "The responsibility of submitting the TM30 falls to three possible entities:"

    2. "A house-master can be a foreigner if named in the house book of the property. A foreigner can be an owner of a property

    A foreigner living in a private residence they can be considered the possessor."

    3. "Immigration don't seem to bothered who actually submits the TM30 just that someone does."

    Just out of curiousity are you an Immigration official or work for an agency?

    1. I did. See section 38 of the immigration act.

    2. Those were my comments. Notice they are outside of the quote of the immigration act section 38.

    3. My opinion. "don't seem bothered" makes that pretty clear.

    No neither.

    That is really bad. You make it look like

    • A house-master can be a foreigner if named in the house book of the property.
    • A foreigner can be an owner of a property.
    • A foreigner living in a private residence they can be considered the possessor.

    is part of some Thai law. It is not.

  5. I just want to know where it is written in the US Constitution that the USA has the right to decide by fiat who gets to be the leader of another sovereign nation and who doesn't... I've looked, but I can't find it...

    Just research the last 19 times the US has imposed regime change in the last 100 years and examine how they have turned out...

    Manufacturing propaganda, then repeating it until it is accepted as fact is no longer playing on the global landscape... Russia and China are finally standing up to US rhetoric... Here is an interview with Putin where he calls a spade a spade...

    youtube.com / watch?v=VbZDyr2LkdI

    It worked out well in Thailand and Japan and Germany.

  6. Absurd is asking a Farang to fill out a TM 30 form as it is for Thai people to do. coffee1.gif

    Actually the "possessor " of a property who might be a "Farang" can be required to file a TM30


    "A person who takes, occupies, or holds something without necessarily having ownership, or as distinguished from the owner."

    In the case of a condo there is an owner of the condo building who is Thai, who in my opinion would be the house master.

    I don't think Immigration will accept a google definition of "possessor" as opposed to the Thai law. My Thai attorney told me that the house master was the person who owned the building.

    Why would you post an Oxford dictionary definition when dealing with Thai Law? Do you think Thai judges use an Oxford dictionary when ruling on Thai law?

    You might want to get a new attorney!

    House-Master in Thai law is defined as

    • Immigration Act. Section 4:
      • "“ House Master ”means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act."

    The responsibility of submitting the TM30 falls to three possible entities:

    • "Immigration Act. Section 38: The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office"
      • A house-master can be a foreigner if named in the house book of the property.
      • A foreigner can be an owner of a property.
      • A foreigner living in a private residence they can be considered the possessor.

    Immigration don't seem to bothered who actually submits the TM30 just that someone does.

    Please provide a link for 1. "The responsibility of submitting the TM30 falls to three possible entities:"

    2. "A house-master can be a foreigner if named in the house book of the property.

    A foreigner can be an owner of a property

    A foreigner living in a private residence they can be considered the possessor."

    3. "Immigration don't seem to bothered who actually submits the TM30 just that someone does."

    Just out of curiousity are you an Immigration official or work for an agency? I'm trying to evaluate if your posts should be taken with any more credibility than the average Thai Visa poster.

  7. It's just history repeating itself. When the yellow shirts were in power, yellow shirts got what they wanted. When the red shirts were in power, the red shirts got what they wanted. Now the military is in power and the military gets what it wanted...

    But economically, things are worse than very tight -- is this Defense Department populist policy--or what?

    I thought the military and the yellow shirts were on the same side? You know the side that keeps getting cooped.

  8. Half a million people have crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, with the largest number from Syria, where 250,000 people have been killed in a civil war.

    Just to get some figures right here:

    Since Sept. 1st 270.00 refugees came to Germany alone, half oft hem unregistered.

    By now it is almost a daily routine for the police to stop fights between different ethnic and religious groups in the camps. It looks like the "refuge seekers" only import the problems which left their home countries in a mess to a new location where they receive shelter, food, housing, and money.

    How long will the native population tolerate this behavior?

    Until a guy like Trump runs for office in Germany and France and the UK.

  9. A. You wrote, "He also told me there was a long queue of farangs from all manner of countries and every single one was given a blank TM 30 to get filled. A vast majority took the form and left immigration without continuing with their applications. This was Monday last week. He could not say whether any of these people were applying for retirement extensions, but he was told that when his own retirement visa became due for extension, he would need another TM 30"

    B. Your Headline is, "TM 30 Required at Pattaya Immigration for ALL visa extensions"

    I don't know how you get from A to B but......

    This is Thai Visa the largest website in the WORLD dealing with Thai Visas. You would think someone could call up Thai Immigration at Jomtein and ask them. There must be someone working at Thai Visa who speaks Thai or someone working at Thai Immigration who speaks English.

    The phone number is, Tel: 038 252 750

    I think that I and others - both on this thread and earlier threads - have provided a great deal of information to enable me to move from A to B. as a headline. Phuket has arguably even more retirees than Pattaya, and all retirees there now have to produce a TM 30. Why there and not here?

    I have not exaggerated or made up anything. I state it the way it is.

    You seem to have conveniently ignored the fact that my quoted friend was told to produce a TM30 when he applies for his own retirement extension - at Jomtien....

    Let's see who is right?

    I hope you are, but I fear not.

    Phuket does not require a TM30. The topic of this thread is not Phuket. Below is the form Phuket requires.

    Your friend, however accurate was second hand information and was not getting a retirement extension.

    If anyone really cares and is not clickbaiting let them call and report back to all of us. I'd do it except I'm not getting paid to provide Thai Visa information or disinformation.

    If you wanted to help people you would call Pattaya Immigration or check with a person who recently got a retirement visa. If you wanted to create doubt and worry you would post a headline like, "TM 30 Required at Pattaya Immigration for ALL visa extensions."

    Do you really think with the 100 or so retirement extensions done per day in Pattaya that no one would come on Thai Visa and post a new requriement like a TM 30. Aw come on now.......

    It would be different if you posted a copy of the TM 30 and said might ought to have one of these if going for an extension at Jomtein.


    Phuket Residence Form.pdf

  10. Having trouble with refugees, Donald?

    Yeah, so did native Americans.

    Why don't you go back where your ancestors came from, Donald?

    What a buffoon. He is just pandering to the paranoia of xenophobes. Has no real policies to fight an election campaign so relies on slogans and cheap shots.

    Dex the Native Americans had a war a week trying to kick other tribes out of their territory. They had the same problem that Trump has. Native Americans did not come from America in case this is news to you, try a history book or two.

  11. There seems to be very little doubt that for the time being, immigration at Jomtien require a form TM30 to be submitted with all requests for extensions to their stays in Thailand.

    There... does the above 'terminology' satisfy the pedantics amongst us?

    Can any one who has already gone through this process advise what documentation is required for the TM 30 if you are named on the lease as the Lessee. (Tenant). Do you have to provide a copy of the chanod from the owner,(lessor) or copy of their ID, or is the lease alone sufficient documentation?



    Seems to me a mostly hearsay that a TM30 is necessary. After all someone may tell Immigration that TM 30 is a form for Thai people sooner or later. I know some here think not. But I have not read about one person doing a retirement extension who has been asked for a TM 30 when that person presented a lease or rental contract that involved someone else owning the property of residence.

    Mobi you never said what kind of visa (I assume you meant visa extension yes or no?) the person who told you he was asked for a TM 30 was trying to get. You wrote, "A good friend of mine went to immigration last week to renew the visas of his family and he was told that he could not renew their visas without a TM30 form receipt."

    What does that mean? Was he trying to get a visa or an extension for himself or only for his family and if so why? Wouldn't the family have to go to Immigration? It is confusing to me and as immigration is confusing enough I suggest being specific about what the purpose of the visit to Immigration was. wai2.gif

    So I am waiting for a guy who has received a retirement extension without presenting a TM 30 at Jomtien to post. I have never met a person getting a retirement extension who was pressed for a TM 30 when he had a rental contract.

    The case of my friend involved involved the extension of stay for 60 day Tourist Visas for an additional 30 days . He also told me there was a long queue of farangs from all manner of countries and every single one was given a blank TM 30 to get filled. A vast majority took the form and left immigration without continuing with their applications. This was Monday last week. He could not say whether any of these people were applying for retirement extensions, but he was told that when his own retirement visa became due for extension, he would need another TM 30. At no stage of this process was any 'tea money' asked for or given. They seem to be trying to get rid of the agents, and cleaning up the corruption. (which again ties in with what is going on nationally)

    I have known this friend for over 40 years and respect his take on these matters but we had quite an argument when he told me about the TM 30 requirement as it seemed so unlikely. Then I realised it could be true as it has been reported as happening at other immigration centres throughout Thailand, as far back as October 2014, so why not Jomtien? Hence I opened this thread to find out other people's experiences.

    You are correct that so far there are no reports on this thread of people applying for a retirement extension being asked for a TM 30. So like you, I am prepared to wait for final verification on this. However, everything points that way, and TM 30's have definitely been requested by retirees at Phuket immigration and elsewhere. There is little doubt in my mind, but I will be delighted to be proved wrong.

    I might even go down to immigration myself and enquire whether they will need a TM 30 when I next apply to extend my retirement visa. (not due until March, 2016)

    Let's see.....

    A. You wrote, "He also told me there was a long queue of farangs from all manner of countries and every single one was given a blank TM 30 to get filled. A vast majority took the form and left immigration without continuing with their applications. This was Monday last week. He could not say whether any of these people were applying for retirement extensions, but he was told that when his own retirement visa became due for extension, he would need another TM 30"

    B. Your Headline is, "TM 30 Required at Pattaya Immigration for ALL visa extensions"

    I don't know how you get from A to B but......

    This is Thai Visa the largest website in the WORLD dealing with Thai Visas. You would think someone could call up Thai Immigration at Jomtein and ask them. There must be someone working at Thai Visa who speaks Thai or someone working at Thai Immigration who speaks English.

    The phone number is, Tel: 038 252 750

    • Like 1
  12. It is no big deal. The Farang is not the housemaster but if Immigration wants the form filled out so be it. It is not legal or correct or as good a proof as a lease or any kind of rental contract or hotel bill.

    This topic comes up all the time along with the threats of home visits. It's about time to start another home visit threatening thread eh?

    I really don't get it. Retirement extensions are easy to get and rarely involve any problems at all. All the problems are about ED or Marriage extensions. But 99% of the people reading the forum are tourists or old fellas on retirement extensions both of which are never mentioned because there are no problems.

  13. The simple requirement for a TM30 to be filed is not unique to Pattaya!

    Phuket has required this since (to my knowledge) Febuary of this year.

    I am sure there are other immigration offices requiring the TM30 and those that do not I suspect soon will.

    I don't think Phuket requries a TM 30. I could be wrong but I think they have their own form.

    I am sure thare are no other immigratin offices requiring the TM 30 form and I don't think they ever will. (I can be just as much expert as you eh?)

    Actually neither you nor I know anything about the plans of The Thai Immigration offices. wai2.gif

  14. Then you submit the TM30 yourself as the House-Master/Owner.

    I really don't think so.

    That's absurd really.

    Absurd is asking a Farang to fill out a TM 30 form as it is for Thai people to do. coffee1.gif

    Actually the "possessor " of a property who might be a "Farang" can be required to file a TM30


    "A person who takes, occupies, or holds something without necessarily having ownership, or as distinguished from the owner."

    In the case of a condo there is an owner of the condo building who is Thai, who in my opinion would be the house master.

    I don't think Immigration will accept a google definition of "possessor" as opposed to the Thai law. My Thai attorney told me that the house master was the person who owned the building.

    Why would you post an Oxford dictionary definition when dealing with Thai Law? Do you think Thai judges use an Oxford dictionary when ruling on Thai law?

  15. There seems to be very little doubt that for the time being, immigration at Jomtien require a form TM30 to be submitted with all requests for extensions to their stays in Thailand.

    There... does the above 'terminology' satisfy the pedantics amongst us?

    Can any one who has already gone through this process advise what documentation is required for the TM 30 if you are named on the lease as the Lessee. (Tenant). Do you have to provide a copy of the chanod from the owner,(lessor) or copy of their ID, or is the lease alone sufficient documentation?



    Seems to me a mostly hearsay that a TM30 is necessary. After all somone may tell Immigration that TM 30 is a form for Thai people sooner or later. I know some here think not. But I have not read about one person doing a retiremtent extension who has been asked for a TM 30 when that person presented a lease or rental contract that involved someone else owning the property of residence.

    Mobi you never said what kind of visa (I assume you meant visa extension yes or no?) the person who told you he was asked for a TM 30 was trying to get. You wrote, "A good friend of mine went to immigration last week to renew the visas of his family and he was told that he could not renew their visas without a TM30 form receipt."

    What does that mean? Was he trying to get a visa or an extension for himself or only for his family and if so why? Wouldn't the family have to go to Immigration? It is confusing to me and as immigration is confusing enough I suggest being specific about what the purpose of the visit to Immigration was. wai2.gif

    So I am waiting for a guy who has received a retirement extension without presenting a TM 30 at Jomtien to post. I have never met a person getting a retirement extension who was pressed for a TM 30 when he had a rental contract.

  16. The OP wrote, "A good friend of mine went to immigration last week to renew the visas of his family and he was told that he could not renew their visas without a TM30 form receipt."

    What kind of visas would you renew for your family? New one on me.

    Then the topic says, "TM 30 Required at Pattaya Immigration for ALL visa extensions."

    If any one really wanted information they would post the expereinces of a person actually asked for a TM30 at Jomtien and what kind of (I assume extension) was being applied for.

    So, let me ask. Has anyone applying for a retirement extension alone (not with a wife or agent) been asked for a TM30 at Jomtien? That's Jomtien not Phuket or KAP.

  17. If not for hosting the 4th largest DEA/law enforcement hub outside of the USA my guess is sanctions would of been imposed for the latest TIP report. Otherwise the country has little geo political importance as it's clearly under China's orbit as indicated by the shift to buying incompatible military hardware from China. The general will be at the back and avoided by all barring a few African strongmen.

    The general will be at the back and avoided by all barring a few African strongmen.



  18. Nation building is a tough thing to do. It's worked a few times, specifically after WW2. But not really since then. Perhaps Panama is a good example. A bit better now after the removal of the PM...errr...drug kingpin. But still not great.

    The middle east is a massive mess created by centuries of foreign influence.

    Austro- Hungary, Tibet, South Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia.

  19. Mr. Obama...you are such a dreamer. If you think this whole ISIL thing will go away if Assad goes away, you have your head up your a..

    Read his comments again. Getting rid of Assad is only part of the plan. He's right, until the people of Syria are united, there's going to be problems. And he believes the only way to do this is to get rid of Assad. He is the #1 problem there right now. Kinda the root cause if you look at the history of the current Syrian civil war.

    Obama also said he "believes" getting rid of Assad will help. And he never said ISIL will go away if Assad goes away. He said it was a complex process. And it is...

    OP Headline, "Defeating ISIL only possible with change of Syrian leader says US President Barack Obama"

    The headline you want is, "Defeating ISIL may not be possible with change of Syrian leader says US President Barack" Obama

  20. Maybe voting is good if you get something in return.

    How many of the democracy fans here do actually participate in elections?

    My wife and her entire family participated in every election in Thailand for the last 40 years. Her whole family are fans of democracy (voting for leaders). As are all of the Thai adults that I know. wai2.gif

    Sorry, I meant Farang elections. You can register with your embassy to vote overseas.

    Sorry, I don't get the connection to Thailand. Democratic countries have elections. Totalitarian dictatorships don't. It's pretty simple. UK and US have elections; Cuba and North Korea don't.

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