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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. I always buy 3 bottles ,(2 tabs a day) at 35 baht a bottle of 60 tablets, hardly a huge outlay.

    Where do you buy these here at that price?

    Everywhere I asked in (admittedly a couple of years ago) had only strips of 10 at hugely inflated prices.

    Buy the bottle. Sometimes they stop making/shipping for 3 months but they will start up again.


  2. You are not serious are you? Do you think any government, embassy, diplomat, NGO, or sensible person would put Yingluck in the same class as Aung San Suu Kyi?

    Have you heard about any of them specifically supporting Yingluck?

    If you do, then you really are beyond help.

    We don't know - she hasn't been put in jail yet.

    If she does become a martyr, as did Aung San Suu Kyi,, it will be as a result of the Juntas venal stupidity.

    I prefer to to wait and see, rather than accept your your foam flecked expostulations.

    Ah, one of the "holy trinity" surfaces with the usual attempt at trying to ridicule any comment that dares oppose the Shins.

    So, JAG - do you seriously think Yingluck is in the same ilk as ASSK?

    Can you give any examples of any foreign government, diplomat or embassy specifically supporting Yingluck by name, or comparing her to any other political figure?

    Why would they? She has not been put in jail yet. She gets put in jail and she becomes a martyr. She is miraculously changed from Prada princess to St. Joan of Arc overnight. Then the boys will find out which side the young Issan men in uniform are really on.

  3. Good or bad at least they were VOTED in.

    Voting....remember that?

    LOL. Is that what it's called? Voting? In this village bt 300 will get your entire family's vote.

    There is no democracy in Thailand b/c there is no rule of law. The Shin mob was great at assisting this and stealing large amounts of money from the money pot.

    Honestly.... and don't get me wrong.... I love democracy, but I'm thrilled the Shin mob is ????? lessened and maybe one or two corrupt thieves will be punished (minimally I'm sure ... TIT )

    Did you see Thai peoples' lives improved or the education of children made better when the Shin clan was overlords?

    People who win like elections. People who lose elections don't like elections. You are making it so complicated.

    We all know the story.wai2.gif

  4. Maybe voting is good if you get something in return.

    How many of the democracy fans here do actually participate in elections?

    My wife and her entire family participated in every election in Thailand for the last 40 years. Her whole family are fans of democracy (voting for leaders). As are all of the Thai adults that I know. wai2.gif

  5. Some people play it smart.

    Rent the house.

    Rent the moto.

    Rent the wife.

    Keep money/valuables "back home" - out of reach to all except yourself.

    Others - not so smart.

    So what about the farang guys who have lived in Thailand for many years and made their money in Thailand with a Thai company, ones who are married to a Thai who has contributed to the success of that business, the husband having absolutely no ties "back home" in their country of origin, no bank account, not even an address ?

    Are these guys regarded as not so smart ?

    No, many of them just know, that you do not need to "rent the wife" and managed to find a decent Thai-woman, instead of a 40-year younger Thai-girl :-) In other words, they are not sexpats.

    Boy you discriminatory (age and sex) guys just can't seem to get over it can you? What happened to you all to make you so envious of the older (great) generation? I think the topic is fraud not, "it's OK to steal from a guy who has a younger wife." I think. I could be wrong.

  6. You are not serious are you? Do you think any government, embassy, diplomat, NGO, or sensible person would put Yingluck in the same class as Aung San Suu Kyi?

    Have you heard about any of them specifically supporting Yingluck?

    If you do, then you really are beyond help.

    We don't know - she hasn't been put in jail yet.

    If she does become a martyr, as did Aung San Suu Kyi,, it will be as a result of the Juntas venal stupidity.

    I prefer to to wait and see, rather than accept your your foam flecked expostulations.

    A martyr for what?

    If she is put in prison it would be because she broke the law. Her brother was given a jail sentence that he hasn't served (because he ran away) because he broke the law as well.

    Does that make him a martyr too, or simply a convicted criminal?

    BTW here is the Oxford dictionaries meaning of the word martyr in both noun and verb form.



    Line breaks: mar¦tyr

    Pronunciation: /ˈmɑːtə/
    Definition of martyr in English: noun
    1A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs: the first Christian martyr
    1.1A person who displays or exaggerates their discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy: she wanted to play the martyr
    1.2 (martyr to) A constant sufferer from (an ailment): I’m a martyr to migraine!

    [with object] Back to top

    1Kill (someone) because of their beliefs: she was martyred for her faith

    1.1Cause great pain or distress to: there was no need to martyr themselves again

    Can you find anything in that which applies to Yingluck Shinawatra?

    She is not a martyr nor is any thing about her like a martyr unless she is put in jail. Then because of her perceived suffering in jail she would become a martyr.wai2.gif Joan of Arc was not a martyr till they burned her at the stake. Yingluck would not be a martyr until they put her in jail.

  7. Does anybody believe this career military man, now self-appointed Prime Minister, has ever given serious thought to the concepts of sustainability and sufficiency? This topic fits him poorly.

    That's a bit harsh.I'm sure he has given plenty of thought to the sustainability and sufficiency of the multitudinous Thai generals with their fake bomb detectors and blimps.

    Don't forget sustainable submarines.

  8. Knew a guy who was a former cop (retired). Big man who thought he could intimidate everyone, thought he knew everything, and was always right. Meets a girl who is 5 years younger than his youngest daughter, and 1/3 his size. Three months later they are married. Expensive church wedding and reception. Buys a pick up, 2 Honda PCX, thinking of building a house on property her parents own. Then realizes he really can't stand it here, and that every Thai he meets thinks he's a total "buffalo". Sells everything - at a major loss - takes wife and moves back to US. Total time in Thailand 6 months.

    Goes back home with wife in tow. He buys nice land and house. She get's Green Card. Two days later she goes to the cops and files charges of "assault" and "abuse" against him. Files for divorce. She get's everything, and is now worth about 5 million U.S. He now owns nothing, and living off his cop retirement fund.

    The sad part is, both me and my Thai wife tried to warn him. My wife knows the girl. But he swore she loved him, and his big 9-1/2 inches. From what my wife told me, she said the girl did NOT like sex with him, because it always hurt her, and she had at least one other lover on the side who could really please her. After an email from, detailing everything that happened, I sent one back with just 3 words - "You were warned!" I haven't heard from him since.

    Was it really as simple as that? "she gets everything...she now has $5m and now he owns nothing" I'm not familiar with US law but in most western countries there is equal 50-50 sharing of matrimonial property written into law regardless of allegations. What happened here?

    My wife told me if I ever wanted to see the kids again she would get 100%. Legal? No. Could she have moved to an area where I could not follow (because of work)? Yes. Depends on the woman, lawyer and the amount of time and money one wants to commit to fight. (Hel hath no fury.....)

  9. Simple. Because 99% of young people don't want to be with fat and old. It has nothing do do with intellect and everything to do with nature. As a matter of fact you are the one who doesn't sound intelligent by posting this nonsense and lying to yourself. I see Thai movies and commercials are full of old white fatties? Everyone gets old. No exceptions. If you think you are somehow different then you are the one who lacks any true intelligence. Googling a few abnormalities on internet does not prove your point.

    You are seeing something through jealous glasses. I came to Thailand with a big bag of money looking for a lady and I was not disappointed. This has been a consistent theme in all my posts.

    I belong to a couple of large groups in Thailand that have many members who have rich husbands and beautiful wives.

    The fat old thing does not come into play in Thailand. The poor thing does. Why do you think all the fat old guys come to Thailand as opposed to retiring in the UK? The weather, beer and Buddhism?

    It is because the old fat guys are successful at finding young beautiful women in Thailand. wai2.gif

    So tell us, why does this make you angry? It does you know and it is obvious it does. So tell us why.

  10. We don't know - she hasn't been put in jail yet.

    If she does become a martyr, as did Aung San Suu Kyi,, it will be as a result of the Juntas venal stupidity.

    I prefer to to wait and see, rather than accept your your foam flecked expostulations.

    She won't go to prison, I think we all know that. She would either come up with the money or do a runner before that ever happened.

    If she did pay up she would receive lots of pity from her beloved supporters. Same as she would if she put herself in "self imposed exile".

    One thing for sure she will never be compared to Aung San Suu Kyi. thumbsup.gif

    Unless some nut case puts her in jail. wai.gif You people really don't have a clue do you?sad.png

  11. I still think Thai people and women in general are fine. Most of these scams seem to happen outside Bangkok where old fat guys meet their honey online or in a bar and decide to build a house. Like I said before, if a Thai woman is not throwing herself at you she probably already has a career and will inherit a significant amount of land when her parents pass away. She won't need some old fat guy to take care of her.

    I actually live here and most of the time I see it happen to young skinny guys. The young guys meet their honey on line because they are part of the digital generation and scrape together enough money to build her a house. When the lady comes to her senses and realizes you are not a young skinny Korean rock star she gives the young skinny guy the shaft and they usually join the Pattaya Flying club or head off home to write sad missives on Thai Visa.

    For those young skinny guys who dropped out of school and may not know my post is a satirical review of the post above it and not really a comment on young skinny guys.

  12. What's there to say?

    I'm confident it will be sufficiently communicated using an economy of words.

    Hey, time for a nap!

    I think he is playing with fire. I doubt if he has the self control or ability to think on his feet that dealing with a free press with a such a sensitive issue will provoke. He thinks he is going to talk about 14th century crop rotation and the press wants to talk about pirates and press gangs and human trafficking.

  13. Great thread if only for the comedy value

    Don't you think it's far more likely that they fake enjoyment to make sure the money keeps flowing

    Oh give it up, mate.

    A 60 year old farang looking like that and with even modest finances would be in the West cleaning up with younger women.

    He would be here fishing in the same waters as you lot.

    My god you finally got it. Congratulations. A young guy with anything on the ball with even modest finances would be in the West cleaning up with young Western women not here in Thailand competing with us old fat guys.

    With respect, I don't think you and I are dealing with the same kind of women.

    I agree. As a young man I left Thailand and went back to the West because the old guys got all the attractive women in Thailand.

    When I retired I came back to Thailand to take advantage of the anomaly in Thai courtship rituals.

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