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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. So, these are the rules - for everyone. 1. For minor offences, we will deduct one point. For serious offences, we will deduct four points, 2. Speeding, failing to stop for pedestrians at a zebra crossing, talking on the phone while behind the wheel, or driving a vehicle with no license plate will cost the driver one point. 3. Two points will be deducted if they are caught jumping a red light, driving against the prescribed traffic direction, or driving while their license is confiscated or suspended. 4. The three-point deduction is reserved for illegal road racing, while the highest penalty of a four-point deduction will occur in serious offences like drunk driving. However, the following exceptions will apply: 1. Do you know who I am? 2. The RTP reserve the right to ignore: Rule 2, 3 & 4 if they can't be bothered, don't understand the rule of law or are busy on their phones. 3. The RTP has no desire to take further action on those drivers without licenses as they don't know who they are. 4. If the illegal racing takes place at night, the RTP may be otherwise engaged. Therefore, no action can be taken 5. All foreigners are exempted from these exemptions.
  2. Stupid response and totally unnecessary. Some of us don't need to pretend we're kids again nor that we're 'cool'. Our choice.
  3. I'm sorry, would please enlighten me. I am a 'Brit', (as you casually and disparagingly refer to us), and I have been living in Thailand for 18 years now. If it's nearly always us 'Brit', would you please inform me, just how many of us have been capering around Thailand's beaches - or elsewhere in this country, stark bo**ock naked? I don't seem to recall the numbers passing 'two' - if that. Please tell us exactly how many have there been? Thank you.
  4. Well Ms Pareena - pity you didn't think of that when you were deliberately encroaching on the same land in Thailand you want to preserve for your children and grandchildren - similar to what your ancestors did. Where was your concern then?
  5. Or, closer to home - what happened to Thaksin when he left the country for a meeting/conference!
  6. So, that's OK then, is it? that's it! He can't afford a car, so it's alright - steering his M/B with one hand, holding a sleeping child with the other, yet unable to use horn or indicating lights. Let's throw in the absence of a helmet as well, shall we? He can't afford it. Why not go further, don't let's worry about a license - he can't afford it, can he? Or the time to go and get one - let alone be qualified... The M/B is probably unroadworthy - but hey - he can't afford the maintenance, or the brake check, or the tyres, or the lights for that matter. So, Insurance isn't really on the cards either, is it? But check this out as well. He can afford the M/B, (possibly an expensive, high-powered one, which he uses on the wrong side of the road, at high speed and weaving crazily in and out of the heavy traffic). His helmet and clothing will be of the latest fashion. In his back pocket, will be the latest model phone, (If not in his hand and in use while steering one-handedly). At home, a big, smart TV. Gaming console, - plenty of empty Lao Khao and Leo bottles and probably, cigarette packets too. Hidden somewhere, there is likely to be his 'stash', a knife, or a machete or even a gun, 'cos he's 'The man!' (Please feel free to add that which I might have missed). So, yes, you're right. I quite agree with you. He deserves leniency. The poor guy just cannot afford the so important articles that might, just might, save his, and his little child's life. Why complicate the poor chap's life, eh?
  7. This is exactly what is needed. But going one step further, but nearer to home, if the parents know, (wherever they are living in this country,) that children are swimming somewhere that is likely to be dangerous, i.e., fast-flowing water/weir, steep-sided banks and deep water, etc., then surely it would take very little to construct some simple platforms or basic structures where children could get to, if in trouble in water areas such as this? I'm not saying that this is the answer, because it's true that children, as we all did, take risks, but surely these swimming areas are known to all villagers. It is they who should take the initiative and demand that the village council implement some basic safety measures in these places. Lifebuoy rings similar to those at western seaside resorts might help too if they were secured to a wooden stand, (even though the kids might play on them), they would be there.. You'll never stop the children from going there, but there are some measures they could put in place. But sadly, the will and thought process to do something is not there. This will just happen again ........ and again ...............
  8. The well-informed Doctor states: "Tourists come here because of natural and cultural tourism". Really? Does natural and cultural tourism include: Drop kicks to the back of the neck if you upset someone? Double pricing? Inability or refusal to learn the basics of a different language in order to engage customers? Rip off Taxi, Songtaew and Tuk Tuk prices? Over-priced consumer goods? High taxes on wines and beers? Being beaten up by multiple Thais - 6 (or more) on one if you dare to argue? Yup! That's about right, Doc.
  9. Please expand on the 'fingering of others' please. Would you by any chance mean other members of the cabinet? Health minister maybe?
  10. Hahaha - Step up to the entry booth - 2,000 smiling Immigration official swoop in to surround you - wow! Heart attack time!
  11. You have to be as dumb as a box of hammers, bigoted, self-important, an accomplished liar, egotistical and ill-educated. Would that be correct?
  12. Then rolled out of the toilet, turned right and into the living area. I can envisage that clearly.......
  13. Totally agree. My Makro/Lotus - standing in the queue, waiting to pay and there they are - fumbling with phones, paying by this stupid transfer system. slow, unnecessary, downright irritating and don't get me started on being 4/5th in the queue and they all do the same thing. I can step up, pass my goods across, pay my cash and then out of there - 2 minutes.
  14. So pleased you could find this amusing; maybe visit the young girl in hospital and cheer her up with your hilarious quip!
  15. Well, I'm 77 years old and have yet to have this mid-life crisis. Either: I'm not yet in mid-life. I passed it and didn't recognise it. I don't understand what 'crisis' is. I'm OK with the life I have and will continue to get older, comfortably... and I'm not a wealthy guy, I just have what I need. There you go. Sorted!
  16. Just gotta love the new slant of this story; Detailed analysis of butt scraping. Opinions are like belly buttons - everyone's got one......... even me, so it seems. However I have none regarding butt scraping!
  17. Grow up and get a life. Everyone who posted has sympathy for the lady in question. Human nature dictates that they will make light of it. I feel sorry for the woman - disgusting situation to find happening in your body. However, the comments are witty and I enjoyed reading and laughing with them - not at her. Until I read your post, that is. Next headline - "Foreigner outraged at humorous comments"
  18. Thai police gear up for increase in international crime post pandemic ....... When I read this first part of the headline, For just a split second, a terrible thought went through my mind; then I read the rest of it and sighed with relief!
  19. Doesn't say very much for Thailand's standard of road safety, or idea of research, does it?
  20. You may have the world's first finger that gets an erection then. Lucky you. Two bangs for the price of one!
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