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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. I would think the purpose of this post is to ensure that everyone thinks that this woman is stunning. Page three never produced this quality of beauty.
  2. Quote: Lack of helmet wearing and drunk driving are cited as two major causes. Lack of proper police enforcement, poor driver and rider training and political lip service to the issue are cited as contributing factors. Shouldn't this read: Lack of proper police enforcement of helmet wearing and pro-active apprehension of drunk drivers are the two major causes. Lack of government enforcement of effective driver and rider training, are cited as contributing factors. Political lip service to the issue illustrates how the government and the Law are totally disinterested in every aspect of daily life in the land of daily catastrophic fatalities.
  3. A self-important nobody? Their voices, his droning and her highly whining manner grated on me in the first 15 seconds after which I switched off. Bored S***less! First time I've been bored in 17 years!
  4. This post is interesting to me too and I'm glad you received a response so quickly. I too have a fan that needs repair, but I'm in Chiang mai. Anyone know a reliable repair shop or guy? I am Living in Saraphi, but can travel into and around CM.
  5. It's a lifestyle you chose, pal. Many here do not feel like that and have satisfying lives - me included. I like to drink a beer in a bar occasionally, but haven't done that in two years. I'll drink a few beers or something at home and my wife will join me, sometimes. If you feel like that, change your routine. Go for a walk, read a book or two, (at the bar, if you like, I used to read my kindle sitting with a beer in a bar, when I was sometimes on my own). Get some exercise, go jogging. Go shopping - a great way to meet a new girlfriend. Watch a couple of good movies, try writing a book. I bought a treadmill a few year ago when my knees gave out. I walk on it now and listen to music. Take up gardening, (pottering) - all activities you can do to change your bar stool mentality. Only you can do that. If I were to sit in a bar every day, I would probably feel like you, but I don't want that. Merry Christmas and I hope you make some good decisions in the New Year.
  6. It's here already. how many people has this moron from Israel infected. 3 days he's been on the loose - all over the place. Has Anutin found every person he was in contact with? 14 Israeli tourist who fled quarantine in Bangkok infected with Omicron variant By snoop1130
  7. They all want their 5 minutes of fame and nonsense, don't they? I was only reading today in UK news that the Pfizer vaccine is more than capable of dealing with the Omicron strain. I'd rather believe UK news that some Thai 'expert'! I had Pfizer and am happy about it. And happy to out my trust in it over any Chinese vaccine - any day! Who cares what every Tom, Dick and Harry think in the land of smiles. think anyway?
  8. I believe mine taste like pork too ....................
  9. Quote: "In an effort to improve road safety ASEAN NOW notes that the brake and the accelerator are generally in standard positions in motor vehicles". Am I reading this correctly? Am I to assume that some Car manufacturers actually swap the position of the brake and accelerator around? I have never driven a vehicle where the brake pedal is located on the right of the accelerator pedal. What are they talking about?
  10. I too went to Immigration this morning - at Chiang Mai. I already have a copy of my vaccine document stapled into my passport, and i took a separate copy just in case they asked for it. They didn't. I was in and out within the hour. Done for another year. Sad that they are asking you for a copy of yours, OP.
  11. Compete? No - just seek any opportunity to sneer and whine at others
  12. Nor me - until I read yesterday that it was present in UK days before the it was announced by the S. African guy who identified it. My source was MSN UK news. No reason to doubt it.
  13. So, 793 not yet traced. How many days is that now? 783 x No. of days x number of contacts each of those 793 had every day. Each of those contacts will now had been in contact with ....how many , who have now also been in contact with...... Another lockdown Christmas on its way! Or not.
  14. The hell with that! Diminishes the time away from the mia noi or mobile phone - not to mention doing some police work. As long as the pawn shop delivers his periodic envelopes - he's as honest as a lawyer! Just 'unlucky' to have purchased from a dumb 'villain', I guess.
  15. They all love to have their 5 minutes of fame and glory, don't they? They'll say anything to appear relevant, clever or important. Elsewhere in the world, knowledgeable doctors and scientists are carefully monitoring this 'variant'. Nobody really knows right now whether it is weaker or stronger than the last variant. But, hey! Let's speculate, scaremonger and look important!
  16. I agree entirely. Here in Chiang Mai, every year, for as many as the OP, I have watched in wonder and sheer pleasure as the night sky is illuminated by the thousands of lanterns floating upwards into the sky, (bearing in mind of the pollution, air traffic concerns and potential fire hazard, of course), and Thailand letting down it's hair and enjoying themselves. Last night, a few crackers went off periodically, irritating mostly because of their insignificance in the relative peacefulness of the local community plus a few kids trying to enjoy themselves. The real surprise were the lack of lanterns. I only saw one - all evening, (although I confess I wasn't specifically watching for then all the time) - in the past you didn't need to. They were just there in their thousands, every time you raised your eyes. So, congratulations to the army and the Hi-sos in their privileged positions of power and destruction of this once vibrant, exciting and beautiful country. Thailand is becoming more and more like Iran in the days following the overthrow of the Shah and the relentless crackdown thereafter, by the hated, yet powerful, Revolutionary Guard.
  17. Exactly. It would be a 'game over' revelation if the audio to this particularly disgusting crime had been recorded and made available to the public. I wonder how many times the victim was told he would die if he didn't talk?
  18. Looking forward, (as you all can imagine), to the inevitable, carefully planned 'Covid related', lockdown/emergency measures to be initiated either before, or after, Christmas, New Year. Control, control, control.
  19. Notice that it says, Quote: "Top brass at the Royal Thai Police are to expedite the removal of Police Colonel Thitisan Utthanaphon and six former police officers from the civil service" So, six lesser mortals are already, 'former' police oficers, but not Joey boy. It later states that they will seek the removal of him too. But why isn't he a 'former officer already? Worried about that fallout linked to his wealth, are they? Because he didn't do all this on his own, did he?
  20. Maybe it was because your post seemed to indicate that it was you undertaking the trip. They were helping you , even though you might have resented such comments as taking the bus. Why so touchy? This is a forum - you know that - most of your posts are either derisory or sarcastic. If you can't take it - don't dish it out! And they thought they were helping you
  21. I'm double vaccinated with Pfizer. Whoopie! But I am so fed up with the perpetual whining and petty arguments of the anti -vaxxers! No, I don't know what's in it! I also don’t know what was in the ones I had as a child and later in life: Smallpox Cholera Scarlet fever Mumps Measles Polio Chickenpox(?) Rubella, (sister) Hepatitis a Hepatitis B Yellow fever Anaesthetics Tetanus + the others I’ve missed or forgotten about My parents and I trusted the science and we never had to suffer through or transmit any of the above diseases I also don't know what's in other treatments whether it's for cancer, AIDS, MERS, Malaria, Dengue, Elephantiasis, Zika or any other disease I might get - or the treatment for polyarthritis, and any other treatments I don’t understand or can’t pronounce or spell. Or even a McDonald’s, a Big Mac, or in hot dogs, or a myriad of other <deleted> I am exposed to in this world. I trust my doctor when he says it’s needed. I also don't know what's in Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, or other over the counter medication. It just cures my headaches and my pains. I don't know what's in the ink for tattoos, vaping, or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo, or even deodorants. I don’t know the long-term effect of cell phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at really used clean foods, operated hygienic standards and washed their hands. Basically, there's a lot of things I don't know and never will. But I do know one thing; life is short. Very short!! I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel without fear and find a little feeling of life "before". I'm vaccinated, not to please a government but: To protect myself, my family, friends and others from Covid-19. To prevent cluttering a hospital bed if I get sick. To live my life as I would like to and not in fear. For Covid-19 to be an old memory. But, Hey! Mention vaccines for Covid and some people jump around spluttering about violation of human rights or any other drivel that comes to their tiny conspiracy minded mentality Some people need to grow up! Play around with that. Moaners and whiners alike - awake – your paranoid views, excuses and prejudices are required in this forum!
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