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Everything posted by DavisH

  1. 80%+ are already vaxxed in BKK, and the antivaxxers can suck it up or get a test done. Outside of BK, pople will do their own thing with mostly no restrictions anyway.
  2. 5000 baht fine for the owner and 5000 baht fine for the garage that modified the vehicle. Trucks can easily be modified for more power and still minimise smoke output. They could make it 0 emmissions but nothing would change as none of the rules are strictly enforced.
  3. The WHO already know this. It's on their website. Not sure about the :neck muscles relaxing", but they state many reasons why alcohol consumption can increase risk of infection (alcohol affexcts the immuns system negatively, for a start). Typical for the TV alcoholics to get their knickers in a knot over this story.
  4. What's your postgraduate degee it? Unless the rule has changed reently, you don't need to do any tests if you have a bachelor's degree in education or your postgrag is something like a PGCE/Graduate diploma in teaching.
  5. And if they are techers, they have no place educating our children. They should get vaxxed or lose their jobs (got one nutter in our school like that right now).
  6. Long term, it wouldn't felly matter. The point of a vaccine is to stimulate the immune system and to get it ready for potential infection. That's when the B and T-cells take over. Take whatever is readily available, and the vulnerable should keep wearing masks/social distancing after vaccination. Hospitalisation and deaths are higher among the elderly/immunocompromised than have been vaccinated compared to younger people who have been vaccinated.
  7. Did anu foreign teacher refuse the jab? Any consequences for not jabbing? Some students also now jabbed. Due back to school tomorrow - high school and fully vaccinated staff. But a few teachers are not fully until the following week and some are fefusing. Apparently they are still welcome back. Perhaps its up the school's individual policy.
  8. We must rethink this policy, because I couldn't go on my junket.
  9. That's been talked about on and off for years. I think Nakorn Nayok was mentioned before. Now try buying cheap land there or anywhere near Khao Yai. By the time they decide it will be far too late.
  10. Hopefully foreigners will wide up to this scam and not come. Get insurance and think everything is dandy then get slammed with a huge bill for being asymptomatic! They must be crazy or desperate to come.
  11. ICU is about 30K baht / day at a local provate hospital. So make of that fee what you will:) They mus use the most expensive paracetamol in existence lol
  12. Real infection after two doses gives good immunity....but we really dont know how long boosters may be required. Perhaps a few years.
  13. It's a higher vaccination rate than the UK during their vaccination drive.
  14. The link I looked at showed all of them on overstay or having entered the country illegally. Of course, that would be the reason for deportation.
  15. Well, people are bookign it already, and being test driven on the road. So let's wait and see. It should be 5 stars, but I will wait to see the rating.
  16. It's a slow vehice, that's what I'm on about.
  17. What high death rate? If there are thousands of positives walkign around among us, then the real death rate is actually MUCH lower that reported. I suspect most people with the covid sniffles will just stay home and self isolate. I'd only be off to a hospital if my condition deteriorated. This is what should happen with an endemic infection.
  18. Not necessarily. A fine is more likely to be imposed these days. Those deported probably have no WP at all/on overstay. There were reports about these relaxed rules a few years ago. Still illegal, but a fine is more common than deportation.
  19. Yes, people on covid extensions should make plans to leave asap. There should be more regular flights now, so there really is no excuse. I would say when it's easy to cross land borders (not sure of that situation), then the covid extensions will be terminated. I think many are doing border runs ansd they cannot do that yet. Hence the covid extensions remain in place.
  20. Useable? Many people just buy them as family vehicles, so I think performance is one key factor in the purchase. When you want to overtake someone, you want it to get a move on and not be a slug like that 2.2 wildtrak.
  21. Negative up to 3 days befpre boarding. So it is entirely likely they were infected prior to departure. On the plan is doubtful as they are tested on arrival, so viral load would likely be too low to be detected. Nothin is perfect and the tests are not perfect either.
  22. Bit of Information here. Go for the 3.0 if you like performance and budget is not an issue. Hilux revo is worth a look too. The fast one is the 2.8 low floor but it has no vsc. Would be "fun" in the wet!
  23. I think Thai teachers, in general, don't like to answer questions. This is why you see in many government schools, the students will rarely ask questions of the teacher, especially in the class in front of everybody. Do you understand? "yes teacher". But actually many of them don't, and they don't like to ask. Good teachers should never ask that question. I asked one of my m3 students who went to a new Thai school wheter she can ask questions of the teacher - she said yes, but they don't like it. I guess its to reduce the chance of loss of face for the teacher when they cannot understand. S0 I think it's not so much that they would get angry, but really its not a cultural thing. They may approach teachers outside of the class or online if they want more help. Or end up in cram schools as they don't learn a lot is regular school.
  24. Certainly NOT all work permit holders have Thai social security. Not one teacher in my private school has it, as they don't need to get it for us - even when we offered to to pay their share they refused. Fortulately, my wife is a civil servant and I'm covered under her scheme. If people have to leave, it's not likely they will return, as the insurance fee will be too much for many of them.
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