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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. It looks like there are two new entries because you have two new content items. The first new content item was a post from OneMoreFarang and the second new content item was from FruitPudding. I am guessing both replies are from a topic you follow.
  2. The first thing to note is that the people in the photograph are not the minors referred to in the original post. Section 4 (3) of the Personal Data Protection Act grants mass media an exemption: This Act shall not apply to an individual or a juristic person who uses or discloses Personal Data that is collected only for the activities of mass media, fine arts, or literature, which are only in accordance with professional ethics or for public interest. The question of whether or not the photo is a matter of public interest is a matter for Thai PBS, who are a Thai government news organisation. As Thai PBS are a government news organisation we acknowledge that they have impeccable legal, moral and journalistic standards and to say otherwise would be defamatory.
  3. It's a great idea for a topic, and it was good of you to start it. We appreciate it, thank you.
  4. Brian Thank you for taking the time to answer questions for people. Local experience is always really helpful.
  5. The picture was published by the Thai Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), a Thai government news organisation. We have to believe that a Thai government news agency follows the law at all times. If you would like to contact Thai PBS about this you can use their Contact Us page linked below, which also has all of their socials listed: https://org.thaipbs.or.th/service/contactus
  6. @stubuzz Thank you for the update, it is very helpful.
  7. Moved to the Home Country forum.
  8. Don't take this personally, as I'm not saying this to offend you. The picture you posted is for an EZ Savings Account. We are discussing EasyNet. They are different things. This is what you have: https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/deposits/savings-account/easy-saving-account.html This is what we are discussing: https://www.scbeasy.com/v1.4/site/presignon/index.asp You are correct that an SCB EZ Savings Account does not have a bank book or an ATM card, however the type of account you have is not what this topic is about. We are discussing the discontinuation of SCB EasyNet. Thanks.
  9. Taking a photo/video capture almost totally eliminates banks own customers successfully defrauding the bank and protects the bank as much as the customer. This isn't a new principle. Decades ago banks had a similar problem with customers misremembering they used an ATM and disputing the withdrawal. That is why every ATM now has one or two cameras installed in them that can take photos or videos of every transaction and instantly upload the same for storage and retrieval on the bank's servers.
  10. EasyNet is an electronic system accessible on the internet that allows people to access information about their bank accounts, and also to perform transactions. For lack of a better description, it is what most people would consider "online banking". EasyNet is not an account. You cannot get an Easynet account. EasyNet is a way of accessing accounts that you already have. So, if you have an account with SCB, you can access is via EasyNet, in the same way that you can access the account by the SCB Easy mobile app or by telephone banking, or at an ATM. Again, you are mistaking EasyNet as a type of account that you can access using an ATM card. In reality, as I have explained, EasyNet is a method of accessing your existing account. I have accounts at SCB. I use EasyNet to check the balances of these accounts. I use the SCB Easy mobile app to perform transactions on my account. I have an ATM card for one of these accounts. I have bank books for all of these accounts. Another way to explain it is that you can have an SCB account and not be registered for EasyNet, but you cannot be registered with EasyNet if you do not have an SBC account.
  11. I'm sorry but I don't know. I never use them for transfers. Good question though.
  12. @kwilco Thank you for the reply. I was wondering about bore holes as each guest can use several hundred litres per day.
  13. How do hotels manage this? Do they have extra large water tanks that have enough storage for the period when there is no supply? Otherwise I can see quite a few unhappy tourists who can't have a shower or flush their toilet.
  14. Rats and other infestations are absolutely the responsibility of the tenant, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in the lease. You have 4 dogs. There is conflicting advice on this, but are the rats attracted to the dog's faeces? Some websites say rats are not attracted to dog faeces, while other websites say they are. I don't know the answer, but if you have a patch of land with a concentration of faeces on it and the rats are attracted to it then you will keep getting more and more rats, no matter how many you catch. Apologies if this doesn't apply to your circumstances.
  15. For anyone who doesn't get their facial recognition activated for transfers over 50,000 baht, you can always withdraw cash from your bank and deposit that cash at the beneficiary's bank. The physical process will take longer than a transfer using your bank app but it is still a valid way to send money to a beneficiary.
  16. That's a sensible approach.
  17. Everyone. It's not mandatory if you don't want to electronically transfer over 50k at a time.
  18. Apparently these types of solar panels have previously had an issue which limits their operational lifetime. Has that been fixed? https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/perovskite-solar-cells#:~:text=Despite significant progress in understanding,of their limited operational lifetimes.
  19. The Bank of Thailand is making all Thai banks register their customers for facial recognition if they want to transfer over 50,000 baht. In your situation your new passport and your need to transfer 300k happened to coincide.
  20. I agree, it would be. However the certified copy often needs to be legalised at the Thai MFA, and it is here that the authenticity of the copy is checked. A fraudulent certified copy will/should be discovered every time. This is because your embassy keeps a copy/scan of the document they produced for you, and the MFA sends a scan of the document you submit to them to your embassy for comparison and verification. If the MFA and the embassy staff are doing their job correctly it's going to go wrong for the fraudster.
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