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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. Yup! Not all these damned Aussie / Brit / Swiss / (Fill in nationality of your particular vitriol) / roaming the safe streets of Thailand - Hang 'em high! Much more acceptable to rape a billboard in broad daylight - yes?
  2. I think its a great idea and good luck to the guy. Many years ago, I was tempted to buy a pair of the Vietnamese sandals made from tyres. Again, I thought the idea was brilliant - great way to utilise old tyres, but didn't buy. Now, can't wait for the inevitable flood of these 'Chiang Mai running sandals' from China. Steal the idea, cheap rubber goods, sell them at 30 Baht, to undercut the original guy, Labelled, 'Genuine CM running sandals', And in small print - 'made in China'. Andddddd - off we go on the merry-go-round of everything Chinese - more junk to undercut world markets. Useless after the first week - inferior goods. Speaking from 20 years experience here in Thailand - utterly useless cr*p! I hope this guy patents his idea quickly - although the Chinese will copy it anyway.
  3. Similar to Swiss, French, German, American, Italian, Canadian, and many other nationals - most are bald. But not all of us however, I'm a Brit, 79 years old and sporting a full head of hair. White hair, but it's all there! Perhaps I even look like most of the nationalities you chose to ignore? Perhaps, even, it's because they all feel more comfortable with their heads shaven in a hot climate? Personally, I keep my hair short on a Wahl Electric cutter, blade No. 3. Very clean and comfortable administers monthly or so by my wife. How about yourself then. Nationality, age and baldness state?
  4. Wow! You have changed the story into your own narrative. The Thai mob' as you put it, was in uproar because the foreigner 'kicked, (not pushed), a woman, not just a 'person'), off his, (not his - 'public property), steps. There, I've stated the facts - not your manipulated 'facts'. However, as a parent, I too would not be happy with just 'an apology'!
  5. his pathetic excuse - which I don't believe for a moment - is exactly the same pathetic whining excuse from the kicky guy - neither have the guts to own up to doing something wrong. Big men when attacking women. Bully boys.
  6. Just because you don't have the social graces or the educational knowledge to discuss matters such as they, spitefulness and envy spring to mind. You should look upon it as a learning curve to enlightenment. Save you swilling and sweating away at the girlie bar, maybe?
  7. That's also exactly what the Americans said in 1973 at the US Embassy in Saigon as they pulled out and left the S. Vietnamese to suffer the consequences of a lost cause.
  8. Chiang Mai, Monday to Friday. 3:30am. 10 x 15 second stretching exercises. 5Kg weights - outstretched arms - 100 continuous arm swings. Exercise mat. 230 x exercises flat on back - stomach, leg and arms 50 sit ups - feet hooked under bar 10 cm from ground Facial exercises - 3 minutes Sat/Sun - 8:30 - 9 o'clock - same exercises, (some relapses) 45 minutes, (4Kms walking at speed 5.9) Matrimonial exercises weekly, Gardening, climbing any stairs available. Turning 80 this year!
  9. So the guy filming was on a motorbike - how could he see they were sha88ing? And he stopped just in case. 1.30 minutes, 90 seconds then, or was he so disgusted and outraged he videoed for 1 hour and 30 minutes? Imagine that - 90 minute ride - happy ending for one of them.
  10. So, tough s**t for those with 'conditions', then ...................
  11. But not everybody is a sad old git that gets tucked up in bed by 9pm, are they?
  12. Can I suggest the wording of this new idea? WARNING! Drinking of alcohol under the current Government regulations is frowned upon and you may feel uncomfortable with the restrictions on purchasing times and the extortionate taxation of said product. This discomfort is likely to further disrupt the pleasure of your holiday in Thailand. Use with caution - don't enjoy yourselves. There. Warning administered! Variations of this theme available for locals and Expats.
  13. For your information, grapes are also fruit. At Thai prices, even the plonk is mega-expensive. I refuse to pay extortionate prices, so I too prefer to buy the odd cheapy. It's a far cry from my UK cellar of 400 + bottles of laid down, matured wines from the continent, yet I don't really miss that these days. But then again, I don't sneer at others who also try to keep the cost down by buying what is available - despite the quality!
  14. Yet another 'Queen bee' post.
  15. Tongue in cheek - depends on the size of the oyster!
  16. Doubtless you could check it yourself instead of offering a silly challenge. Too lazy, I guess. Easier to appear clever, clever!
  17. Indirectly, yes they do. If the wukfits didn't buy the disgusting vermin creatures in the first place then they wouldn't kill people. People's fault - Clear cut. By 'people', I mean the dumbest people on the planet who seem to think they're 'clever', 'tough' or, unbeknown to them - 'downright stupid'! These vermin are killers.
  18. Yup - one leg to each post is the perfect stretch!
  19. You need to do some research, Mr. Cleverclogs. Check events in the south of Thailand............
  20. Meanwhile, if one lives in Chiang Mai, Isaan would be described as being in the south. SE actually.
  21. Maybe we could concentrate our impotent fury on you then, Joe boy. Then our fury might turn to derision - yes?
  22. The most practical reason they want it hand-drawn is because, like most Thai people, they cant read maps. They also can't give specific directions: how many times have you asked about some place or other and Thai people point in a direction and tell you,"over there" For me, multiple, if not hundreds of occasions, I have found this to be true. Please note, I wrote, 'most'. I have also lived here for 18 years. I love living here and I am not complaining about the Thai way of directions. It is what it is. It's part of the charm of Thailand. Just draw a simple map - why provoke the woman who was trying to be helpful?
  23. Or, unknown 16-year-old Thai girls who report rape!
  24. low esteem for others and ignorance clearly demonstrates your social status
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