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Everything posted by DavisH

  1. If as in the photos, it's not likely to be a kidney stone (that will show up on a ct scan). I've had a few stones - the pain is like colic and is at the side or the lower back and comes and goes. A large stone stuck in the ureter will send you to hospital quickly. Smaller stonces can take a month or more to pass. Is there any problem with urination? I was thinking of a ureteral sricture (narrowing of a ureter for some reason). I've also had pain like you describe - it went away after 6 months and I suspect I strained a muscle there playing sport when not having warmed up. It sounds like you have had most tests and they are clear. You can try the MRI. What did the doctor suggest it may be after finding the test results were clear? Note that worrying about it can actually make the feeling of pain increase (a psychoscomatic effect). I've had this before, as well. So you have to try to relax and not to worry about it so much.
  2. DavisH

    Warm Pyjamas

    Have you tried Lazada? There are many links when I searched "warm pyjamas".
  3. Why were they not given az as the second shot?
  4. That's the analogy that is used for teaching students in school about it.
  5. If Omicron is present in India, it wil get here as Delta did - acoss to Bangladesh, into Myanmar, then into Thailand via broder crossers. Or by air. Either way, it will get here eventually. Ideally it will be more transmissible but much more mild, and may displace delta.
  6. The PCR test was beign withdrawn to be modified so it could detect other kinds of virus/flu. In no way is the test uneliable or unfit for purpose. PCR is the gold standard for detecting sars-cov-2.
  7. It appears to be mild among those vaccinated, but another doctor there is reporting severe cases among those unvaccinated/partially vaccinated (I think in Soweto, that has low vaccination rates).
  8. Vaccines stimulate natural immunity also. Not just getting immunity from infection. Natural immunity refers to the innate immune system. Some seem to be conflating "natural immunity' with infection, which is not correct. One does not need to be infected to get "natural immunity". Otherwise, the 5billion+ vaccines would serve no purpose at all, aside from giving a short burst of antibodies, which we KNOW wane over time, regardless if they were gotten from the vaccine or infection.
  9. Those with severe symptoms were mostly not vaccinated. The data is still scant. I think we will know more in the next 2 weeks.
  10. Pfizer was shown to wane significantly as well. And that study showed waning was higher in older prople, and that they recommend boosters. In particular, mixing shots, may give longer immunity.
  11. I'd probably wait for a 2nd gen astrazeneca vaccine. They are relatively easy to tweak for new variants (and even the current one was not tweaked for delta). I've had 2 AZ shot, the last in August. Not in an hurry, as case numbers are still decreasing. Now to see what omicron does.
  12. Might have to line up the dates so I can do the 90day at my next extension. THis year, my school did my extension a month early, so I could not do it.
  13. If it's too early, though, they won't allow it. I have the same problem with the Nonthaburi office. 2 successful online 90day forms, then an extension, then a month later, could not do the online form with the same error msg as the OP. Out HR person did if for me, so at the next 90 day report I will try it online again. It may be that we will need to do it in person at least once a year (the first report after the extension). Some offices don't seem to have this problem.
  14. The kids won't like that either! There were a few watery eyes after yesterday's testing! They say"random testing" but it was over 100 students and teachers from 3 grade levels (all students). And more to be tested today. Medical staff did the testing, so I guess the school/government is supporting the hospital in doing this.
  15. My son loved Boro' pat (see youtube). He has good english skills now, mainly through watching youtube, and ppl with a variety of accents. He got 8.5 on the listeningpart of ielts recently - and that is from both schooling in an EP and watching english shows.
  16. Perhaps you will just have to pay for the first test. (The should be able to be purchased for 50-60 baht at the minimum). Out students have been back in school for nearly 2 weeks. They did not require an ATK, but most are now vaccinated. They just had an onsite atk yesterday (including teachers) that was free. No positives, fortunately. It seems the rules do vary a but from school to school and province to province.
  17. Filling with 98 benzene? You are not in Thailand, I guess. Perhaps post in a local jazz forum where you live? Some may have had similar problems.
  18. You obviously know nothing about vaccines or how the immune system works. You are certainyl NOT supposed to have antibodies forever, or even a year actually. They are just a response to infection.
  19. I don't know about the UK, but the Australian government (social security office) knew my mother was out of the country when she visited. I'm pretty sure the UK government know the whereabouts of their citizens overseas.
  20. Tint lasts for years, so I doubt you will have to worry about replacing it. We replaced some on our old civic about at about 12 yrs old I think. It started to change colour. 8 yr old tint on our swift and still good.
  21. Yes. https://www.headlightmag.com/official-price-honda-hr-v-ehev/ Prices have been announced.
  22. The numbers are not comparable. ALL arrivals are tested. Is the entire population of those countries tested? NO. Real infection rates are much higher.
  23. The chance of a false positive with atk followed by false positive with a PCR test are extrememly low. Of course, testing ppsitive does not mean one is infectious.
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