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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. I beleive its down to the condo unit owners. I seem to recall we discussed changing management on occasion. We have always had plus management and they seem to do a very good job so no need to change. Our manager is very proactive and helpful.
  2. Was talking to a friend about angle grinders a few weeks ago. Next day went to a website on my PC and it had adverts for angle grinders on it. I had never searched for angle grinders ever but there were ads for them. How was that? Clearly my Android phone, logged into the same Google account, had heard the discussion with my friend. What else can there listening link with?
  3. Haven't seen it mentioned above, but I find the price value rather poor. Sure the food is ok but service so-so. Can be very busy but the prices on my 2nd and last visit (Sep 2022) were way in excess of the quality. Only went because it was a friend's birthday.
  4. Does anyone really think that the offenders will care? If they can't obey the law or pay an official fine, they are unlikely to worry about renewing road tax. Too easy to pay off cops and that's even if ever caught. I got stopped driving with expired Thai licence some years ago. 500 Baht "fine" and let on my way.
  5. Was watching the Sky News live from the court earlier. Went on a bit so turned it off. Not surprised at sentences, but why make the 36 life sentences concurrent? Certainly he's a bad one like many other coppers the world over. Seems that the media is extremely focused on this (rightly so as crimes are terrible). But many police have issues and simply cannot be trusted, here in Thailand, the UK and the USA. Just send him to jail and throw away the key.
  6. Don't be defeatest. Plenty of fun and excitement in finding the next one! And the next...
  7. Assume OP @SuperSilverHaze is talking about a 5G data package. I'm on AIS postpaid with a 4G Samsung S20 phone. At home here in Bangkok get 132Mbps/Down and 43Mbps/Up on AIS. I can understand that OP might feel agrieved that he is not getting speeds he assumed or were "advertised" for the price paid. Be aware of small print which is likely what the network will fall back on as a get out. Doesn't make it right but that's how it is. As he mentioned network infrastructure will vary too. User numbers and data consumption on the cell site will likely affect speeds too - high concentrations of Thais watching TikTok, YouTube or Facebook videos will certainly slow network speeds. OP did not mention which phone he's using. Some phones are much better than others when it comes to network speeds both on 4G/5G and WiFi connections. I used to use DTAC from 2002 until 2020 and finally gave up on them as their data reliability became total s.h.i.t.e.
  8. Jeez, coming to Pattaya and worried about how the road construction is. Sure, if it was a specific question for a location such as in front of your hotel then valid. Surely there are more exciting things in Pattaya to look forward to than road construction!
  9. Should those here who rely upon visa agents for their extended stays be worried? Could this trickle down to lower level immigration officers too?
  10. Agreed totally. During Covid, I met a huge number of expat friends through a couple of bars in Bangkok and Pattaya. We enjoy lawn bowls, bicycling, motorcycling, dinners as a group with our significant others, get togethers for Sunday roast lunch (often 18 persons at our table) and coffee etc. Mostly Brits but also Irish, Swedish, Dutch, Americans, Canadians. A real decent bunch of people who have worked hard, been successful, got pensions/investments and just want a better/different life here in Thailand. Not everyone is the miserable type or sexpat often portayed coming here.
  11. Why did the USA have to destroy the balloon. Surely it would have been more useful if there was some way to quietly intercept and capture it for further forensic examination to ascertain it's exact purpose?
  12. I won't ever move to the right or turn right without turning my head to do a quick rear observation. Same when in car or on motorbike here in Thailand or the UK. I was trained to do this in the early 80's by a motorcycle instructor. There's a very good reason why they call it "the life saver".
  13. There's a restaurant chain that seems to be pretty good. My understanding is that they have millions of customers and are popular in many countries. Their menu and pricing is reliably uniform and offers many choices. They are usually open for extended hours so you can get 3 meals a day there. A description of "great" goes they seem to fit the bill. The name of the company is McDonalds and their branding is red and yellow. Let us know how you get on.
  14. This topic gets regurgitated every year. Over and over again with divided opinion. Nothing is going to change anytime soon. We have to live with it and hope whatever small measures are introduced will reduce the AQI numbers. For me, here in Bangkok right now, sitting on my 5th floor balcony, the air is fine to breathe, I'm not choking or wheezing and the sunshine is nice. Of all the years that this gets discussed, the only times I suffer discomfort, is when riding the motorcycle through traffic in the heat and stuck behind a dirty city bus - those should be eliminated immediately (or at least replaced with latest specification low emmission engines). I feel that if the transport authorities imposed low emission requirements it would be the greatest help. One point, if it really was such an issue then I would not choose to stay here.
  15. Not true. No tax id needed. A Thai id card is needed for a personal account but NOT a tax id.
  16. Do you really think that Thai citizens using PayPal in Thailand are paying taxes where due?
  17. He couldn't bare to leave the young attractive massage girl he met while staying on the island?
  18. I'm an experienced rider of almost 40 years. I do ride in Thailand and love big bikes. As much as I'd enjoy a fast bike, there is just no place in Thailand for a bike that can do 100 KPH in 2nd gear. Scooters are quite fast enough. The risks posed by other riders and drivers (and animals on the road) are just too great. The lack of attention and awareness by other road users is breathtaking. So sad for Mr Edward and his family. 67 is not old and he was likely living the dream until the end. Whatever the real reason, speed, power, motorcycles, truck and Thai drivers do not mix well. RIP.
  19. That changed in the last couple of years. Med cert needed on renewals now.
  20. If I was stopped for a shake down and guilty of wrongdoing then I'd try to blag my way out of it, or failing that, negotiate or simply pay up. If totally innocent then would stand my ground.
  21. You'll be lucky to get a British consular bod out from behind their bullet proof glass let alone assist you. Just why do they need to have bullet proof glass? ???? Was in there in November and they even had "Bomb" panic buttons <deleted>. They really are that paranoid about their own citizens wanting to harm them. Why is that?
  22. Great story. Hope you rewarded the policeman for his assistance.
  23. Are these same said hotels attracting the "quality tourists" as per Thai government edict? ????
  24. Agreed. However; why are hotels so cheap in Thailand compared to the west? Because staff are paid so poorly and less well (hardly) trained. Why are staff so poorly paid and less well trained? Because customers (often westerners) don't want to pay higher prices! A 5 star hotel in London will run easily 20,000+ THB per night. Here in Bangkok it's possibly as low as 3,500 THB per night. Neither is guaranteed to get great service these days. The differences elsewhere around the country are stark. Any service at all for 1,200 THB night? Rarely in my experience.
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