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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 3 hours ago, elgenon said:

    Interesting that, by their head coverings, they are appear to be Muslim.

    Your assumption not only is irrelevant, but also wrong.Those are not head coverings,They are just towels.

    These orgy participants are just trying to hide their identity(from family or wives) with towels which are larger than an average  t-shirt, as the room was full of reporters and police photographers recording the raid and taking photos which are very likely to hit the local  and international media the next day.

  2. what's the latest?


    I think neither citizens of Pattaya nor the "authorities" who "pretend to run" the city want this unfinished concrete ghost to occupy its skylines another 5 -10 years while the case is  dragged through the courts and I seriously doubt that either of the two has  a vested interest in doing so.

    So why is this moving at a snail pace!!

    I wonder if these are the same "authorities"  who took 7 years thinking and still haven't come up with a decision on the appropriate sand to use to combat erosion of(and now mostly eroded) Pattaya beach!



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  3. On 3/8/2018 at 9:58 AM, Pattaya46 said:


    "the other day" ? February 2017 ! :whistling:

    Makes many "other day" in more than 1 year... :smile:



    It's ironic that this 2billion baht halted project will take even many more  years to get resolved one way or another in Thai courts , only construction workers and now a young couple have been able to enjoy that killer view so far!

    Kudos to them!

    Some DO go to great lengths to get that kiss. :clap2:


  4. On 1/31/2018 at 12:00 AM, wotsdermatter said:

    My ex-wife from Korea was fantastic at flower arranging and held top-level certificates and many awards for related contests.  Was just wondering if ARRANGING PROSTITUTES was in anyway a related skill?

    well, you can arrange them by their height and skin color for example...you can even throw  a few ladyboys in,  and viola! you got a group of  "prostitute arrangement"!


  5. On 1/30/2018 at 10:47 AM, webfact said:

    "There are many illegal buildings in Pattaya," he said. "Mayor Anan Jaroensri has ordered the authority to get tough and remove all such property from public land".

    Yeah right! get tough as you had the last 30 years! there are 101 illegal establishments on Walking and you had to start with the cutest, the least bothersome and the most out-of-sight one there is..

    Ahh I forgot! of course!...the others are  too busy bustling with  thousands of patrons visiting daily , will destroy the tourism(income) and  owned by untouchable politicians or less-than-friendly mob!

    So which one goes down next? the little resto by the lighthouse? LOL

    If you wanna do Pattaya a favor, just remove the trash around the city first!!

    And while you're at it, clean the rubble from the Bali Hai marina as all you are expert at is in creating rubble, not cleaning one...

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  6. I doubt anything that is said or posted here  makes a difference or puts a dent on the process.

    and I doubt that there is much left, if any that was unsaid or not covered on this complex project and its secrets since there is no public announcement made by the City Hall or no honest revelations by the builder.

    I believe we all are barking at the moon.

    I 'd like to share a few final thoughts before I sign off.

    there are just way too many unknowns, to many unanswered questions to make sense of it all.

    I didn't get  answers to half of my questions even from the ones who were supposed to know a little more than the rest as they simply don't know the truth or are afraid of libel laws. The law firms that charge hundreds of thousands to file claims know even less than their clients or don't reveal much what they know for unknown reasons as It's not very unusual to secretly represent both sides(!)

    I suspect this project and all the evidence will slowly be sucked  into a dark hole just for the protection of a few, while many profited and while many lost, no one will know the truth at the end!


    In a perfect world, there shouldn't be wars, politicians should serve for their people and their country, not for bribes, the police should protect and serve you instead of planting evidence on you, judges should be unbiased and not politicized, governments should be transparent and not secretive but unfortunately this world is just too far from perfect.


    And neither was this process!... from the beginning to the bitter end...



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  7. 2 hours ago, champa said:

    Prime minister had mentioned Watrfront in November when he was in Pattaya. He said the project is in the legal process. The issues are complicated and should take long time. 

    I think this confirmed that nothing about section 44.

    He also mentioned this case effects on foreign investment. But why not work it right at the first? 


    The situation now, only the developer get in trouble. Pattaya city is a complainant and the developer is the defendant in the encroachment case. 


    Pattaya city has no duty to work with the developer. Pattaya city is the regulator, the key role is to control the construction legally. To do so, Pattaya city ordered the developer to change the buleprints. Once the developer submit the updated blueprint, Pattaya city will inspect the blueprints. If the blueprint illegals then Pattaya city would reject and order the developer to change the blueprints until the blueprint legally. It is not Pattaya city responsibility to advise the developer. The developer should check on all related acts. 

    Around mid 2017, Bali Hai claimed that they submitted to the City Hall a proposal to tear down 5 floors to rectify the 5100 sqm overbuild area.

    got a simple Yes or No question in 2 parts.

    part1)What was the City Hall's reply to Bali Hai's proposal to tear down 5 floors for the 5100 sqm overbuild?If answer is other than Yes or No, what was it?

    part2)Has this proposal even been submitted to the City Hall by Bali Hai ever?If Yes, is it true that the City Hall DID NOT reply or simply ignored?




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