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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Slightly off subject but Wawee food court mall inside the moat has taken to instruction for the Chinese... This is posted on the inside of the door in the toilet stalls in the men's bathroom... I can only assume the women's have a similar albeit longer instruction manual...

    Would love to see the 2 step translation so I know I'm also doin it right?...


  2. People have provided a lot of useful information, and it's much appreciated. I'll ask for one more bit of help; can anyone direct me to a map that shows exactly where the license and test place is? I've found general directions, something about near the end of the airport runway, but I'd like to know exactly where I'm going before I set out.

    here is a cheat sheet... Its a bit out of date as they have added the movie portion of the event...


  3. If you are afraid of the tap water... You might add the ice cubes that are put in every glass in Chiang Mai... If you doubt me go for aride along the Ma Naam Ping river and take a look at one of the ice plants...

    That's bull, water all over the world is taken from lakes, rivers, filtered and cleaned waste water. As if Thais would make ice cubes from straight river water. clap2.gif

    Sorry for the confusion - I Did not say the water came out of the river I just said the ice factory was on the road along the river!
  4. If your present license says you can drive a motorbike you may be able to avoid the movie and tests... If not the whole day affair starts with a 4 hour movie... Reaction test (know the Thai words for red, yellow & green)... Written test... If you pass all this in the afternoon you do the driving test..

    As stated before you must get there early - I think they cutoff at 8am when the movie starts...

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