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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 8 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I heard that the reason building was halted was because it impeded the unobstructed view across the bay and to Koh Lan by someone who might just happen to wear a tiara and lived behind it :whistling:

    Nahhh..i doubt it..You do have a point  but it's not likely. if a thing like this would bother these folks, do you think for even one day they would have allowed  hundreds of leaking boats park, moved in and out and about, noisy and smoggy tractors revving their engines to extremely high decibels in order to pull and drop  40 footer heavy boats in and out of the water all day? this went on  for years from 5am to 9pm... every day...every hour...every minute of it.

  2. 7 hours ago, Darkkakashi said:

    pattayadude, do you have a, direct or indirect, financial interest in this waterfront building being completed ?


    other than the poetical "i played simcity 2000 too much and I like to see cities grow like children or flowers or amybes"

    on a more honest note(not that my prev. quote was dishonest) and maybe slightly off-topic, I used to live in Pattaya full time but now that i have discovered Colombia and bought a small penthouse with an open-air terrace with panoramic views(top floors of buildings with large terraces are unique for Colombia ), I stay there longer periods, more convenient for me with its proximity to the USA and the Caribbean, and I looooove salsa!.

    Plans change, partners change, interests change, lifestyles change and answer to your question: I couldn't care less if this project gets built or dynamited. But. i'm not gonna lie, I will most likely be interested in buying a corner 2 bedroom if it ever gets built..You can't beat the location and its value!


  3. 6 hours ago, Darkkakashi said:

    pattayadude, do you have a, direct or indirect, financial interest in this waterfront building being completed ?


    other than the poetical "i played simcity 2000 too much and I like to see cities grow like children or flowers or amybes"

    Sorry to burst your bubble but money isn't everything.especially for some who have plenty.  For me it's human interest. Interest in the improvement and the progression of the city he/she lives in part or full time. One can have interest in the politics of it. I believe this residential tower and a few cafes and restaurants will improve this area quite a bit. A few posts before yours, a poster mentioned that he walks around the area a few times a week and some now are able to ride their bicycles and pass through what was once "ruled"  by the boat mafia, ruled by the odor of pools of oil and gas leaking from parked and decaying boats and  diesel fumes from the huge tractors constantly moving trailers in and out of the water, stray dogs packs coming out of nowhere to attack the passerby and riders.


    Now one can take a leisurely walk in this much improved, relatively peaceful, sunny and breezy area, a far cry from the chaos it once was.

    It's still got a long way to go, but it's sure as hell come a long way!


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, midas said:

    My point was that if they can't demolish a more regular sized building without some catastrophe as mentioned in the accompanying thread how are they gonna do it from all the way up there?:giggle:



    this notorious boutique hotel demolition is probably being done by  an unprofessional crew with little experience in demolition .It's probably a team of construction workers who were given the task of a demolition. However, there are many partial or complete high-rise demolition methods performed by professional demolition contractors. As one can guess, the demolition cost of 1 floor  is more expensive than building that floor.

     One of the demolition methods is, the roof of the top floor is supported by  temporary columns, each approx. 20 meters high, which are placed on giant beams two floors below. In the closed space, building components such as steel columns, beams and flooring are disassembled. Every time the two highest floors are dismantled, jacks incorporated into the columns are lowered, and the building becomes two floors lower as a whole. there is no way to know the building is being torn down and the building looks to be gradually shrinking, making it a mysterious demolition system. It's relatively quiet, with no dust or  falling debris.



    • Like 2
  5. 34 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:


    The condo doesn't block the view from the Pattaya City sign viewpoint (the place where I took the last pic from)

    but he really blocks the view from the main highest Pattaya viewpoint, facing its back.





    I seriously doubt that tourists who go up to the viewpoint are all of a sudden shocked or disappointed to see a building blocking a mere 10 percent of their view. I wonder if they care at all...

    On the contrary, it might even help them to have a perspective and even a depth of field in their view!

    it may even cause them to go "wow, THIS is the building we saw from far away when we were on the beach"

    • Like 1
  6. this topic is getting too old, has very little followers and the process is not transparent enough to offer followers new information and the court process will be too slow and will take years. I will not quote or post any more on this topic as i am losing interest in it and honestly can't deal with some people's jealousy and hostility on this project  and the grumpiness of a few.

  7. 6 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:



    They can't use it as an argument, as the road hasn't been widened.

    Have you actually visited the site recently? If not, that brings a certain irony to your comments regarding people who haven't visited the lookout recently.


    Now that you have bumped the thread based of misinformation, you are just repeating the same conspiracy theories that you did before. What's the point of that?



    what is your problem with this project? what is the real reason why you oppose it, if you do?.

    Does it bother you that it's next to the Pattaya sign? Is it built  too high and blocking your view?

    Do you wish you owned a piece of it if you could afford it?

    answer these and I will post proof on road widening.

    "Misinformation" is your opinion, has no base and you need to prove that I am misinforming followers of less than 5 people on this topic.

    Better you look for a daytime job as retirement may have become too boring for you and you looking in forums to mock people instead of offering a new information on important topics


  8. 18 minutes ago, midas said:

    but partial demolition of any amount of floor area is no mean feat at that height and will surely test their  strategic and logistical skills:blink:

     Obviously it's not done with a sledgehammer and some elbow grease.An experienced demolition crew can handle it within a few months with the right machinery and a  good crane to lower the debris.

    The top 5-10 floors are slimmer than the floors below. I think they are just single penthouses and 2 units on each floor only.

  9. 38 minutes ago, midas said:


    So what is the latest regarding having to demolish 5000 sqm?

    a recent update to buyers and investors apparently states that the developer has been ordered to partially  demolish  parts of the building.Details of this order not been revealed by the developer in their update but "partial demolition" is the key word in the update and it's obviously vague.

    As far as the 5000sqm overbuilt area:

    demolition of 5 floors had been proposed by the developer some time ago as a remedy to fix this issue  but according to my calculations, 5 floors equals to an area of only 2000-2500 sqm and I guess the City Hall got pissed off and replied to this proposal with a partial demolition order.


  10. 2 hours ago, newnative said:

         You can both stick to your beliefs because the road width has nothing to do with the condo's construction being held up.

    "road width in relation to allowable height of a building" was the excuse the City had to throw in to justify the stoppage after the public outcry. Nobody knows who are the powerful people  opposing this project and are actually  behind this stoppage, but I can run a wild guess and be right. It's pretty obvious.

    I was only suggesting that the developer may use the road widening a form of argument to fight this in courts.It's just an opinion and I am entitled to it in a forum such as this.I don't care if they do or not.

    I don't even care if a group of "treehuggers" opposing this project come together and blow it up.

    Most of them don't even know where the lookout is or haven't been there in ages.LOL

  11. 54 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    What is your point?

    You are ignoring the fact that the actual road that is in front of the building hasn't had it's width changed

    We aren't talking about some road width here, whether its too wide or not wide enough.

    The main topic here is whether this building was built illegally or not.


    I did not measure the road and I seriously doubt that you did. But the first photo is  fairly recent and you can clearly see the width has changed compared to the 2nd photo taken about 4+ years ago.

    And regarding my point (and I know where you're heading with your question), I don't necessarily have to have one and I actually couldn't  care less if this thing gets built or not. But I do have a hidden point and it's  about an injustice done to this developer by the City Hall that is not transparent with its investigation, haven't made its reports public,very sneaky, secretive and extremely quiet for questionable reasons that started stinking to high heavens.

    if this thing was allowed to be built all the way to the top, don't you think it took TWO to make it happen?!?!

    And if it was illegally built, then  someone intentionally looked away while it was being built.

    I don't accept that  colossal bridges, buildings, overpasses, tunnels don't get inspected during construction. That's bs!


    That's what I'm talking about, otherwise who cares if the road is narrow or wide..

    • Like 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Absolutely.  I'm amazed at how Pattaya's skyline has changed in just the relatively short time--7.5 years--that I have been here.

    yes true.that's probably the case for almost anywhere in Asia. I have a condo which I bought in 2007 in Manila. At least 20 highrise buildings were added on the skyline since then and 10 more now in construction. A New York is in works!

  13. 29 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Please remember that the Eiffel Tower was initially a temporary monument.

    The tower has been built for the 1889 Universal Exposition,

    and was supposed to be dismounted once the exposition finished...


    So, will the Waterfront be a temporary monument?... or will it resist?  :wink:

    well, so far it's resisting..Developers could have walked away without a fight but they are vigorously fighting this. The City Hall apparently ordered the developer  to demolish it partially within a year. "Partial" is the key word here. No one knows yet what that covers. They may be negotiating behind closed doors from time to time and none of it is transparent for obvious reasons.


    From this point on , its my "educated speculation".

    Is "partial" 5 floors or 10?.I believe 10 but no more than that and in addition, maybe the hotel wing has to go, though not sure.All of this is to satisfy, keep happy "certain people" or groups, AND careful not to damage tourism or scaring away developers and investment. it's a "walk a tightrope".

    As within the last few months, the road in front got widened and the developer may take advantage of that in courts, arguing the road width now justifies the height/width of the building ,while carrying on "talks".


    We all will see.

  14. 10 hours ago, whitemouse said:


    I would bet (if it wasn't against the law here) that the monstrous tower will be standing there in 20 years, and in 30 years.


    It's going to become symbol of Pattaya, hated by locals when built, but universally recognized loved, after several decades have past. This thing is Pattaya's Eiffel Tower.

    haha..I can imagine 20-30 years later, if somehow the demolition of it was decided by the court, this time thousands of activists would show up chanting and shouting "Save our monster!"

    On a more serious note,this building next to the Pattaya sign is already in millions of snapshots and movies tourists took the last 5 years and I think it should be allowed to be completed. The scenery  would definitely look better once lighted up at night instead of allowing it stay there and deteriorate further next 20 years.

    That area all the way to the lighthouse and even further will eventually be full of bars and restaurants, if not by other condo projects. Mark my words!

    Progress and growth of cities is unstoppable and corruption is inevitable and this project won't be an exception to the rule! Do you see the ministry of tourism trying block Chinese tourist from coming to Pattaya? I don't!

    not only they have supported and enabled more Chinese to come, they have actually  gone out of their way to accommodate them better by widening roads around Bali Hai, making more space&parking for tour buses, expanding the seaport,marina and the docks, adding ferry services and bullet trains to Pattaya, tapping in "untouchable" military airports and converting them to passenger airports for  Russians to fly directly and more conveniently  in Pattaya, and many others I am too lazy to list now! 

    It's about time to get the heads out of the sand!

    History will absolve this!

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