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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Grid power electric costs apply if you are connected to the grid, no matter your usage. If you are "off the grid" you do not pay. Your example doesn't apply.
  2. Public charging EV stations in Australia: https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/electric-vehicles/charging-an-electric-vehicle/charging-map Even one in Alice Springs.
  3. Aside from government subsidies, capital costs for building an electric charging station are built into the cost of the charge at the station. Don't charge, Don't pay.
  4. Not a problem. https://www.getaroomtonight.com/ko-chang-hotels-with-electric-vehicle-charging-station.htm
  5. Such as carpool, work at home, use more public mass transit, prioritize use of ICE for errands, etc. The government through state-owned stations can also limit the amount of fuel and/or days a fillup can be done. In the last three decades many Western nations had to deal with the same issue of expoding fuel prices.
  6. "... senor figures within the foreign tourism sector ... emphasise (sic) that the kingdom remains a neutral party to the conflict ..." One should not get too far ahead with this statement. As a matter fo national governance, it is the Head of Government PM Prayut and/or Head of State to make such a call, not unidentified "senior figures." In fact neither Prayut nor his Counsel of Ministers (Cabinet) have made such a commitment. Thus, from the viewpoint of internal relationships, comments of neutrality from unidentified Thai senior officials can be construed as personal comments and not as an official Kingdom policy. TAT itself does not make foreign policy. That said, given such neutrality comments by senior officials might require the Government and/or the Kingdom to present an official position regarding the war between Ukraine and Russia to negate the neutrality comments. In fact the Kingdom of Thailand has already backed a UN resolution with 140 other nations (ie., Switzerland) demanding a withdrawal of the Russian forces from Ukraine. That is not being neutral. Abstaining from the vote as 35 nations had done would have been considered as neutrality. But now Thailand may need to state reaffirmation or clarification. Also "missing in action" with regard to the subject neutrality issue is the Thai Parliament. A resolution by the Senate/House regarding Thailand's position in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is needed if Prayut remains silent to TAT official's citibg neutrality.
  7. Flashback to 2019: Thailand seeks to become Southeast Asia energy hub. Develop a wholesale electricity market for ASEAN members. In re: www.reuters.com Sep. 4, 2562 Another Hub failure?
  8. The Ministry of Education should be included. See occurrences of physical attacks against students by teachers.
  9. Given the crash of the ruble, the Suk-57 5th generation fighter (comparable to the F-22 and F-35) might be a great bargain. Four or five countries in Southeast Asia have already shown their interest. In re: tass.com/defense
  10. Look at Thailand's history not world history. Since 1932 (aside from Thailand's one week opposition to Japanese invasion after each it allied itself to Japan) the greatest threat to national security has been military coups, ground-based protests by people opposed to military coups and authoritarian governments. You don't need 5th generation fighters to strafe and bomb protestors.
  11. Something I hadn't thought about: Russia's flag carrier Aeroflot is canceling its international flights to stop foreign governments seizing its planes. ref. Fortune.com, 3/7/2022 Aeroflot is state-owned with 51% controlling interest. Aside from the EU banning all Russian planes from entering its airspace.
  12. Policy of left hand doesn't agree with the right hand? The Cabinet today 3/9/2022 is considering in part banning the use of diesel vehicles driven by air pollution. Prayut: "We need to closely examine automobile engines, whether they are properly equipped with a pollution filtering system and whether the engines are in good condition. " https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30363590
  13. I doubt the US will sell the F 35 to Thailand given Thailand's current form of government (compare to the nine nations* that have or ordered the F 35 and current interest exoressed by Sweden), Thailand's security agreement with China and close relationship with Russia. * Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Poland, Denmark, Italy, Norway, the UK and the Netherlands At a time when Thailand has stopped its delivery of submarines from China (because of the economic cost of the covid-19 pandemic?), buying the J 20 any time soon seems unlikely. Especially if there is a National Election this year. But hey, If Vietnam and Myanmar can propose to buy the Suk 57 - Thailand has to keep up with the "Joneses" or lose face.
  14. Senator Somchai should also point out to the mother that all the current Senators were appointed by a select committee formed by the then NCPO Chief Prayut and that PM Prayut is also the Minister responsible to oversee the RTP. Best to petition PM Prayut directly, if at all.
  15. It's not necessary the court overturn it's ruling. As indicated, if substantive "new evidence" is provided to the court, it can revisit its decision and possibly reverse itself.
  16. For Russians in Thailand I see 3 potentail issues. International money transfers: SWIFT not available. Some specialized international transfers also following ban. https://protocol.com/newsletter/protocol-fintech/wise-revolt-russia-send-money?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 For air travel back to Russia: Maybe return travel through Middle East countries not on Putin's list of "unfriendly countries" such as Syria. Also maybe transfer through China and North Korea. Given the current depreciation of the ruble, airfare might be higher than original prepaid flight reservations. Use of bank issued credit/debit cards: Russian issued bank card for Visa, Mastercard and American Express cannot be used abroad or for international payments online. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-60637429 Best to contact Russian Embassy in Thailand for support.
  17. Mitigating effects: Putin just released a list of "unfriendly" countries. Obviously related to Russia's "intrusion" into Ukraine. The list includes "Australia, UK, EU countries, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, (S.) Korea, San Marino, Singapore, USA, Taiwan (recognized as a country!"), Ukraine (duh!), Montenegro, Switzerland, Japan," https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-publishes-list-unfriendly-countries-Ukraine-war-condemnation-2022-3 From the perspective of investment and trade with Thailand, if Thailand is too supportive of Russia during its occupation of Ukraine, mitigation with some of these countries might prove complicated.
  18. With the ruble falling to almost half its value to the baht since 2021 year-end, Thailand should immediately buy all the Russian oil that it can.
  19. To balance Thailand to balance ties with China and US would require Thailand to first break its zip lock tie and mouth gag with China. Good luck.
  20. The War (hardly just a crisis) between authoritarian states (Russia, Belarus, Syria) and democratic states presents Thailand with a conundrum - to whom does Thailand surrender?
  21. But it wasn't unclear in 1994 with the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances that provided, in part by the UK and US, security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence, in part, of Ukraine in exchange for giving up their nuclear weapons. The came Russia's invasion of Crimea and the UK, US, etc. blinked. As they have again.
  22. But when Russian soldiers went on "vacation" with all their combat gear to fight with the so-called insurgents in Crimea - not a problem. 'Do as we say, not as we do.'
  23. Insanity - Russia attacks a peaceful country unprovoked, bombards civilian residences and commercial business, schools and other public places without any regard to injury or death, attacks a nuclear electrical power station, etc. but claims international law in treatment of any resistance. Russia has made itself the epitomy of nazification. And like extremist right-wing terrorists, portrays itself as the victim.
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