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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. its not a lawyer, its an agent. You pay them and they take care of everything, usually includeing the money in the bank requirement. Probably 90% of people on retire visa's use an agent.
  2. Visa cost is 1900 baht if you do it yourself, and you need to have 800k to show in the bank for most of the year. Or 15-30k if you use an agent, they usually take care of the money in the bank. You can stay as long as you want, You extend your stay yearly with the same costs and requirements. Visa can be done in thailand with no need to return to EU
  3. Its also the name of the province. Looks like a confusion between chonburi town and chonburi province
  4. Excel is so you can do multiple registrations at the same time. Its for hotels etc, registering 20 people at once. Not required for single entries.
  5. People appear to be a bit confused, fiber in a condo has nothing to do with condo rules, it comes down to whether fiber is in the building, or can be installed in the building. Usually, only one internet provider has run cables into a condo building, usually when it was built. Some buildings the cables can be upgraded with no problems, others, its almost impossible. Even in a building with fiber, the owner will still have to pay for the installation from the basement/risers into the condo, and retro fitting cables can be expensive, often using the existing phone cable to pull through the fiber, breaking into and repairing roof cavities etc. Once connected, its like your electricity, you pay a monthly bill to the telephone company, not the condo block.
  6. Thanks for the link, I will certainly be voicing my concerns and advocating that Airbnb be completely shutdown in Thailand. If you want a short term rental, stay in one of the 1,000s of great and affordable hotels, if you want a long term rental sign a lease on a condo. There is no need for airbnb to operate in Thailand.
  7. OP, songkran is probably the biggest holiday period of the year, everyone is on holidays including bike shops. People shut up shop, travel back to their village, have big family gatherings etc. I dont think you will find any sales or promotions.
  8. Everything sells for the right price. The trouble is, in Thailand, nobody knows what that price is because there is no sales data. Most properties have a value/worth based on supply and demand, past sales of like properties etc, its not uncommon for a property to be worth the same as it was 10 years ago, and if you buy at this price originally and sell at this price, then resales are often very easy. Where it all falls apart is people do no research and buy/sell at ridiculous prices plucked from thin air. If you buy at these stupid made up prices, then a resale at the same prices will be very hard. The Thai market is not like back home where the whole market rises 5-10% year on year. It doesn't stop people thinking the market does go up and asking ridiculous prices, based on what the guy down the road is asking. If you paid 2 million baht for a 1 million baht property, you will have problems with any resale. It doesn't mean the Thai market went down and nobody is buying, it means somebody paid way over the actual real market value.
  9. OP, probate will probably take a year before the house/land is in your name. then a year to sell it, I believe an extension of time is possible, and its not like the land office has a compliance swat team who will raid you on day 364. At the end of the day, you could always sell the house to a company you set up. Most of the population would be unaware that the property needs to be sold, so no reason you couldn't ask and get a fair price.
  10. OP, you must be aware that most property gets bought/sold here informally, and not through agents. Literally a for sale sign on the property or places like facebook marketplace and similar. Even if you do choose an agent, most of the time a property not selling doesn't have much to do with an agent not doing a good job etc. Its usually because people have a ridiculous asking price. The best agent in the world cant sell an over priced property.
  11. Is there a general law in Thailand about rules in condos ? As others have said, there is a condo act that covers everything to do with condo admin. However, there are usually specific bylaws for each condo block , things like no pets, noise etc. Can they add new rules without the approval of the majority of owner ? These laws are set when the condo block is established and filed at the land office, and can only be added to or amended via a vote at annual meeting etc. Can they fine condo resident ? On which authority ? What can happened if an owner refuse to pay a fine ? On authority of the condo act, where its is all layed out in great detail, including penalties for non payment. Can we request to have the total spending per month for maintenance, external contractor and other type of spending ? As stated in the condo act, a monthly statement must be available and posted for view, covering the money in out each month (usually posted on a notice board outside the office). And the fully audited accounts must be available at the AGM, (its usually one of the first items on the meeting agenda) If you are looking at getting rid of the current management company, the first thing is to look at their contract. These mafia like management companies usually have a very complex contract ensuring its almost impossible to sack them, and although they are not supposed to, they control meetings, proxy votes etc and then vote not to sack themselves. Thai condo act in English https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/new-thailand-condominium-act-2008.html
  12. Yes, it does border on paranoia, lol. The land office keeps records, issues and updates chanotes, and they are the only ones who update the records and chanotes. Any sales etc are recorded at the land office and on the chanote, The seller and the buyer both need to present at the land office for a property to change hands. the seller hands in the chanote, the sale is recorded on the chanote, the new owner is then given the modified chanote. If you presented a faked chanote at the land office it wouldn't match the records.
  13. Maybe you can enlighten us as to the "true facts". Explain why its anything more than 2 guys flee police, police catch them, they then assault police and take police gun. Are there further facts being withheld ?
  14. Wow, absolutely gobsmacked, There are actually people that think the NZ guys action is normal, justified etc. And they walk amongst us.
  15. I am on the committee for my 150 house moobaan, and its hilarious, as nothing ever happens. I was involved in the "who didn't pick up their dogs poop" scandal of 2023, the only time the CCTV has ever been looked at. The number one current hot issue is a renter from number 23 not showering before swimming, extra ordinary committee meetings have been called, suggestions of police involvement, and the issue is still ongoing. Jokes aside, I think its always good to be on the committee, just to keep an eye on things. Condo blocks can go from good to bad very quickly. And its usually to do with control of how the money gets spent. Some of the big blocks, its a significant amount of money and people want to get their hands on it. All of a sudden the gardening is contracted out to a 3rd party, being on the committee you can be aware that the gardening company is owned by somchai in condo 427.
  16. And yet, smoking dope and drinking krathom on every 2nd corner is fine.
  17. I think you will find that is not correct, there are no title deeds for structures. Yes you can own the structure but the documents to show ownership are the receipts from building the house. If a house and land already exists, the structure cannot be separated from the land. Its really a moot point, unless the house is portable and can be moved, it serves no purpose to own a structure.
  18. Here is the registration website if people want to have a look. https://www.tts.go.th
  19. I would take anything on that expattaxes website with a grain of salt. their business is scaring expats so the expats sign up for their services.
  20. You will find a lot of property gets listed on facebook marketplace and groups nowadays
  21. If your license still has a year to run, why are you asking about renewal ? When you do renew, you will require a resident certificate, a current or expired license doesn't get you a resident certificate. Most DLT offices will only give you a 2 year license if on a tourist visa
  22. The TM30 requirements at jomtien change with the breeze. I think you will find currently (dec 2023) they want a new tm30 if returning from outside Thailand.
  23. I don't think you will find any law covering moo-baan committee payments, most moo baans seem to follow the condo legislation . You can find the legislation online and easy to understand. If there is any mention of payments, its probably more to do with reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of the moo-baan, not a salary for the commitee
  24. Since when has a passport, license, or any form of ID , been a requirement to enter a water park ?????
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