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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. When they removed the opener, did he go, 'Pssshhhhhfffft' and foam up?
  2. General Senator Duckworth , or Senator General Duckworth sounds OK. She obviously deserves both titles!
  3. Not only that, he appears to have written it in Vietnamese or other as well!
  4. My electric bill has been reduced a few times over the last few months. I received my new bill today and it is the standard price I generally pay at this time of the year. however, we will have increased our usage as our daughter does her online studying in her bedroom which is quite hot during the day. She is allowed to turn it on as she requires. Many times she does not want it but it is still an extra usage on our monthly bill. Otherwise, the ACU is on in only 2 bedrooms at night 9pm to 6/7am - hers and ours. I think it is quite good at the price.
  5. I agree entirely. This lady probably relied on her husband to do the necessary paperwork while he was alive and may not have even been aware of what she was supposed to do. I feel very sorry for her and the fact that she lost her husband recently just increases my sympathy for her. She isn't a young woman and probably needs more help than the pompous attitude of the Immigration department with their proudly displayed, 'Caught a dangerous security risk' Photo Op. Of course the law needs to be followed, but for crying out loud - some human kindness, please.
  6. Very simply, the positive side of this story is that he's happy. The deal worked for him and he has taken care of his wife and MIL. Brilliant. I am happy for him as well. You, on the other hand appear to be the negative, pessimistic kind of guy who always has a half-empty glass and can't wait to criticise the pleasantries of success. Furthermore I like his take on his story of success, rather than your dismal prattle. I bet you don't have many friends.
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