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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Thanks for the information.

    Being a bit of a cynic, when I saw the thread title, my thought was 'a few years before I arrived'.

    Yeah me too... Was expecting another thread about 30 baht Leo's - This was a refreshing change - Thanks!... biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  2. You married the wrong woman... stop whining about your situation (which solves nothing)...

    Sit her down and say you will give her 100,000 baht the day the divorce decree is signed and choke the 100K up to experience...

    If you are still sleeping with her... As Judge Judy says... "Get out of my courtroom!..."

  3. I have noticed the single biggest drain on my iPhone is when there is no internet connection... I ride my motorcycle out in the countryside and when I get back at the end of the day I'm usually below 50%....

    If I'm at home in my wifi zone the end of the day shows 90%+...

  4. Chiang Mai City News were present at a meeting with CM Immigration officials yesterday

    The question of mailing 90 day reports was covered along with a host of other matters.

    And the news that a new Immigration Office is to be built next year.

    Worth reading


    Yay! a new Immigration office - I assume there plan is to built it near one of the sky train stops... coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  5. I mailed mine last Friday afternoon (15th - 2pm) from the Phra Singh Post Office...

    EMS showed delivery to Immigration on Monday the 18th at 10am...

    Postal guy hand delivered the return EMS with my stamped 90 day reporting on Wednesday the 20th to my house...

    I would recommend paying the extra 30 baht for return EMS tracking...

    Then all of this can be seen thru the EMS tracking website too...


    PS my house is in Suan Dok a stones throw from immigration - so being in the city is no problem thumbsup.gif

    PSS I used the english text on the envelope as described in the pinned post (as well as english text for my return address)...

    The post office are a very professional bunch and had no problem understanding english coffee1.gif

    How many days did you mail it in before you were scheduled to report? I read it needs to be sent in 15 days prior to the report date at http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=90days but the date is November 2004.

    I mailed it 15 days before the reporting date... thumbsup.gif

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