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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. On 8/7/2018 at 3:13 PM, Snow Leopard said:

    Put proper drainage channels for the rain water to run off and into the sea.


    Dump some rocks a few 100 m out and create and artificial reef to stop wave erosion. 

    Do you honestly think any of the parties involved in this beach erosion project care to stop the erosion?

    Millions of $$$ involved in the bidding,contractors, corrupt officials, purchase and the transportation of the sand, "selection" of the "wrong color" and type by color-blind engineers, hundred of workers.

    What propels the creature called "homo sapiens"  to fight wars for millenniums and until the end of times is exactly why this beach erosion project will go on forever :MONEY

    • Like 2
  2. On 7/20/2018 at 6:45 PM, poanoi said:

    cambodia only ever has low quality foam mattresses,

    i broke my back after a single night in the first shithole,

    i bought the most expensive spring mattress i could find

    for the 2nd shithole, but it was still no quality.

    its also a possibility that i broke my back so hard in the first night so nothing can change it back,

    i cant even tell if a mattress or chair is good or not, for i never sense comfort

    try a 10 inch foam mattress, you will never go back to traditional ones

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. First of all, I don't understand the headline(as usual).

    What does "Pattaya man who impersonated  PM" mean?, referring to a man who sold sim cards in his Pattaya store and apparently decided to impersonate the Thai prime minister one day?

    Did this clown tell foreigners who came in the store "I am the PM of Thailand and I decided today to sell sim cards so buy your sim cards from me" with  an intention to sell more and the foreigners actually believed him and bought their sim cards from him and not elsewhere because they thought Thai PM was selling sim cards in a store in Pattaya that day?

    Did he try to talk and look like him, dress like him?

    I am really confused.Please help!:crazy:

    I don't get it!

    I really don't!


  4. 10 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    It's not the first time that you have jumped to the conclusion that I live in Pattaya.

    It's a place that I visit

    then why this strange interest in a halted building on a far corner of a city  you  visit from time to time?

    Do you- for instance- post on an "Amsterdam forum" or a "Paris forum" or a "Beijing forum" or a city that you visit once or twice a year and post on their similar sites to express your opposition towards their "antisocial buildings"?

    You clearly want this building to be pulled down "yesterday" and I respect your view, even though I disagree.But your argument doesn't hold water if you only blame one side as culpable.

    I explained in my previous posts, and now for the last time, my opposition towards parties involved in allowing this building to be built on a sacred part of a country. I also explained that any developer-given the opportunity-would erect a structure of this size or  higher next to the Taj Mahal or the Tower of pizza or the Westminster Abbey or the White House (again) given the chance...

    If you allow them? They will build...period!

    I am not ranting. I am just expressing my unbiased opinion on all who were involved in this royal mess!

    I don't blame you for your lack of interest in this topic unless it is "new information" as I also am losing interest in it as well but sorry to burst your bubble, there will not be any new information until the elections IMHO.

  5. 16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I used antisocial in the context of applying to the greedies that invested in it and those that built it.


    again only  blaming buyers and builders. that is safe! right thaibeachlover? yup, it's safe!...but weak.

    Also,am I right to be sensing admiration but mostly jealousy here? of course you won't admit it.

    Most non-thai people who are against this project eventually show signs of jealous tendencies considering the location( not the sacredness as they don't care and obviously won't admit for obvious reasons ) and expansive views from it .

    • Haha 1
  6. 11 hours ago, KneeDeep said:


    Not sure why you created a post just to argue about semantics.

    Anti-social definition; Contrary or injurious to the interests of society in general.


    Building a structure in front of the lookout/ memorial that obstructed the view was clearly contrary or injurious to the interests of society in general.


    Works for me.

    A bit over the top to suggest that someone appears uneducated over such a small thing. Especially when not clear they were wrong to use the word in the first place.

    you keep posting same ol' rhetoric like broken record without even mentioning or naming the enablers of this project ONCE.

    Because you need courage to blame the authorities that allowed it, courage! something you lack great deal.

    It's safe to blame the developers and buyers but it's risky to blame the real bandidos, isn't it!

    Man up and once mention about the corruption around this project blaming ALL and not just the investors.

    IT TAKES TWO to complete this kind of monster under the watchful eyes of millions of Thais, NOT JUST ONE.


    You leave your front door unlocked night after night and eventually your property will be broken in and your stuff be stolen and inhabitants will potentially be harmed or even killed.

    If you allow, permit  and actually watch a 50 floor structure built  to completion (for  the number of years it took to build) next to a well-known sacred site and you -my friend-only blame a developer , something wrong with your logic!.

    Don't forget that the same authority, the same mentality who allowed this "illegal" project, actually runs the city you live in, whose "lack of commitment" to fixing the problems of this city might come back and haunt you one day because so much illegalities slip under the radar with mind-boggling  impunity!

  7. 45 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Sure why not.

    Or when they put their hair up making little mouse ears looks very cute.

    All as long as they are over 18 no problem.

    I'm down with that :thumbsup:

    18-20 can be a little inexperienced however I wouldn't go above 21 

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seems the only people that have an interest in the Waterfront being completed are those that invested in an antisocial building, while everyone else wants it to be pulled down.

    Once upon a time a group of antisocial developers  started to build an antisocial building, permitted by antisocial authorities, bought by antisocial investors in an antisocial corner of the city behind a decaying antisocial marina in an antisocial boat parking that looked more like a boat junkyard with full of junkyard dogs.

    What the heck? Pull that building down!

    Keep the rest...


    Lion asks the camel: why is your neck all bent out of shape?

    Camel sighs: What part of me isn't 

  9. western women are mostly(if not all) mixed race, complexion etc. because of constant wars for centuries.

    on the other hand, Thais aren't mixed or mixed a little.

    They are slim because of their diet, making them look more attractive in general.

    But as other members mentioned, some of the women in the west especially northern Europe and Russians are to die for with their colorful features(blond hair,blue eyes)

  10. 31 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

    That’s exactly why this popped up to deflect that news away and make it all about Thailand. Fortunately, for them though, all we actually cared about was the well being of the missing lads. Sad how other agendas attempt to jump on the band wagon of success. Most Thais think it was the Thai Navy seals who found the boys first and now the Monk predicting they would be found. Let’s just pretend it was all done by the Thai operation and let the foreign volunteers get on with rescuing the boys back to daylight while the others get on with wai-ing each other in the mud in front of the cameras.

    the  same hole that these brave boys are gonna be brought out to daylight should be utilized for an all-inclusive 2 week deep cave vacation for the crook monk , fake-news media with their equipment and all idiots and politicians who are trying to take advantage of this unfortunate and deadly situation

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO the Waterfront typifies everything that has gone wrong for Pattaya, along with the marina, the Bali Hai car park, speedboat parking along the waterfront etc etc. As such, it's a subject worth keeping at the forefront of conversation.

    it also is the epitome of corruption and mismanagement of funds and infrastructural chaos that pops up in different parts of the city in the form of floods, beach erosion, boat, jet-ski and chair mafia, seized sidewalks throughout the city, concrete jungle, trash mounds, bugs and stink in the mornings.It also destroyed  the marina with the first high tide.

  12. On 5/4/2017 at 6:26 AM, BigKahuna said:

    Good looking women dont date ugly fat farangs. If an ugly bargirl wants to accept money from a desperate fat farang that's their business. They can frown together while people walking past can laugh at how fat and ugly they are.



    but they also grind their teeth while pretending to laugh.

    There is a strange pleasure of a fat and ugly dude landing a stunner(with his money or position) and parading her while younger dudes drop their jaws ?

  13. wild east!.lack of police training!

    Police should have set a  barricade on Sukhumwit rd. about 1 km down with a couple of police cars instead of shooting at this oncoming vehicle at high speed and risking the stopped vehicles with a head-on crash, stray bullet or being run over by this vehicle himself.

    I notice, there seems to be plenty of time to radio additional units down the road to set that road block and/or a spike strip.

    This situation could have been handled better in The U.S. with its experienced cops with better gear and vehicles.

    • Haha 1
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