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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. I think people watch too many hollywood movies, where Jason Bourne just has to make it to the embassy and everything will be ok. Embassies/consulates of all countries, don't arrange of pay for services for their citizens, at best they will provide a list of local accommodation, medical, legal resources, BUT, they wont be paying for the services. They dont feed you, house you, take you to the doctors, or pay any of your bills. Most will provide some sort of loan for repatriation back home, but otherwise you are on your own.
  2. Neither will the Australian government, at best they will provide a list of local medical, legal etc, (at the woman's expense) loan the money for travel back to Australia
  3. Their list of things they "cannot" do is pretty extensive. https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/consular-services/consular-services-charter What we can’t do Some tasks are outside the consular role. For example, we can’t: guarantee your safety and security in another country or make your travel arrangements give you legal advice, interpret or translate documents intervene in another country’s court proceedings or legal matters including employment disputes, commercial disputes, criminal cases, and family law matters or child custody disputes investigate crimes or deaths overseas, or carry out searches for missing people, which are the responsibility of local authorities get you out of prison or prevent you from being deported get you better treatment in prison than local prisoners post bail or pay your fines or legal expenses enforce an Australian or any other custody agreement overseas or compel a country to decide a custody case pay for medical or psychiatric services or medications pay your pension or social security benefits arrange visas, licences, work or residency permits for other countries intervene in immigration, customs or quarantine matters in other countries store luggage or other personal items receive or send postal items on your behalf Our assistance may be limited in some circumstances You don’t have a legal right to consular assistance and you shouldn’t assume assistance will be provided. For example, we may limit assistance where: your actions were illegal you’ve deliberately or repeatedly acted recklessly or negligently you put yourself or others at risk you’ve demonstrated a repeated pattern of behaviour requiring multiple instances of consular assistance previously
  4. As others have said, a lot is missing from the story. People overestimate the roll of embassies, their role isn't to pay your bills, take care of your medical needs, they don't automatically step in every time one of their citizens goes to hospital. 67 year old, one legged women dont just appear in Thailand. One can presume she has somehow got herself here, has otherwise somehow been paying the bills, feeding herself etc, been responsible for her own circumstances.
  5. OP, just an observation, but it appears you have a problem (mostly) with a US insurance company, the company that provided the insurance. I doubt a Thai attorney would have the knowledge or jurisdiction to deal with an insurance company outside Thailand. Wouldn't it make more sense to engage an attorney in the country where the insurance is based/issued. And where the insured usually lives. Its not a thai insurance policy, I presume its not a Thai company. If the insurance company will only reimburse the insured, then its not really anything to do with the hospital, and I presume any reimbursement will be in the US, in $US etc. The terms/conditions/payments etc, would all come under US law. The only thing a local attorney could do would be the local hospital documents.
  6. I agree about the traffic, I have lived here for 8 years and the worst I have ever seen it. We were out and about at 11am and it was gridlock, took 40 minutes to get from central pattaya to over the dark side.
  7. How long is a piece of string ? Whether you make a profit has many variables, the first one being how much you pay for it. If you get a bargain now then you may profit in the future. If you pay a ridiculous asking price now then you may not profit. You may profit in other ways, like not paying rent for 5 years, or profit in changes in exchange rates etc. Other factors like location, ongoing management of the block, Thai visa or ownership laws, could all come into play. The last variable would be if the general market goes up or down. I just sold a condo, that I owned for 6 years , for the same price I paid for it, but I didnt pay rent for 6 years (equal to half the price of the condo), and the value of my home currency has fallen, so in home country currency, I am 30% up. I know a guy who bought for 1 million and sold for 1.5 million 5 years later, I also know a guy who bought for 2 million and sold for 1.8. In broad terms, the Thai market doesn't rise in grand percentages each year, supply keeps up with demand so there are no factors causing prices to rise.
  8. Grab and food panda are probably the two main ones, they both have apps and websites with all the menus and choices. Photos of food etc. Its a very easy process and usually very quick delivery..
  9. OP, rooting a phone voids its warranty, no sales staff selling new phones are going to advise on rooting a phone. There is a reason manufactures eventually don't allow phones to upgrade to the next android version, they know the hardware isn't compatible, doesn't meet minimum specs etc. Phone sales people dont know the inner workings of the operating system, no more than car sales people know the inner workings of a car engine.
  10. The actual piratebay site appears to be ok. I think you will find the.asia site is a mirror to the actual site. try thepiratebay.org
  11. Rubbish, starlink absolute top speed is capped at 500 Mbps, (200 for home users)
  12. 2500 Gigabyte internet, where do I sign ??? That's 20,000 Gbps. Even 1,000 Gigabyte is an impressive 8,000 Gbps. Jokes aside, Gigabit internet, or faster, is pretty much wasted unless every component in the path supports it, that means the server sending the data, the international links, your home network, your devices etc.
  13. Yes that right, but as I said above "a thai child cannot have a will" there is a certain age below that age they cant make a will, section 1577 of the civil code specifically states Section 1577. A person may transfer by legacy or gift a property to a minor, subject to its being managed, up to the time of majority, by a person other than the person exercising parental power. So there may not be a law saying a foreigner cant be the guardian but there is one that says the parents cant be https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-civil-code-part-3.html
  14. I read somewhere (but cant find it now) that the land office reasoning goes something like this, A thai child cannot have a will, if the child dies then the property goes to the guardian, so guardian cant be foreigner as that means they would then own property.
  15. OP, You will find a lot of the relevant legislation, not in the land act, but in the Civil Code. in the sections 1500 onwards, it covers parents children, guardians etc. Specifically 1574 and 1577. https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-civil-code-part-3.html
  16. OP, I think you will find the land office has discretion when it comes to children owning land etc, its not carved in stone that they 100% can. Its probably not so much the child being the owner, its to do with the restrictions that go along with that ownership, there must be a Thai guardian involved, the property cant be sold or leased without court approval etc. usually the parents cant rent back from the child etc. So the information desk is saying is it cant be done because you cant be the guardian, cant live in the house etc.
  17. Just go and see an agent , they will sort out everything for a couple of thousand baht. A lawyer would just be a waste of time/money (truth be told, they would probably get an agent to fix it then bill you on top).
  18. No, individually. If you do a google search there are all sorts of home remedies. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Common-House-Geckos
  19. So if you get rid of them, will you be back posting in a month, with a cockroach, mosquito, ant problem ? Mothballs, garlic and coffee grounds, pepper are all supposed to keep them at bay, doesn't kill them, but they go elsewhere.
  20. It says cannot travel "UNLESS" YOU HAVE TRAVEL DOCUMENTS". Any western expats have travel documents, ie: a passport, Burmese condo builders and stateless people often dont have a passport, or the conditions of their stay/employment involves travel restrictions.
  21. If the comments in this thread are any indication, trump doesn't stand a chance. Previously, any trump threads had 3-4 die hard fanboys defending trump, nowadays it appears its a unanimous NO
  22. Direct from the Thai Motor vehicle act (2522) Section 42 bis.46 In the case where there is a bilateral agreement between the Government of Thailand and a foreign Government concerning reciprocal recognition of domestic driving licenses, an alien temporarily permitted to stay in the Kingdom under the law on immigration having a driving license issued by the competent official or a driving society recognized by the Government of the country under such bilateral agreement may use the driving license of such country in driving in the Kingdom in accordance with the category and type of vehicle specified in such driving license; provided that the existing Conventions and/or Agreements between the Government of Thailand and the Government of such country and all the provisions relating to the obligations of a driver under this Act must be complied. By the letter of the law, home license is legal and an IDP isn't required "BUT" thai police will still ask for an IDP. I literally used to carry a copy of that paragraph above, in Thai, with my home country license. On the rare occasion I got police who insisted I needed an IDP, I showed it and was sent on my way. Some will accept only home license, some will accept only an IDP, some want both.
  23. Yes, that's absolutely correct. They needed something to announce at the photo op, so announced something that already exists and nothing to do with Thai/Australian relationship . I'm surprised they didn't re-announce already existing free trade agreements or tax treaties.
  24. This story comes from channel 9 in Australia, the same channel that, at the start of covid, sent a team of reporters to a wet market in Bangkok, to show us where covid came from.
  25. Most retirees dont have a family of 4 living with them, and one would presume by the time you reach a $60kAU net retirement income, you have accumulated a couple of assets like a fully owned home, cars etc, and you have medical coverage.
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