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Everything posted by DavisH

  1. I have a 2019 crv awd diesel. Not my wife got used to dricving it, I'm stuck driving her swift. lol The good thing about the crv is the comfort and good ride height (good for the floods). I think both the petrol and diesel will be replaced with a 1.5turbo and also a hybrid version at the next model. I like the torque fuel economy and normal 9-speed gearbox (9th gear is for +130km/h) over the petrol version, and is the main reason I got the diesel. Nothing wrong with the petrol version, but can be heavy on fuel in the city.
  2. People can be racist, not countries. You may well find more racists per head or population in the US. In fact, Im sure you would.
  3. Probably your school was not very strict. Where I work it was very strict - to the point of being painful (no cases for months, yet have to go throungh all the masking , social distancing business. And NO activities at all. So the kids were basically doing online what they were doign at school !
  4. I saw a video from the US a couple of weeks ago (don't have the link, sorry) where it was suggested for the Delta varaint, at least 85% should be vaccinated. It's probably nothing to do with that information, but 85% is better than 60-70%. The other 15% can get infected to make up the numbers.
  5. If the kids are schooled in Thailand at that time, they can do ROTC when they are in Grade 10-12. My son has done that, though the last two years were a mess due to covid. Normally, they do it one day a week, even in the morning or afternoon. It seemed to go half a year or less. After that, they have completed the requirements. Certainly public and private Thai schools have this, and I guess International schools as well.
  6. Update...Nonthaburi Labor office now require it for WP renewal, due to a change in the management.
  7. B- and T-cell activity will still be present upon reinfection, so there will still be some underlying protection even if antibodies wane. I really don't see years of booster shots, unless new variants arise that would require new generations of vaccines. None of the current variants seems to be able to outcompete delta, so I don't think this will be a problem just yet.
  8. mRNA reseatch has been going on a number of years. They are hardly "brand new".
  9. I rcommend to stay where you are for 2-3 years and build up your experience and resume. The big schools in Bkk get literally hundreds of applications - and dozens from people with 10+ years experience. The very high salaries these schools can pay attracts them. Besides, now is not the best time to come, considering the pandemic and all.
  10. I got to push several buttons in my car at start up. One of them is turning the idlestop off. Kind of get used to doing that. I do like the brakehold though. There seems to be too many safety features in cars these days for people who cant drive...I guess lakekeep assist is good if you are drunk trying to get home lol. But I'm pretty good at using my mirrors and staying in my lane. I do like the lanewatch camera though.
  11. Which dump is that? If youmean Thailand, why do you like here. If you don't live here, why post an asinine comment. If Chinese vaccines didn;t work, there is no way China could suppress millions of deaths that should hav occurred by now,
  12. This video is in Thai but it looks like the idlestop can be disabled. THis is the yaris, so you may be in luck. Ask a Thai to help you.
  13. We've been told probably mid November for in class teaching, to allow a 2 weeks post-vaccination period on some teachers second doses. Oct 15 is still school holidays. I think about Oct 26 is the start of Semester 2. But nothing is certain yet, and probably there would be only 1-2 weeks notice of schools opening.
  14. Depends on how far you have to travel to the Immigration office. Fortuantely, I'm 15 mins in normal traffic, but have done the last two online successfully. Gor my extension, then another 90-day 2 weeks after that. I will ask at my extension to see if they will update the online suste, before I try to make the next 90day report.
  15. Stupid yes....they develped a vaccine but they at the same time dont approve it. That really makes sense.
  16. My crv battery is designed for idlestop. I got 2 years out of mine and I don't use idlestop. I changed it at 40%. Probably cound have used it for a few more months but didn't feel liek gettign stranded aywhre. Other users may only get a year. This battery is 5K baht. I am aware of a wiring 'gizmo' (not sure what it is called), that can be affachere where th idlestop button is, and it can automatically turn off the idlestop when the engine is started. maybe something like tha tis available for th yaris in question (won't get it froma dealer, though)
  17. The bottom line is that equations such as y=2^x, y=3^x, y=e^x, etc, cannot be dirextly applied to any real life situation as it requires every potential person to be available to be infected, and each has the same chance of infection - that also mean no masks alloe, no sociail distancign etc. That is why practically no graph from any country shows rapid exponential increase (perhaps only over linited time spans, in some cases).
  18. For the Viraspec saliva test - from their data, below. The specificity of this test is 99.9%. That means if you test positive with this test you are almost certainly positive - the false positive rate is just 0.1% If you test negative with this test, there is about a 10% chance you are actually positive. I believe this test is / will be available in Thailand. I saw something in the press recently about it. I have not looked at data from other kits. The Aegirbio Viraspec COVID-19 Saliva Test is an easy-to-use lateral flow test that rapidly detects COVID-19 using saliva samples. When repetitive use is needed, or when testing on children, a nose swab or blood extraction is highly inconvenient. The Viraspec COVID-19 Test uses a mix of saliva and dilution liquid that reacts to the COVID-19 antigen in under 10 minutes, giving an easily read result. Compared to RT-PCR, human clinical trials have shown the test to have a sensitivity of 90 % for SARS-CoV-2 infections with a specificity of 99.9 %.
  19. Noone is forcing them....they can still get infected and get some of that sweet natural immunity that way. Ansd they WILL get infected eventually.
  20. Thats my plan. If I haven't been infected by this time next year, I'll look for a booster. But prefer some 2nd gen vaccines, which have not been produced yet. Only the elderly and immunocompromised shoudl get boosters at this time. Most of the elderly population needs to get fully immunized first.
  21. Was this a walk-in site? It sounds like no appointments were made.
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