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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. OK - I'm British - if you want to pick on me and my countrymen - help yourself. Meanwhile, the post is about a Russian guy. Stick with the plot. Relax. You know you hate them too......
  2. Exactly -divide and conquer. You are right - smaller groups would be unmanageable. 40+ million population could achieve that and they know it! !
  3. That was the response I got from my 7 year old son when he got into a fight some 40 odd years ago But he grew up! Why don't you?
  4. It's certainly not about apples and oranges, either, is it?
  5. If that were true - there would be no war in Ukraine.
  6. By the same method that he will become the Thai peoples unelected PM. They'll cheat and lie their way through to success.
  7. Vinegar in 5 liter containers are readily available in Makro, some Lotus's and presumably, Big Cs. For use, mix with Baking powder, (Sodium Bicarbonate) - available as above and at the Chemical store on the Mahidol Rd, 2/3 Km from Airport Plaza, CM - together with a bit of elbow grease and a scotch bright pad, will remove most stains, scale and bathroom tiles. We use it extensively and it is exceptionally cheap to buy.
  8. The combined weaponry of the total armed forces together with the entire police force cannot stop the will of a population of 70 million if they so desire it. As for the government, army and police, It would be to their own peril and their families, if the Thai population were to rise up. All it takes for dictatorships to flourish and prosper, is for good people to do nothing. That may not work this time.
  9. But he looks very comfortable holding that brown envelope, though, doesn't he?
  10. There appears to be a reluctance to state whether he was targeting young women or men. I wonder why that would be a problem? Wifey is being very loyal - misplaced, probably. The pronouns they' and 'them' have been constantly used while referring to one person. Not 'he' or 'she'. Could be 'binary' or 'it', I suppose........
  11. Imagine what 30 starving, flea ridden vermin will do to the local community, once they are released!
  12. Baiting by boredom. Poster has nothing better to do than whine about his lack of drive. Two minutes of 'fame'.
  13. Does that 'sad guy in tow' comment apply to all of us foreigners who are in a long term relationship of 15 years, (or more) and standing in the queue at Lotus or Big C or Makro on a monthly basis with their Thai wife and a trolley full of shopping for the month? Very narrow-minded viewpoint. No wonder you are single............. Probably always will be - who'd want to be with someone like you?
  14. What an unnecessarily, vindictive and spiteful sentence to post on this forum. I can't think of anything nastier that anyone could say to a genuine request for advice. Mean, childish and immature.
  15. I'm struggling to understand your post....... let alone his.
  16. No. He borrowed the watches. His friend is dead. So will he be, soon He wasn't asleep. He wasn't asleep. He wasn't asleep. He wasn't asleep.
  17. Sorry, it's not going to stop. She will ignore you. You need to take action. Type up a series of relevant issues, dates, time, periodicity and make it a record. Continue trying to prevent her from destroying her, your and your son's life and record everything Stop any money going to her. Safeguard all important documents. Pack her stuff up and place it outside the front door. Change your locks You 've lost out. She's an addict and you can't change that. Move on with your son and your life. If you are taken to court, you will have a written record of events. I feel bad for you - but you need to get a grip.
  18. Jumping Jeezes - many netizens need to look around. 2/3 of the population - regardless of age can be found sleeping anywhere - anytime. Most of them are young!
  19. I'm completely cr*p at math, but even I can see that 1.9m + 1.3m + 78K + 74K +73K does not equate to 12.46 million. It's a total of about 4million. Where did the other 8 million come from?
  20. Denial, denial, denial. Just what, exactly, was the bedridden, 78 year old doing, that was so bad that two of the world's most vicious and uncontrollable vermin example of the dog world,Would tear their way through to his room and savage him to death?
  21. Note: - 'Investigated by Engineers'. No mention of anything regarding Health and Safety..... Which doesn't appear to exist in Thailand. I feel so sorry for this woman. An accident that should never have happened. And at an airport as well!
  22. You don't. You can always gloss over, pass on and move to the next topic for your pettey and unnecessary whine. You are not the topic police. This is a forum. Most members find the topics and their replies informative, sometimes funny and occasionally, downright petulant and stupid. I am pondering over which of these categories I wish to place your post in.
  23. Quite right! All it takes for a good, brutal and repulsive dictatorship to succeed , is for international Democratic governments or weak or appeasement governments to sit on their well-oiled haunches - self-satisfied with their recent snuffling at the pig trough! Don't rock our hi-so money boat!
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