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Everything posted by newnative

  1. The builders were ordered to stop construction. At the time work was stopped, the project was ahead of its construction schedule.
  2. 'All of these developers' are not shady. My partner and I have bought off-plan 5 times. The projects were all completed and on time. Several were finished early. If you buy from a large, well-established, public company developer with a good track record of completed projects, there should be little risk. Buying off-plan, we got a good price and we were able to sell all the condos at a profit.
  3. As I said in my previous post to BangkokReady, everyone is aware of this. Is there anyone breathing unaware? We have been dealing with the effects of covid on tourism for months and months. It's on stark display every single day. It's been discussed ad infinitum on numerous threads, and continues to be discussed. Finally, with the long, most recent painful lockdown being eased somewhat, a poster goes on an outing and takes a few minutes to note some positive signs of life he observed in Jomtien. No sooner had I finished reading this bit of good news, after so much bad, and along comes you with your post taking a big dump on it. In a sea of negativity, maybe try welcoming a little wave of optimism now and then.
  4. You, of course, are entitled to your opinion. I, and I think most people reading his post, took the headline and his comments on not needing foreign tourists as facetious. Certainly the OP is well aware of the impact of the lack of foreign tourists. Who could not be. But, perhaps after endless months of covid and a devastated tourist industry on full display every day, not to mention the thousands of posts already discussing every aspect of it, perhaps at this point it's not absolutely necessary to include the statement that 'Thailand needs foreign tourists' every single time you post on the subject of tourism--or make an observation on seeing some activity on the beach. Obviously, you are in the camp that feels that the effects of no foreign tourists must be stated each and every time tourism is brought up--as you did in your post. Thank you for stating once again in case everyone has forgotten that Thailand does need foreign tourists. I continue to find the OP's post to be a refreshing bit of good news with his Jomtien observations. I guess I should mention that, yes, it's a refreshing bit of good news but, darn it, don't forget, Thailand still needs foreign tourists.
  5. Maybe you should wake up. That was not my heading. I am not the OP, this is not my thread. I am not forgetting something I did not write. But, clearly you've lost the thread.
  6. It's not quite correct to say deposits aren't refundable. A contract can have any terms the buyer and seller want in it, as long as both parties agree to it. Most contracts will have a clause that states the buyer will be refunded his deposit if the seller does not, for any reason, go through with the sale, for example. I agree that, unless things have changed, you can use more than 1 international money transfer for the condo purchase. I know several times I put together 3 or 4 wire transfers to do a purchase.
  7. My Pattaya condo was banning visitors, not sure if that changed Oct. 1.
  8. I'm sure I am in the minority but I like the building and would like to see it finished, with, perhaps the very top step back floors removed. I think it's an interesting design--especially the bridge between the two sections. Pattaya sorely lacks interesting architecture and it should be encouraged rather than destroyed. Now that other tall projects have gone up in its vicinity--such as Unixx--it does not look out of place in the skyline. At some point other highrises will likely follow in that general area; I think some are already planned. For those of you who might be curious about the project, the "Think of Living' Bangkok show did an episode on the project when it was first under construction. My partner and I stumbled upon it by accident and I think it's still available. We were impressed by how the interior design still looked quite fresh, interesting, and appealing to us. The history on Waterfront has become quite muddled over the years with all sorts of reasons bandied about on why construction was stopped. My take is the very vocal protests caused too much heat for the mayor and the city. After first defending the project, reasons were found to halt the construction. Reasons can always be found, whether legitimate or not. There's no doubt in my mind that if the project had been by a large, powerful Bangkok developer, rather than a small foreign one, some sort of compromise would have been worked out long ago.
  9. I don't think that was the point of the OP's post. I think he was being facetious or flip. Perhaps re-read his post. He clearly states that the hotels, restaurants, and bars do need foreign tourists.
  10. Maybe educate yourself a bit before making inaccurate and asinine comments. I have a condo on north Pattaya Beach and it was easy to observe what was going on. It wasn't just a few people and, no, most weren't bringing their own food and sitting on the side of the road. Instead, they were staying at Dusit, and Holiday Inn, and Grand Centre Point, and Mytt, and Amari, and A-01, and Cape Dara, and some of the other hotels in north Pattaya Beach. They were coming in enough numbers before the current lockdown for the mentioned hotels to reopen, and others, as well. It was nice to see the activity on the weekends. With the lockdown finally easing, hopefully they will start returning. Also, don't attribute YOUR thoughts to me, thank you. Re-read my post. Nowhere in my post do I claim that domestic tourism will get 'Thailand tourism back to normal'. You can keep that asinine comment--don't give it to me. Of course it won't. What I and the other poster said was it was nice to see some signs of life in Pattaya--even if it is mostly just on weekends for now. Nice to not see everything closed. Encouraging to see some lights on again in the big hotels. Nobody is saying that some big hotels re-opening and some activity on weekends means tourism is back. It's not. But, it's nice to observe a breath of life here and there. As I said to the other rude poster, lighten up already.
  11. Sorry, but what a stupid, thoughtless post from you. Lighten up already. He was commenting on observing some life on Jomtien Beach over the weekend, and remarking that it was nice to see the activity. I noticed the same thing on Pattaya Beach the other weekend--lots of people around on the promenade, on the beach, sitting in the beach chairs, cars parked all along Beach Road. It was great to see the activity there, too. With restrictions eased, it's nice to see visitors from Bangkok and elsewhere starting to return on the weekends. Pardon us for being happy to see 'a breath of life'.
  12. Yes, always a 'providing...' or 'as long as...' or 'unless...'. People can't plan that way. Make it a firm opening with NO 'except for...' nonsense or don't open at all.
  13. I didn't get past #1 in the chart. Likely the vast majority of potential tourists won't either. They want just 1 requirement and only 1: fully-vaccinated.
  14. I agree. As usual, a poor, misleading headline. I voted incorrectly initially and had to change my vote.
  15. A large percentage of the working population is not out of work. None of my Thai partner's extended family has lost his or her job. Not one. You could say a large percentage of tourist industry workers have lost their jobs, although even there some are still employed. For those who never lost their jobs, it's been nearly 2 years of staying home, not eating out, not doing much shopping, not doing much socializing, not traveling anywhere internationally. In a nutshell, not spending much money. If international travel is still curtailed, many Thais will travel domestically. Before this last lockdown, the large hotels in Pattaya were getting enough domestic business for many of them to re-open.
  16. I voted to raise the foreign quota but I frankly don't see that it will make much difference to most projects. The sales will likely be spread out--a few in this project, a few in that. Some projects that have reached their foreign quota might be able to sell a few of the leftover unsold units. Some owners might switch from company ownership to foreign quota. I see it as a positive and it's at least trying something, rather than the current, useless thumb twiddling.
  17. Right. It's also meaningless to look at just 3 years of sales and then make all sorts of totally inaccurate statements about how many condos are owned by this nationality and how many by that nationality. It's just the last 3 years of sales, of which two have been very depressed due to covid. I'd rather see a listing of sales by nationality for the last 10 or 12 years. That would give a better idea.
  18. '...iron out the final details of the requirements.' Yikes. Lost 90% of the potential tourists already with that. Put the iron away. The only requirement should be fully-vaccinated.
  19. As others have said, it's difficult to find seaview houses around Pattaya and if you do they are likely quite expensive. You might consider a condo project like Garden Cliff 1 in Wong Amat. It's a small 6 story project of about 30 large condos and 4 townhouses right on a small cliff overlooking the beach. My partner and I used to own a condo there. It was 3 bedroom/3 bath with its own outside entrance like a house. It felt like we were living in a bungalow at the beach. Something like that might possibly work and you could buy in foreign quota.
  20. Let's remember the figures are for the past 3 years only.
  21. Today I got an AZ booster in Pattaya. I had 2 doses of Sinovac, the last on July 5, booked with the Mor Prom app and my pink card. Sinovac administered at Pattaya City Hospital. Thai partner was able to arrange the booster, which was given at a Naklua school near the government center. The whole process today was well-run. We arrived around 12:45 and were done around 1:30.
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