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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 19 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    No, you are once again allowing your bias to cloud reality. He may have been stopped because of some other bias--he had biker attire, or was a farang, or had simply pissed-off someone. Or, maybe there was a tip he was on overstay, or was a druggie . . .

    you may like tattoos and that's all fine with me. i personally don't and that's a fact too but it stays with me.

    You can't deny the fact that cops don't like tattooed dudes . He couldn't walk 2 blocks in many of the U.S. streets without getting harassed or stopped to be searched and questioned by cops.

    In other parts of the world like the middle east, he would even be beaten up for no reason by block bullies.

    What he went through did not surprised me.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, The manic said:

    In 28 years only seen drugs for sale  once in Pattaya and I frequent BR and WS often. Hope he gets off.

    I have been whispered the name of drugs while walking by pushers on WS passed the Muay Thai/Marine disco area throughout the years. Sure they are around. and some are undercover

  3. 2 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    My how inspirational of you. You would punish someone for a personal decision which does not concern you or hurt others.

    chances are he wouldnt have drawn unnecessary attention and get busted by police if it wasn't for the damn graffiti all over his face and body. He punished himself, not me

    • Like 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Well, at least you admitted it was your opinion and that his tattoos have no relevance to M-13

    M-13 is a virus.

    MS-13 is the international criminal gangs



  5. 1 minute ago, smotherb said:

    Well, at least you admitted it was your opinion

    most posters here post their opinion what's appropriate and what's not. what should be legal and what should not even though laws won't change based on their opinion or perception.However, it was quite unnecessary to remind me that having tattoos was not illegal.Obviously we aren't talking about a few tattoos on the arm here. 

    what's the point of walking around like Frankenstein and scare kids and women.

    it is my opinion that body tattoes in excess of say...10% should be illegal

  6. 6 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Having tattoos is not a criminal offense and why do you think his tattoos have M-13 relevance?

    his appearance is too scary for little kids in family friendly Pattaya.

    That alone should  be illegal in my opinion.

    His tattoos don't have any relevance to M-13 virus?

  7. 16 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    From what I have seen around town in Pattaya is they have only been putting the electric cables undergound,and leaving all the rest of the cables on the poles same as before....

    There's just not enough room to bury all !...

    I am very touched to see how considerate of them to bury only some of the cables and leave enough burial room for the drunk falangs when they stumble and fall in the pits!


    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Bott said:

    I wonder if the great civil engineering minds be hind this epic construction will install multiple conduits for future works or just the usual half hearted Thainess that prevails in all things Thai...


    I'm not sure if they really realize the true amount in recycled materials they would gain from the old wiring..

    At $7.00 a kilo for copper alone by country wife.. .  US $ +    AND THAT IS NO EXAGGERATION............

    great idea but wishful thinking as the proceeds from the sale will end up in pockets of the a few

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