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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 10 hours ago, Basil B said:

    I remember when they were building the "Jomtien Thani" construction stopped for years before restarting I was so amazed that the old crane would ever work again.


    As for the Waterfront they should tell the developers to have the building, cranes and any other temporary structures inspected for safety and have a multi billion Bhat indemnity by a 3rd party or rip it down. 

    I think the police(with the order of the City Hall) raided the construction site back in 2014 and shut it down.Ever since then,  let alone to have the crane removed, blue or white collar workers were not allowed to be anywhere on the site. I call this "Wild East"!

  2. On 1/7/2018 at 8:02 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    The only "development" I want to see on that monstrosity is downwards, all the way to the ground.

    who wants to bet. i say it will take more than 10 years to resolve this mess. And even  then, only to be  resold to another developer or the current one under a different name. and why? because of its location...value...and because it's a cash cow and every administration will want to get some milk out of  it until the cow  can't give any more. By 2028, it will be in market for whoever wants to pick up the pieces, maybe knock down 5-10 floors and the "hotel wing" too(maybe, but I doubt) and it will be "business as usual" once again!..

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, bazza73 said:

    Cancer is not preventable. If we all could live to 150 years old, we would inevitably die of cancer.

    I think you are confusing prevention and risk.

    believing in something is part of lowering the risk, a percentage of prevention, enables you to build enough will power to stick to a certain lifestyle to keep certain illnesses off.

    "I believe" doesn't necessarily mean I know of a cure or a method.

    It's not a mystery that we all gonna die of something eventually because our immune system will give up at some point.

    My fight is to push that "point" as far as I can.

    If you perception on "becoming a vegetarian, giving up alcohol, and attaining a body mass index of less than 20"  is living like a monk , it's your choice, your opinion and I respect it.

  4. I don't even believe cancer is a hereditary disease.

    We all carry the cancerous cells but they are like sleeper cells, dormant until activated. Only your diet can activate them so control it.

    Get the 3 whites(salt,flour,sugar) out of your life after a certain age.

    it may be tough in the beginning like quitting cigs but after a while, your body gets used to the less sweet and less salty tastes and automatically rejects the bad and accepts the good.

    Now that you have created almost 3 hours of free and healthy time a day by not smoking a pack and less body weight by eating a seafood salad instead of a pepperoni pizza , you can invest this on walking or kayaking or riding a bicycle for a couple of hours in the afternoon when it's not too hot.

    Now that you have become also an active person, you deserve a small glass of wine or two at night with your light dinner and your sweetheart by your side,you will feel that tingle down below, and you know it's time for a little action.

    I bet you will sleep better and longer than before and won't wake up with a stiff body, aches and pains all over associated with getting older.

    Try it.




  5. On 10/2/2017 at 4:47 PM, ghworker2010 said:

    I feel my level of happiness is also slowly going down as I get older. Im getting angry all the time at little things. Is this normal when you get older.

    The slow realization of approaching  the end of life, as it's unavoidable, is the core reason of many of the physiological (like anger, lack of interest in sex and unhappiness) and subsequently physical  issues(ED, insomnia, fatigue etc) one faces at older ages.

    The key word being "unavoidable" above, all you can do is how you protect yourself from letting it get the best of you.

    I can suggest to eat right, stop smoking and lower or stop drinking and start spending part of your savings towards the things and people you love, keep yourself busy with stuff you like to do and exercise regularly to sleep like a baby.

    Your insomnia, libido,health and happiness levels will improve dramatically with all the positive things you newly introduced yourself to and by lowering your expectations a notch, anger will subside as well.

    i.e. You don't have to get there exactly at 3pm and even if you miss that flight, it's only money and you have that covered.

    Turn that "traffic like a parking lot" into a concert hall by tuning in the station of your choice and sing along or even connect to your favorite  talk radio of your country of origin (KFI 640 Los Angeles in my case) by a simple smart phone/data/a $10 Bluetooth speaker combination and laugh it off

    You're only getting better, not getting old!


  6. 10 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    "They" didn't need to.  It depends on which they.  A group of people that didn't care much, and were quite content to just take people's early deposit money, and didn't care if the project ever was finished.  Or since the government and regime changed radically, the approvals or processes are so convoluted, there is no rule of law.  So risky to buy into these sort of projects. 

    are you suggesting Pattaya or any other city in Thailand and their political system for that matter is a so lawless, so unpredictable, so unreliable and so untrustworthy that a project previously approved like this one or any other  can be stopped 3 years later, in a state almost near completion by the government in charge then?



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  7. 1 hour ago, newnative said:

    The bad publicity, and only the bad publicity, forced City Hall to stop construction

    I have no further questions if a City Hall could and would stop a construction because they "got emotional and were very much moved" by a mere 50 tree-huggers picketing outside.


    Furthermore, I guess when the authorities, likely a team of construction engineers and architects who stamped to approve  that Waterfront blueprint after months of  complex  calculations and evaluations, they must have forgotten to multiply the  "50 floorsX 3m.= 150 meters"(that's the height of a small mountain)


    Now try to put these two together.


    I always wondered why there were so many and long-lasting military coups in Thailand's history. Probably the only country in the world with so many in relatively so little time.

    I got my answer now, If you now what I mean!

  8. 10 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


    That depends entirely on how much money they have extracted so far, and how much they think they can extract in the future.

    Developers are only in it for profit and they dont give a flying XXXX about anything else at all.


    Personally I suspect that they have reached a point of diminishing returns.

    yes but this isn't a wooden doll house being built..its a full blown skyscraper for god's sake . On what part of  the due diligence did they miscalculate that lead them to decide to chisel in a few extra condos to make up for their loss..LOL

  9. On 2/22/2017 at 9:15 AM, Viggo McQuaid said:


    If you PM me your email I will forward the email from Bali Hai. 

    some posters here need to be awakened by hitting them on the head with heavy construction equipment

  10. 7 hours ago, newnative said:

    Any updates from anyone in the know?


    There are serious non-compliancy issues with the project. I am not too sure if anyone really knows the details of what exactly they are other than the project owners, their lawyers , Pattaya City Hall and some "unknown characters"...

    What's been made public so far is: An overbuilt area of 5000sqm and inadequate parking spots for the total area.

    There is a  disagreement between developers and the City Hall on the resolution of these two main issues. Developers proposed a  "5-floor reduction" (chop job) for the overbuilt area and a hydraulic parking for the parking issue and these remedies were apparently rejected by the City Hall.

    Meanwhile owners of the project filed "rehabilitation", a form of bankruptcy which allows them to regroup and come up with a plan (approved by the court) to save the project and complete it while legally keeping creditors away until completion.

    This is all we(at least I) know so far from what I been reading on these forums.

    I am sure there is "more"  to this story and we will probably never find out what that "more" is. Otherwise, I can guarantee that these two issues would be resolved during the past 3 years and unit owners would be sipping their fuzzy drinks by the poolside right now.

    I seriously doubt the developers would risk the whole project by not giving up a few more floors on top of the five, to resolve the main issue of the overbuilt area, end this torture and get on with their lives!

    But this isn't just it!

    At least I don't think it is...


    If nobody goes to jail at the end of this, all I will say is, "Liberty in exchange of giving up your project" kind of deal was made.

    Any other explanation would be similar to insulting my intelligence.

    • Like 1
  11. On 10/21/2017 at 8:16 AM, Techno Viking said:

    Are you really get your panties in a twist over some missing digits for a project that will never happen let alone be funded by you.

    I honestly don't give a damn if a bullet train happens or not.

    My beef is with the faulty and inaccurate reporting that throws me off.

    As far as the bullet train, even if it was approved yesterday, a middle aged man in his 40s wouldn't live long enough to ride the damn thing and I'm not gonna get into the details on why not as it's pretty obvious.

    Hell, they can't even protect their tiny 2km beach from eroding because their left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.


  12. On 7/11/2017 at 4:20 PM, watcharacters said:


    Shouldn't someone spend some jail time for this  fraud?



    Yes and from all parties involved in the process.

    First,the City hall and/or EIA employees or whoever  was involved in approvals,issuing permits,accepting brown envelopes,faulty, inadequate and look-away inspections.

    Secondly, the company hired by the owner of the project which got involved in the plans, obtaining permits, offering brown envelopes AND owners of this project are guilty IMO.

  13. On 9/5/2017 at 1:55 PM, sanemax said:

    She said that the 500 note was worth 400 Baht and it turns out to be worth 2000 Baht, five times more then what she thought that it was worth which suggests that she mistook the 500 note for a 100 note 


    No. She didn't mistake 500 note to a 100 note, because when the nice man at the money exchange at the Suwarnabhumi airport changed her 250 Kroner and gave her only 200 baht, she figured 500 Kroner is 400 baht and would easily cover the 343 baht fare!:cheesy:


  14. 100baht or 10,000baht.1 day jail or 10 years jail. what's the difference!

    when  the human animal gets very angry, his animal part takes charge and he will stab,shoot, chop, smack,kick, bomb to cause pain or even kill and he will use anything from a needle to a B1 bomber..he just won't care.

    it's the violent behavior  in our DNAs and it's not any different than that of chimps, gorillas and baboons...

    some cultures seem to be more violent than others due to social and cultural differences and possibly the climate.

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