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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 15 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    then hopefully this will be the last post we see from you on the subject.

    you are not the authority to decide that.

    ...and who is "we"?


    15 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    I'm out

    i doubt it ...:coffee1:


    15 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    if you agree that the project is dead

    I didn't agree. it being "dead" was MY statement.

    It is dead until this or another developer agrees to perform all the required corrections (whatever they may be).

    Furthermore, this project is a "cash cow" for the authorities(!) and the last thing they want to do is to kill the cow.

    The next non-military mayor may have a different opinion on it.

    This is politics and money.

    They do mix in the world I live in!

  2. 7 hours ago, KneeDeep said:


    I don't disagree. But I'm not the one clamouring for it to be completed.

    That would be you.

    Where have you noted that I have a "beef" with it?

    Perhaps you can point to the posts wherein I have stated thus.

    if it doesn't impact your view, what's your relentless pursuit?

    what is your interest in this almost dead project?

    what is the impact of the Waterfront on you, if it not impacting your religious beliefs (since you're not budhist), your view(by your admission) or your wallet?

  3. 6 hours ago, KneeDeep said:


    I don't disagree. But I'm not the one clamouring for it to be completed.

    That would be you.

    Where have you noted that I have a "beef" with it?

    Perhaps you can point to the posts wherein I have stated thus.

    I  admitted on my previous quote this is a dead project but still you don't let it go and keep quoting me..

    it's dead, kaput!.At best, It's in a court battle that could take 10 years or longer.

    Whatever I believe is my opinion.

    All posters have left but you are still clinging on it as if you will be miserable once this topic is also dead.

    You keep quoting me even though it's only one word that you are not comfortable with.

    You cause has now dwindled down to one word. "Beef"

    get over it and move on dude

  4. 2 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    I don't frequent that whole area any more. It used to have a pleasant atmosphere. Now it's just a horrible place. No reason to go there at all.

    by your own admission, the whole area is just a "horrible place" now and because of this, you don't go there at all now. You will find many who will agree with you on this.

    Well, FYI horrible places are result of  horrible buildings, horrible planning, horrible infrastructures, horrible marinas, horrible traffic, horrible floods and so on...

    This building is the direct result of the combination of all of the above, plus corruption.

    You see, situation is a lot more serious than who owns a pie in the sky, who doesn't, who was smart and who was stupid,who said or didn't say what you wanted to hear...

    Everybody's in the same boat and it has taken in a lot of water.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    What would make you think that the view of the Waterfront shell has any impact on me?

    if it doesn't impact your view, what's your beef with it?

    what is your interest in this almost dead project?

    what is the impact of the Waterfront on you, if it not impacting your religious beliefs (since you're not budhist), your view(by your admission) or your wallet?



  6. On 6/21/2018 at 11:54 PM, Showerbeersx said:

    Why is it that they gang rape girls or why are they always haggling girls to take 2 guys? 

    for the following reasons and I am not suggesting them to be excuses but pure reality.

    1)they are very  young travelers(18+), horny and gang sex is a norm, fun to share these stories later.

    2)arabs are highly social and they travel in large groups and stick together, do things together. Sex isn't an exception to this

    3)Sharing also is a norm among them and i.e. eating out of plates all together is cultural among arab groups

    4)male bonding in arabs is common and  they bond during sex too.(sometimes literally bond:tongue:)

    5)package deals are cheaper

    6)I couldn't think of one more so ignore #6

  7. 19 hours ago, tropo said:

    I'm not getting carried away. I thought it was an interesting story about the abandoned Batman club, which few people know about because it's tucked away on a quiet Soi and hardly ever seen by anyone. Lighten up.

    bringing up a ghost story on an abandoned and tucked away low rise building from the 90s and carrying it into this discussion of the halted(not abandoned) construction of the 50 story Waterfront by the Bali Hai pier is nothing but perception management.

    Your story may be entertaining to some, however it was cleverly "injected" into this topic to suggest that these two projects have similarities. I am lightened up pal.I know where you are getting

  8. On 3/22/2018 at 5:59 AM, Enoon said:


    If she is Russian I doubt that she would do "that sort of thing", dressed like that, in a Russian Orthodox cathedral.


    That would be the equivalent behaviour.


    That's tourists......unlike their own precious traditions, those of the rest of the world aren't "serious".


    They don't really have an interest in what is around them....everywhere else is just a "location" wherein they can arrange and admire themselves.


    The indigenous architecture, objects and people merely sets, props and extras.



    you nailed it!..

    it's the species called "the human" with lots of flaws and it recently started visiting other humans half way around the world with cultures, traditions and religions much different than theirs.

    Each group wants to be different than the other (a typical human behavior) therefore creating a complex world with thousands of different rules and points of respect, impossible to remember or follow.

    In a Scandinavian country, a naked Jacuzzi party among strangers could be as normal as brushing your teeth in the morning, while in some countries it's the cause of a massacre.

    next topic please!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

    Just a topic that was discussed at the council meeting by some councilors. How to get those filthy Farang tourists to stop throwing their rubbish on the beach because Thai people don't do that sort of stuff Also in their line of thinking they might have stumbled on a gold mine here. They could fine those filthy Farang tourists 200,000 Baht because they are breeding Roaches and throwing rubbish on the beach which is quite opposite to what Thai people do The Farang also have no work permit to breed Roaches. So 200,000 Baht fine justifiable.

    you nailed it!

  10. 20 hours ago, Rimmer said:

    City officials, however, seem content to blame tourists for dropping food and litter. 

    I wouldn't expect a different reaction from these retarded city officials.

    The recent first reaction of chief of police  to drugs and violence was a sentence that started with "this will damage the image of blablabla....." instead of "we realize that we have a problem with....."

    They are always more concerned about the effects on tourism when it comes to criminal activity and  environmental hazards instead of human lives and the quality of life.


  11. 20 hours ago, Rimmer said:

    However, the cockroaches are nesting and swarming around putrid beach outflow pipes through which raw sewage has repeatedly spilled over the past year

    A picnic with family on the beach while surrounded with  rodents and the friendly flying big black bugs.  Looks like from now on I need to spend more time on the beach.I feel like time being wasted doing anything else

  12. 17 hours ago, tropo said:

    Come to think of it, there is a real ghost building in Pattaya, apparently with real ghosts. The abandoned Batman Disco, built in 1994 and then closed and abandoned 18 months later. Of course, this was completed and used before being abandoned.

    Regardless of the Batman club, ghost buildings in Pattaya ,Bkk, Chicago or N.Korea, other examples of 15 or 20 year abandoned projects, let's not get carried away here. You and I both know if the parties reach an agreement next or the following year, the fact that Waterfront was abandoned for 5 years isn't gonna be a deal breaker. It will be finished in 1 year or a little longer  and occupied.

    And nobody will remember much of its history after 10 years just like many people today don't have a clue-and I don't blame them- how the Northshore was brought back to life from dead.

    But if the conditions do not change and still abandoned by 2020, obviously we'll be talking about a different animal.


  13. 17 hours ago, tropo said:

    Probably they didn't take any protective measures though. Did the construction crew have any idea this was going to become a ghost building?

    I don't know if they took any measures or not. I don't have too much expertise in that area (but if someone does, feel free to post your opinion) but I assume applying protective "chemicals" on the exposed rebars (I don't know if there were any since the project was already topped off) shouldn't have been a herculean task.

    I doubt the head hanchos of the project had any idea this would go on 4 years and their building would slowly become a "ghost" considering how boastful, cocky and ignorant  some of them were.I have seen utube videos of their interviews but being a prick doesn't necessarily mean you are irresponsible.

  14. 8 hours ago, tropo said:

    It's not like they planned to stop working on it, one day they came to work and were told to go home.

    The project got a warning to stop the work a month before and owners were being pressured to stop it during that month but they ignored.

    There was enough time to take some  measures but if they took advantage of this time or not is anyone's guess

  15. 21 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    Except that in this case, and so many others, it's not as simple as that, there are consequences!  Didn't you read the article that said he had been arrested and charged?

    However, the consequences are not deterrent in some cultures.

    I know of one in which some people kill others for honor(face) and they just walk over the police station and give themselves up as that is the next "honorable thing" to do after the first. In same culture, if police finds out it was an honor killing, they look the other way, judges give the minimum term etc

  16. 2 hours ago, jackdd said:

    I've never heard this and never seen this. But i've turned down offers myself many times, i've seen Thai people (GF, friends...) discussing about the price and then not buying it, and have seen my vietnamese ex GF do this in Vietnam as well. I did never see any bad reaction (or had the impression that he feels we are obliged to buy it) of any vendor about this. So for me the situation that you describe sounds very strange.

    every situation, every vendor, every buyer, every deal,the length of haggling, every negotiation has varying characteristics and results and reactions will also will be different.

    But I am sure this is an isolated case.Here you have a vendor with a possible anger disorder (like many Thais), family issues, drug use etc. and if chinese is a type  who could drive anyone nuts, you add to this mix the language barrier and misunderstandings and you got yourself a time bomb.

    Keep in mind, there are thousands of vendors on so many beaches and islands throughout the country.

    Someone would die every day as a result of this type of vendor/tourist argument but somehow that doesn't happen obviously.


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