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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. As mentioned above, please read: This topic is now closed.
  2. Some very good observations here. Also, don't forget we have members who are settled in their life in Thailand and forget us. Then something happens in their life (health issues/divorce/bereavement/etc.) and they need good quality free advice. It's not unusual for a member to start posting again after a gap of a few years.
  3. Your post was automatically hidden because you posted an email address. Forum settings mean that any post by a member that contains an email address is held for approval by a moderator. This is to stop spam bots defacing the forum. Sorry for the inconvenience. Legitimate posts such as yours are normally approved quickly.
  4. I feel very sorry for the 580 people/families who purchased a unit in this project.
  5. A troll post and a reply have been removed, along with an off topic post.
  6. Continuous employment is based on total duration, not contract length. The reason for this is that all nefarious employers would have to do to evade severance payments is issue 6 monthly contracts, then nobody would ever be eligible for severance. If fixed term contracts are being used in this way then it is a must to talk to the Labour Protection and Welfare Department.
  7. Before you do anything, including firing off letters, contact the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare. Ask them exactly what steps to take and what to write in the letter. Remember you are writing your letter as potential evidence in the Labour Court at a future date. Don't mention things like negative publicity as it comes across as threatening. Telephone: 1506 Extension 3 Email: [email protected] Line: https://lin.ee/B61BIi4
  8. Has anyone got suggestions for what to see/do during a 4 day trip from Bangkok to Vietnam please. Reasonably priced places to stay, attractions/trips, restaurants, etc. Thank you.
  9. Yes, forum rule 34 states: Members are forbidden to solicit, ask for or accept donations, gifts or commissions from other members unless prior approval has been given by ASEAN NOW management. I'll leave this topic open just for now, however if you ask or hint at asking members for money or anything similar then this topic will be closed.
  10. That 10 baht stuff looks like it is glowing. Imagine the health benefits.
  11. Can you do the report online? No documents needed.
  12. It's a tricky one. Technically you are responsible for the tenant named on the lease. If your tenant then allows others to stay in their leased property it would be down to the tenant to complete the TM30 (However some immigration offices might not accept this). In reality, as a landlord, the most important thing is getting paid your rent money. If doing the extra TM30s enables the tenants at the property to stay then that's what you should fucus on. You can be right in theory, and not help. Or you can keep the tenants legal and the rent money flowing in your direction.
  13. You do not need a work permit if you are a shareholder, which makes sense. If I buy shares in Bangkok Bank, I wouldn't expect them to obtain a work permit for me.
  14. That should make Thailand a hub of solar. When it's not sunny it's raining.
  15. Moved to the motoring forum.
  16. What makes me pause for thought is if an EV catches fire while parked in a condominium garage. In Bangkok it's normal for the first 7 floors of a modern condominium building to be used for parking spaces. If an EV caught fire the building sprinkler system wouldn't extinguish the fire. The fire brigade couldn't get their trucks into the garage as the ceilings are too low, meaning they would have to use hoses installed in the building or run their own hoses. There is little chance of towing the burning vehicle out of the garage. My concern is about structural damage to the condominium during a sustained fire. In a sustained fire the concrete and steel of the building can be damaged leading to risk of collapse. With car insurance payouts in Thailand capped at a low level who would pay for all that potential damage? If this becomes an issue in Europe/UK, etc then I can see additional fireproofing being required in multistorey and underground car parks. This is not going to stop EVs, it's more a case of building regulations potentially changing to meet new requirements.
  17. Pillow. Especially if you get out of bed very stiff and sore, and it gets better during the day, only to get worse the next morning.
  18. Chiang Mai today:
  19. This topic is closed.
  20. Use online banking. Withdraw and deposit cash from ATMs/CDMs. Hopefully that would be enough to hold you over for two weeks. Just don't lose your phone while your passport is at the embassy.
  21. Banks are obliged to their shareholders to promote the success of the company. Banks do not randomly decide to not recover money owed by debtors. As you know, they have whole departments dedicated to recovering their money or selling on the debt if they have no success. If a bank can recover money easily and cheaply then that will be their first choice.
  22. It's completely relevant, because sick leave is not never-ending. There comes a time when it is reasonable for the employer to consider the employee can not perform their job any longer. That exact time will vary depending on the employer and employee, but guidance should be sought from the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare. Their reply will inform the OP of whether or not severance pay should be expected or not.
  23. I think you are looking in the wrong area. Consider the Labour Protection Act Section 119 (5): The Employer is not required to pay severance pay to an employee whose employment has been terminated under any of the following conditions: (5) neglecting his or her duty without justifiable reason for three consecutive working days regardless of whether there is a holiday in between or not. The application of Labour Law to long term sickness is a complex area. In this instance I would contact the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare: Telephone: 1506 Extension 3 Line: https://lin.ee/B61BIi4
  24. He can say what he wants, but the bank will follow its procedures. If the bank can not obtain payment for the mortgage eventually the property will be repossessed and sold. The balance owed after any such action will still be owed jointly and severally. At this point the bank can ask the Court for an attachment of earnings order against his wife, and seek out assets of the husband also. The most obvious assets are condominium units, vehicles and cash held in bank accounts.
  25. Called Toploader after a way of rolling joints. My apologies to the OP for being off topic but this is a miniscule fact even less people know.
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