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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. First, hold democratic elections with all and any party allowed to participate and stop running the country as a quasi communist autocratic state.

    Your 'expertise' are in the Military arena, not public or political office. Which is abundantly clear for everyone to see.

    And keep your mouth SHUT.

    Quasi communist? Maybe a little research to see who the communists took over to be in power is in order.

  2. In our area in Sakon Nakhon we have around 15 farangs that are registered in Pattaya for the extension of stay because they would not qualify in Isaan to put the money in the account and of course every three months they travel to Pattaya for the 90 days reporting.

    How do they manage that. I thought you had to file for your extensions where you're actually living, and the address Immigration has on record for you???

    How would immigration have a record of where you live except what you write on the forms?

    That's a good, valid point. In my case, I had a long history of doing mailed in 90 day reports. So of course, Immigration was going to return mail my reporting receipt back to my listed address, which I would need to live at or have some access to, in order to receive the document I'd need from them.

    But if someone was doing in person reporting, I guess it only would typically have the potential to crop up in the annual extension process, such as if the officer wanted to see a lease, rental contract, utility bill, etc etc. That sometimes happens, but I gather it's certainly not routine.

    What would your "Pattaya" friends do if they were asked to produce some kind of Pattaya-based documentation like that as part of their extension renewals?

    Get a lease or receipt from the hotel. With 30 million tourists coming to Thailand this year and almost none of them writing English or Thai I imagine the hotel paperwork will be in great shape.

  3. It has been my experience that my wife prefers that I stay out of bars altogether.


    Oh yeah,

    I WAS in a "Raid" once in Pattaya off Soi Khaotalo.

    I was there with my neighbor Bob & his wife drove by and saw him fondling some bargirl's breasts.

    It wasn't pretty.

    She pulled an FBI stop, tires screeching, blocking traffic, marched in and grabbed Bob by the ear (literally) and marched him out of there.

    Do men really stay out of bars because of a wife's preference? In Thailand?

  4. I've been in 10 or so. A couple in Bangkok and 6 or 7 in Pattaya but the funniest one was at Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai. It's a go go boy bar and I was there with 3 Thai ladies. The girls like the place because the dancers are mostly not gay and extremely well endowed Thai men.

    We were there drinking and the guys were paying a lot of attention to the girls at my table when the lights blinked and all the Thai guys grabbed their tighty whiteys and exited out a back fire exit. The club was at the top of three flights of spiral stairs so the cops had to go up single file three flights and that took a minute or so.

    The place was cleared out of naked guys and 10 elderly drag queens in cocktail dresses filed on stage and began singing light opera.

    When the puffing high ranking officer finally made it to the stage he looked around at the old lady drag queens who were all bowing to him and smiling and flirting and laughed and said next time and all the cops left.

  5. The topic was why bargirl relationships. There has been a running commentary about why not bargirl relationships from the holier than and normal Thai crowd.

    I came here a long time ago with a suitcase of money during the great exchange rate period and a world of old man blues because my Western women left me.

    I was ready to sit in bars and listen to somebody done me wrong songs for the rest of my life and drink myself to death when I met the first of a series of Thai bar girls. They took me all over Thailand by plane train bus and every other means of conveyance known to man. I saw everything. All the Wats all the mountains all the valleys all the monkeys; tourist and non tourist attractions alike. There were births and deaths and living. Oh my gosh the living. Never have I lived so much in so short a time; what a ride. A human roller coaster more exciting than any amusement park.

    I lived in hi so condo's and lo so one room fan cold water ghetto apartments.

    I woke up one morning to find women passed out from a party laying all over my apartment in various states of dress and condition. I looked up at the sky and prayed, "Lord if you want to take me now it's OK I really have lived and thanks for directing my travels to Thailand and those 3 ladies from the Rainbow bar in Nana Plaza that started it all, Amen." And then a small women rose up and weaved back and forth trying to get her balance and said in a loud voice, "My name is Lek and I'm not drunk." Then she laid back down again and went to sleep.

  6. I think it is hidden because they may run into narrow minded bigots like yourself. If they are in a secure environment with friends they openly talk about their past.

    WOW, that hit a raw nerve "lostoday". Thai men would never slobber / groval or try to defend prostitutes. Try to grow some skin.

    Thai men are your standard? Wow.

  7. Is 'lostouch' still sticking to

    his stupid theory that old

    farang spending activity is

    equal to 7% of Thailand's


    Only to motivate you all to provide a better number. Saying BS though it passes for fact finding on Thai Visa is hardly a factual data point. I doubt you could even provide an actual GDP including the grey economy. I could be wrong give it a shot.thumbsup.gif

  8. Best to just avoid bar girls all together for a relationship. Their thinking gets all twisted and Lying becomes too common and acceptable by even you. Most will keep in contact with their old friends who they met at the bar. When an old customer stops by the bar and asks where so and so is the girls will call your gf and tell her and if it is safe to do your gf might just talk to them and make arrangements. Also, after jumping so many guys it becomes too easy. She can be a freelance and when coming home after spending all afternoon in one of the short time bars she will act as normal as any other girl. Professional liars ! There are some nice girls who work at the bars but I believe they are all liars.

    One more thing to think about ... If being a bar girl is ok why do these guys who have married them hide the fact that there wives were hookers ? Why do they and their wives make up stories (lies) ? Why not just be proud and admit what they did ? They hide the truth because they know it is wrong and not acceptable. Drop her and move on and save all the future lies.

    I think it is hidden because they may run into narrow minded bigots like yourself. If they are in a secure environment with friends they openly talk about their past.

    Strange thing is, they NEVER talk about it when then are among normal riap roy Thai women, why would that be?

    Making up stories about working in the laundry etc etc, the normal Thais can smell these women out from 20 paces.

    1. They are normal Thais and 2. Yes they do talk about it. I found out that both of the maids in my condo were past bar workers in from a overheard conversation with my GF.

    10 million hookers with an average working life of a few months (many work seasonally or only while in college) and you get a whole lot of ex working ladies after 30 years.

    Remember 95% of the business is Thai on Thai so the Farang tourism of the 1980's on did not have much to do with the Thai working ladies and the total number has been relatively constant for 50 years as a percent of the population.

  9. In our area in Sakon Nakhon we have around 15 farangs that are registered in Pattaya for the extension of stay because they would not qualify in Isaan to put the money in the account and of course every three months they travel to Pattaya for the 90 days reporting.

    How do they manage that. I thought you had to file for your extensions where you're actually living, and the address Immigration has on record for you???

    How would immigration have a record of where you live except what you write on the forms?

  10. If you really want to know it has been explained three times in the thread above. Sorry I don't want to get repetitive and be accused of trying to teach economics again.

    No, you don't need to repeat how your bullshit economics and stats are teaching me anything.

    We are a small drop in the bucket to Thailand's GDP compared to the millions of Thais here.

    Not many retirees are spending a million baht a month here.

    How do you know how much retirees are spending here? I'd be happy to know your estimate of how much they spend and how you arrived at the figure.

    I was discussing foreign exchange; money coming from outside of Thailand. It is the same as money paid for exports or spent by tourists. Not the same as the money spent by Thais. It has a different path and place in the economy.

    Using words like, "bullshit economics" really does not help nor explain what you mean except to indicate you dropped out of school at a young age.

  11. Fact. Money for bank qualifying retirement extensions does not need to come from Thailand. No money needs to be imported on annual basis. Showing import one time is required for people who choose to start using the conversion to O visa option in Thailand.

    But I agree that most retired expats do import money every year. The amounts vary widely.

    Now that you are here this may be your time to be famous with a retiree survey about spending habits. With the new owners and all that money floating around it couldn't hurt to have a successful poll going.biggrin.png


  12. I rather admire these girls- do you think they actually enjoy their job? Looking around at the male specimens walking around; I would think not.

    With cheap fares and more affluence in the West and the rise of the Lad culture ( think certain football players) it now seems perfectly acceptable to exploit citizens of poor countries.

    Sex is pleasant- but it seems to define the lives of some men- a nice dinner out with good friends is much more rewarding.

    The fact they are sex workers does not remove them from the human race. It may come as a shock, but they have aspirations, feelings, emotions just the same as everyone else.

    So when I read of some stupid sexpat being fleeced and making a difference to the girl and her family- I think go for it girl! A bit of pay back for exploitation.

    And some may end up as a life long companion - and make you happy and laugh a lot .

    At least the BG's get paid for it. Most of the guys here had wives and girlfriends in the West who were giving it to them for free now that is really disgusting to think about.

    It is one thing to get paid to clean out septic tanks quite another to do it for fun. I personally don't think the girls in the West ever give it away but I'm told by posters on here that they do.whistling.gif

  13. Couldn't help notice the irony in OP's title....

    Bargirl and Love....

    Poetic...but an unlikely combination.

    It use to exist.

    Some 10 or so years ago, most bar girls were looking to marry and get out of bar.

    They did not want to keep on doing it and were happy with having stable income, many from those times remained happily married.

    In recent years, i guess new generation or internet or new gadgets, this concept no longer exists.

    Ya, agreed. Those were the days. Now the bar has moved to the internet and the bar girls have become coeds and beauty operators and som tom sellers (in their minds).

    I have a acquaintance who can run 24 conversations at a time with unsuspecting farang and they wonder why the ladies can write such good English but not speak it very well. biggrin.png

  14. To sum up your incorrect ...the 800k doesnt have to come from outside Thailand this is factually incorrect

    No it's not. 800k has to come from outside Thailand. In any event it is a moot point because in point of fact 99.9% of the time it does come from outside of Thailand anyway. If you ever want to take it out of Thailand you may be required to prove that it came from outside of Thailand.

    Of course this is all disingenuous distractions from admitting that Thailand does want retirees because of the large financial contribution they make to the Thai economy.

    No it doesnt you are factually incorrect,

    all you have done on this thread is peddle incorrect facts, fiddled numbers and present misinformation

    Yes it does you are factually incorrect.

    All you have done on this thread is peddle incorrect facts and presented no information to support your opinions.

    How does it feel?

    We could go back and forth like this for hours. Your opinion holds no weight. Frankly who cares?

    If you want to debate present some viable data.

    I know a lot of retired people because I work with a number of retired groups in Thailand.

    The moderator told me not to explain how the economy works and the movement of money so about all I can tell you is look it up.

    I associate with people like myself. Well to do retired folks who have a decent income and a mostly Western lifestyle in Thailand and that takes a minimum of 1 million baht per year.

    I bring into Thailand and spend about 1 million baht per year. Look up money multiplier in basic economics to find out what my million baht will do for the money supply of Thailand.

    I fail to see how much clearer I can get.

  15. To sum up your incorrect ...the 800k doesnt have to come from outside Thailand this is factually incorrect

    No it's not. 800k has to come from outside Thailand. In any event it is a moot point because in point of fact 99.9% of the time it does come from outside of Thailand anyway. If you ever want to take it out of Thailand you may be required to prove that it came from outside of Thailand.

    Of course this is all disingenuous distractions from admitting that Thailand does want retirees because of the large financial contribution they make to the Thai economy.

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