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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. In this context, does 'receive' mean the same as 'arrest'?
  2. I've had this problem a number of times here in the last 18 years, but not as severe as you describe. As a result, I never needed to do anything and my sleep wasn't really affected. If I were you, I would take the time to record the howling and barking. I would edit the recording to loop it and play it constantly in the direction of your neighbour's house. Better still, to play your loop recording when he is at home. 1.
  3. Could I recommend a plethora of Soi puppies-come savage dogs and as many destructive cats that can be gifted to this organisation as a collective sacrifice? Please? Take as many of the vermin as you wish. They are limitless. Help yourselves! Can I be of assistance?
  4. But this one did. Good for him. Rightly or wrongly, he made his position clear. Great future candidate for future government. Someone who can stand up to bullying!
  5. My first marriage at just 19, ended after 17 years. My Absences through the Royal Navy was a partial cause - but we also just drifted apart. Admittedly, more of me drifting than her - basically, I grew up while I was away and wanted a different future. She and I don't speak, but we have two daughters I/we love dearly. My second marriage lasted some 27 years. I loved her very much and would do anything for her. It gradually disintegrated through many factors and we parted/divorced. We remain close friends and speak/help each other often. I trust her completely and she does with me. My current relationship is almost 15 years and going strong. We are not married. We have a daughter and they are the main foundation of my world. We're OK and close. We aren't the going out and about type and we both work hard at what we do. We have an age difference but it has never been a problem. My view is that two formal marriages didn't work. We are quite happy not being married. Her view is that her Thai marriage was a disaster and she is happy with me. We share all monies - hers and mine, we work the home together, sharing chores and we are not extravagant, However, we enjoy the things we do. We tend not to have many friends. Friends we do have are mainly work associates and family, (Thai & English) and a number of Royal Navy friends I am still in contact with. If I can't make two good marriages work - why would I think I would have success with a third? We are happy as we are.
  6. Well said Sir. The first acknowledgement of a kid doing something other that playing with his phone, Tik Tok, Whats App, Instagram, whatever. While every post above yours is sneeringly offensive and patronisingly familiar. Thais can't win can they. You come to live in their '3rd World' country and you all look down on them! Well done. I'm ashamed of all of you. Not one nice word amongst you. MrMojoRisin is absolutely correct. Not one half full glass between you. Miserable and sad - all of you!
  7. Brilliant click bait!
  8. 0.01%. Why? Either: 'Holier than thou'. Believe they are clever, superior, intelligent, knowledgeable about Thailand or SE Asia or 'funny', when they are not. Uninteresting. Bar stool Special Forces. Drunks. 'Been there, done it all' clowns. Occasionally, I meet someone who is on my wavelength. Otherwise, I don't want to know. However, I have had some good advice on this Forum from some, who appear different from the above. Long may that last. To those, many thanks!
  9. And that never happens in any other country? Just Thailand and UK? Grow up! The story is about Thailand. Another unnecessary, spiteful and petty jibe about UK.
  10. And then you are faced with, "Medical Insurance claim denied, Pre-existing condition". Or some other, vague, trumped up excuse. Then, try getting justice from the authorities. Costly to pursue, I would imagine. Good luck with that and you still have your medical problem, untreated and even more expensive! I doubt there is a good affordable Medical insurance scheme for most people here. Let alone those over 70s.
  11. Just love the Dumb & Dumber' headline photo.......
  12. Why not lift thyself from the horizontal and research thyself?
  13. It's also possible that she is depressed because of the lack of care and attention by the slob who regards her as a bag of spuds. It's also possible that the problem is him!
  14. It also says M5 in Thai language.
  15. The one-eyed, hand-held python type!
  16. No it isn't. The article clearly states M5, (in Thai). 16/17
  17. Matthayom 5 is formally known as Grade 11. The article states M5, (in Thai), but wrongly prints 'Grade 5' These boys are 16/17 years old.
  18. Meaning that I, who have a couple of tattoos - curtesy of my younger days in the Royal Navy, am destined to be liquidated?
  19. A smile is a smile, regardless of authenticity of otherwise. Why make a problem with the most natural facial expression. Just smile back.
  20. Or a total gang bang!
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