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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 16 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Well, I am not fat.

    I am certainly glad they described it the way they did with disgust in the headlines.

    it doesn't matter..fat or/and Aussi.

    what they have done may be despicable to some and  may or may not be against the law.

    But mentioning their nationality  on a news headline may put the paper in trouble.

    I don't know.Not a lawyer

  2. 21 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Video: Pattaya boat "orgy" - just the ticket for pot bellied Aussie voyeurs!

    what a  condescending and discriminating  headline in plural!

    I am not an Aussie but whose business is it where they are from and if they are fat?

    if there is news, just report that without such headline and if there is a crime, let courts decide!

    until then no one is guilty, only suspects except Carpenter who apparently had a warrant.

    maybe a lawyer member can shed a light on this.

  3. 4 hours ago, poanoi said:

    hi, a part of the movie is poor image quality,

    what can i do to get it normal ?

    Just pay a visit to Mr Carpenter in jail and explain him how you missed that once in a lifetime booze cruise and remind him to count you in for the next cruise once he gets out in 10 years and then politely ask him if he could arrange to send you a copy of the original footage.

    He won't mind at all!

  4. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    LOL> you are annoyingly argumentative today. You picked a post you didn't reply to from a week ago in an effort to start an argument with a member you weren't arguing with and mostly agreed with.


    What is your problem? 


    OK then, start off with a list of projects abandoned, in a tropical climate, from 20 years ago, that were restarted and then completed. Projects that were at the same level of construction as the Bali Hai building.

    I am not arguing with you tropo.I agree with you most of the time because your points are valid and make sense. I just had a disagreement on the comparison of the two buildings same in apples and oranges. Bkk building and  Bali Hai building have similarities but not exactly same. That's all. peace brother.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Just now, digbeth said:

    With this much exposed concrete for decades yet it was still salvagable

    I think the project was only bought out in 2015 and was only looks like it's completed this year


    the billboard ad companies in Thailand have an interesting way of advertising products but whole a lot of sense of humor, let me tellya!

  6. 27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    True, but only those that knew about it went there. The people that would have gone for a walk and decided to eat there when they reached it, would no longer be going for a walk along that road because it was so unattractive, so no more casual customers.

    i always used mbike to avoid being attacked by stray dogs when the area was infested with parked and rotting mafia boats


    On 6/13/2018 at 6:22 PM, digbeth said:

    A lot of the 'ghost' building abandoned in Bangkok around 97-98 are now being completed now


    On 6/13/2018 at 7:43 PM, tropo said:

    I don't know about ghost buildings from 97 being completed

    just because you don't know doesn't make digbeth's claim wrong.

    If true, it arguably proves that some unfinished projects can be restarted even after 20 years of abandonment.

    On 6/13/2018 at 7:43 PM, tropo said:

    There's no way that building will ever be finished

    seemingly true.


    On 6/13/2018 at 7:43 PM, tropo said:

    It was more complete than the Bali Hai Pier building when it was abandoned. 

    false. there is no proof Bkk building was more complete. Bali Hai building AKA Waterfront had about 40 percent of window frames installed when halted whereas the Bkk one doesn't seem to  have any.

    Furthermore, it will be a mistake to compare the two as the one in Bangkok has been abandoned a lot longer than the one in Pattaya.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, tropo said:

    Just curious, what do you think the cost of full demolition would be. Would they be allowed to implode it, or would they have to dismantle it?

    I think they should implode it and just walk away from the rubble so it blends in the rest of the chaos.

    Now with the hotel being demolished next to it and the entire marina in shambles, this is one heck of a mess all the way to the lighthouse!

    In fact, after this implosion, the whole area definitely  will resemble the Pearl Harbor after the Japanese air strike.

    • Like 2
  9. 11 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    It seems that you want this thing built no matter what. Even if the project is no longer a viable proposition.

    the Thai courts will decide if this project is "right" or "wrong"(without getting into fancy words or opening can of worms) .Period. End of story.

    they will further decide whether it should be saved, partially(i.e.5-10 floors) or fully demolished(50 floors).

    Whether I "want this thing built" or demolished ,you want it destroyed has no effect on the outcome.


    If the courts decide on "full demolition", guess who will foot the bill?

    (sound of crickets)



    The project owners are already in bankruptcy and will be long gone once that decision is rendered by the judge.

    The land has barely enough value to pay debtors and its legitimacy is also questionable anyway.

    The government can't even clean the junk from the marina area for the last several years for not having enough budget. period! Do you think they can come up with a budget 100 times of the marina clean-up for this Waterfront demolition?


    Are you then, as a Pattaya resident, willing to foot the bill along with the Thai citizens while wearing your "demolish waterfront" jersey?

    (sound of crickets)


  10. 10 hours ago, champers said:

    A lot of places, eg Centric Sea and the Base are at the end of a driveway and set back from the main roads. Same goes for my place in Naklua which is always nice and quiet. 

    Holiday Inns, Amari and Dusit Thani are some examples of hotels set back from the main road.

    I was referring to Pattaya.However it does have some parts that are relatively quiet (around soi 2&beach rd) especially away from major malls. Traffic around bar streets i.e. soi 13,6,7,8 and near, walking st is a mess. 

    Naklua is definitely quieter

  11. 10 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    Otherwise why are you posting here continually, for apparently no good reason?

    same rant!..boring.


    10 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    Perhaps you would like taxpayers to foot the bill.



    10 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    I'll ask again. Who do you expect to foot the bill?

    You can not ask this line of questions once you use the adverb  "perhaps" (used to express uncertainty or possibility) in your previous statement based on an assumption.

    That is a typical provocative troll question.

    Please get your facts straight and rephrase it.

    I'll be happy to answer.

  12. 6 hours ago, tropo said:

    Obviously, without going in and having a very good look around, there's no empirical evidence to go on, but there's also a pretty good chance that after being exposed to the harsh tropical environment (high heat, harsh sunlight, high humidity, and rain) for 5 years that the building is not in pristine condition. An extensive cleanup would be required, not just a paint-over.  



    I'll give you that. It would definitely need extensive work, particularly on top floors without windows/glass

  13. 9 minutes ago, champers said:

    If the project ever is completed (unlikely), a resident would have the daily prospect of thousands of tourists being dropped off and picked up outside the property and all the noise and pollutants that ensue. Throw in itinerant vendors of a wide range of products and services, just for good measure, and the place doesn't seem at all attractive.

    You are right. The place is bustling with buses, people and traffic.

    However, same can be said for almost any part of the city, Beach road, Second rd, third rd and so on...The streets I mention turn into a "parking lot" because of the heavy traffic throughout the day.

    Does that make Pattaya unattractive?

  14. 5 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    Have I stated that the building is unsafe? Why are you quoting me as having written it?

    I'm concerned that you have taken leave of your senses.


    You know that the whole thing is a shambles; car park, marina, promenade... so what is it that you expect to happen?

    Do you expect that some bank will put up the financing for this shambolic project, after seeing it fail twice?

    Why are you writing about it here on a daily basis?

    What do you hope to achieve by posting here again and again? That suddenly someone riding a white horse will put up the money and make everything right again? 

    Why not wait for new information?

    if it makes you unhappy to read my post, the remedy is simple: Don't read it

  15. 48 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    Actually it is relevant and on-topic. Simply because none of your numerous posts make any sense.

    Post after post with no new information. Just ranting about the same things as before.

    No one needs to go back through ten pages, because absolutely nothing new has been posted/revealed.

    "Numerous posts"  ?

    I can post as many as I choose. This is a forum and everybody is entitled to their opinion as long as they stick to the rules of the forum.

    "Just ranting about the same things"

    I never characterize anyone's post "ranting" but I can understand what angers you and I don't pay attention.

    You have failed to come up with valid proof on your assertion on the building being "unsafe".

    What constitutes unsafe?

    "nothing new has been posted/revealed"

    There is no new information because the whole thing is in stalemate.

    But feel free to share if YOU have new information!


  16. On 2/28/2018 at 10:19 AM, webfact said:

    Pattaya police chief: "Don't attack tourists - it will damage the image of tourism in Pattaya"

    What's with these police chiefs that every time a crime (or even a capital crime)  is committed, they show utmost concern with the image of tourism/Pattaya and come up with these ridiculous words each time!

    The main concern of the Chief of Police should be to uphold the law, protect and serve and  catch the  ba$tards before, during and after a crime.period!.Not the image of tourism!..That should be the concern of the Ministry of Tourism

    If he should have a comment on this attack, it should be the following


    "Assault is illegal and a criminal act.

    Anyone attempts to assault anyone could pay a hefty fine AND go to jail"


    His job isn't  downplaying the lawlessness and misinform the consequences of physical assault being "damage the image of tourism".It is not deterrent.

    His job however, is to remind criminals that if they assault, they will go to jail.

    Comments such as the chief made are unnecessary, twisted, misinforming and WILL DEFINITELY DAMAGE THE IMAGE OF THAILAND.

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  17. 1 hour ago, altcar bob said:

    I suggest you take a look at concrete roads especially around Pattaya,those potholes you bump and scrape through are caused by corrosion,expansion of metal reinforcement laid in concrete,thus rendering the concrete itself kaput,failing

       Now this corrosion will be widespread throughout that building,nothing will fix it,it is un-repairable,and more so as it is subject to salt contaminated air,   forget it,its all over

    I applaud your imagination.

    With this latest absurd assertion and doomsday theory, I believe apocalypse is around the corner for Pattaya! These may even be  the final "violin" moments of the sinking Titanic:violin:

    Buckle up people and start your prayers!

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